Chapter 1 Path of Familiar Faces Part 3


I arrived at the village after a hour of walking, I walked right pass two old men who seemed to be surprised, most probably because of the direction I came from and my clothes, it wasn't really a issue to be honest, I could have changed to the clothes of one of the dead crusaders, but that would most probably cause havock on the village, it was way better to look like a strange foreigner than a executioner of the church.

"Excuse me young lad"

While considering a few things, a old lady stopped me on my tracks, i calmly looked on her face and recognised her right away, the person before me was the grandma of the Holy Knight.

"Young lad, you looks a little familiar to me, can I take a good look at your face?"

"I... Sure beautiful young lady"

I bowed politely to her, the old lady laughed blushing at my little prank, she surely was around 80 years old, her appearance sadly said that she was already on the 3rd digit age however, something natural to someone living on a forsaken village like this, after her laughter stopped, she put her tired hands on my cheeks and looked me in the eyes.

"What a weird feeling... I feel like I am staring at my grown up grandchild..."

The old lady starts to tear up but quickly stopped herself and wiped the tears in a hurry

"Sorry about this, I know that such a traveler with... Unusual garment, must be in a hurry to pass by this humble village, but could you stay for one night in my house? I feel like I should talk with you"

"I'm sorry, I'm not exactly in a hurry, but i actually have business here, I must see the temple of the Holy Knight as soon as I can"

The old lady looks down a little dejected, but quickly looked up at me again with a apologetic expression.

"Then I'm sorry to say this, but the temple is closed today, only tomorrow it will be opened to the public again"

"That's... Unfortunate, but I suppose I could then do as you requested me, i can't leave a beauty such as yourself hanging when you desire my company"

The old lady laughed once more and gave me a weak punch on my shoulder, as weak as it was, I could feel my shoulder dislocating, the pain made me tear up right away.

"Such a flirting lad you are, must be the terror of the woman around you!"

"I wish, i think this generation I am from doesn't like such virtuous methods of flirting, at least where I live"

I silently put my shoulder back in place and started to walk with the old lady, passing by the village's merchant area and heading straight to her house, the village itself was far too simple, with many wood log houses, it's population was mostly of old people around 60 to 80 years and small kids between 3 and 13 years.

"You mentioned before that you felt like you was looking at your grown up grandchild, is your grand child dead or lost somewhere?"

"No no young lad, I never even saw his face, the child i mentioned died on his birth over 24 years ago, i just felt... I don't know, like you was the spitting image of him"

"I see, I'm sorry I asked such a delicate history"

She looked down after I said such words, I knew that it was the case, her grandson would have become the Holy Knight at the age of 17 and go all over the continent to end the war, however, it would happen in another era, in any other era, her grand son would have died on the birth.

"Oh well, you can take me as your grandson for a day if you want so"

The old lady's expression brightened and she took my hand to walk slightly faster, as if being dragged by a energetic child, i was forced to walk at her pace, we were almost at her place when my eyes were attracted to a specific direction, i turned my eyes to see the temple of the Holy Knight, a fairly big building made of white wood, seeing it from the outside was enough to see how out of place it was compared to the village, it had many ornaments of a long sword, it was shaped similarly to a lightning bolt, but it's handle resembled a fang.

"The raikiri"

"Oh! So young lad knows about the Holy Knight's sword? Not many travelers knows about it's story and power, do you know the legend?"

"I do, "Granted by A being beyond this world, it's the sword that moves like lightning and cuts like adamantite" right?"

"You are well known"

I knew it's legend of course, i was the one who made it for starters, yet such information should never be revealed, even when the world knows about me, thinking such things, i directed my gaze at the old lady's home direction, just to see someone looking at me.

"Oh my! Such a beautiful lady is looking at you young lad, is it a ex lover or maybe someone interested in you?"

I didn't respond to her words and she also stopped talking the moment she saw my face, i didn't know if my face revealed sorrow, sadness, fear or hope, but i was sure that my expression wasn't one i would normally make, since I was before a ghost the past

"Is that you? Is it really you?"

Saying those words, the slender yet tall woman approached me, her odd eyes, one azure and another emerald were looking straight at my eye, the greatsword far bigger than her and the bow on her back revealed how skilled and war forged she was, her white milk skin and pointy ears revealed her race, but her hair... The one feature a high elf should have, the golden long hairs were now ash like silver, the sign of a elf who suffered some form of hell beyond words, her name one thousand years ago was...


"So it is... It's really is you, Savior Mamoru Peter, after one thousand years... I finally found you"