Chapter 1 Path of Familiar Faces Part 2

Tupã took me deeper on the forest, i normally would have walked along the big dragon, but the pain rendered me immobile for a good while.

"The process of making a magic core is not simple, every creature creates one after 1 to 3 years from it's birth"

"I remember the lore of this world Tupã, but i do remember that there was a few methods to create homunculus in this world, if I could just get the materials, maybe I would be able to make it"

"You mean my master's alchemy power?"

"It was actually me who used that power for him"

Alchemy was the name they called it on this side, it was the power to turn objects into other objects by fusing them with a lot of mana, It was one of the 3 powers only I could use.

Tupã brought me to his gardens, a beautiful place with several plants, herbs, a pile of gold and weapons, and a mountain of bodies...

"Wait, why is there a mountain of bodies there?!?!"

"The humans have invaded my forest a few times, they came not to explore or gather herbs, but to kill me.

"Wait, but why?... No, if it's them"

"Correct, it's because of them"

I took a big sigh and patted the dragon's side, being targeted by the church was probably the pact's fault, having a spirit connected to "the savior" granted Tupã authority in the spiritual realm far greater than the godly spirits that serves the gods, knowing that, both churchs would target him.

"What can I take from here? I'm already asking too much from you"

"Take everything, gold and weapons have no meaning to me, the soul I got from those crusaders was actually disgusting to say the least"

The dragon turned his face away to everything he offered me, i simply smiles and patted him again, i turned to the pile of gold and weapons and moved my opened hand to it's direction.

"Alright... Focus... If my theory is correct... Then I just have to..."

I imagined every last of the objects before me sinking and disapearearing into a silver puddle, as if that mental image became real, the objects sank into a transparent silver puddle, I could see the information in my head, as if a list of everything I took was on my memory

"Then "inventory"... "Item box" can really be used on this side as well"

"Hum... It's just like when master did it, sorry, you did it, satisfied now? You got everything"

"No, I just took the gold and weapons..."

The moment I said that I noticed, in the mental list of objects, i also saw the several herbs and plants, to even the clothes of the corpses were taken as well.

"Item box works better than I imagined, it's basically a area wide "auto loot" "

"Using complicated terms that doesn't belong in this world, you sure are just like my master"

"You could say that we are twins after all, but it seems I don't have the materials to make a core for myself."

Tupã looked at me and tilted his head, of course we didn't get what we needed so easily, yet it was a good start, if any of the others was to start like this, they would surely have had a luxurious start, but for the powerless me, it was far from enough.

"Then we have no choice, you must know about that sword right?"

"You mean my first failure of a holy sword?"

Looking at Tupã I knew right away, he meant a weapon I created long ago, a weapon that was strong on its own, but lacked a power of it's own, for some reason, Tupã took a deep liking to it and kept it on a pedestal on thousand years ago.

"Come, it's finally time for you to use it, the precious "daydreamer" will finally see the battlefield"

"... Yeah"

We arrived at the deepest part of the forest, getting there, I saw the sword, shaped like a cross, it was a jet black sword with azure blade and a silver cross on its guard, the "Daydreamer" was the first Holy sword I created, made of dark silver, steel and dark wolf pelt, it was a sword that earned the power of "Copying the wielder's power", it may sound good and all, but the proportion it does is the problem, the one who pulls it becomes it's owner and master, the one person to hold the sword afterwards have a memory of it's sword skills transplanted on the sword, but only a fragment of it, it also works with mages and other kinds of people, but the proportion and conditions to collect it all made the sword almost useless, i was surprised when Tupã accepted to take it as present and mark of the contract the "Savior" had with him.

"Are You sure about that? You said many times that it was a treasure you cherished"

"As much as I love that sword, a dragon can't use a sword, and this sword's duty is to be used in combat, besides, if you don't want to, you can destroy it and take it's soul core, like you want to"

"... It's not that simple, if it's destroyed, the core probably would be damaged as well, one way or another, it's a better weapon than the ones I got there, so I will accept it"

Saying those words, i put my left hand on the sword handle and lifted it, a storm of power shook my body to the core, a storm of feelings such as sorrow, loneliness and happiness stormed inside of me, Daydreamer's will was telling me how it felt for the past one thousand years here and how happy it was that I could finally wield it, feeling it myself for the first time made me realise how cruel I was to leave this sword here.

"I... See... I'm sorry daydreamer, let's walk together for now on"

"You finally understand and it hmm? Very well, you got everything I could offer you, is there anything else I could do for you?"

Tupã said to me while his eyes were fixed on daydreamer, I looked again at my new partner and then at Tupã, I still needed to test if I had the other 2 powers I had.

"No, I will return to the entrance myself, thank you for everything, old friend"

"Hahaha! You say that to me, yet the one who is over 13 thousand years old is you, Lord of the begining"

"Don't call me that, you just need to call me as 13, untill the day I can call myself Mamoru with pride"

"Then fare well 13, that you may have find the way to slaughter those two who distorted this world for 13 eons"

With those last parting words, i smiled sadly to the dragon and the word around me distorted at high speed, the next instant, i was back to the forest entrance where I woke up.

"Quick travel... No, I should call it teleport here, I wonder how well I can use it from now on"

I looked to the direction of my next stop, and rubbed the handle of daydreamer gently before making it disappear into my item box.

"Next stop, the holy knight's village"