Chapter 5 Aftermath of the first Battle Part 2

Sakura, one of the 10 apostles of order, a markswoman with abilities that could be counted as far higher than exceptional, at her prime, she could take down wiverns with arrows from 100 kilometers, her use of the huge sword of order was as exceptional, yet it was thanks to the blessings of order, after she was forsaken, her skills and experience were taken away from her through a profane ritual that... Included the act of rape... Her mind and body were marked in a way even after 1000 years, she still didn't recover, the psychological scar is deep enough to make her lose control of herself when that event is even mentioned, i don't know if she can overcome that, but i hope she can find happiness somewhere, after all, she was the woman that "he" loved.


Was it ok for me to leave her there like that? I asked myself, it would be a lie to say that I didn't want to go and see her at that moment, to hug her and calm her worries, but the savior tried that himself, the strongest and wisest of me, the perfect version of myself didn't do it, i surely couldn't even dream that i could.

"No no... Focus, i still have other things to take note"

Sakegara-no-tachi, the once sword of order, i made it out of a whim and anger, but it actually worked far better than I imagined, a Holy Sword made specially for sakura, it is basically a great sword shaped like a arrow, it's handle is long enough to be used like a arrow, it posses sharpness and weight equivalent to how wet or dirty it is, being able to be as light as a arrow and a s heavy as a elephant, it's firepower could be devastating if used well, just hope sakura can make good use of it.

"... I guess that's it for now"

I cold take notes of other things now, but i should not put things that i still am unsure about, like the Holy knight's ego being gone.

"Daydreamer, i think I should sleep a little bit, can you wake me up if anything happens?"

I asked my sword, despite the fact it IS A SWORD, it could do many things, such as detect people getting close to a extent, so i could trust it to watch my back, daydreamer released a comforting feeling as if to answer to my request.

"... How many times should I tell you that I'm sorry for abandoning? You are such a wonderful partner"

I slowly closed my eyes, all the tears, blood and combat finally hit me and almost instantly knocked me out, my mind was swallowed by a warm shadow as a single thought filled my mind.

-- how long will this take...?--


-- Oh finally!!! You are finally here John! --

I opened my eyes in a white endless world, a voice, my own younger voice called to me by my name, right before me, was the Holy Knight, Mamoru Andrew.

-- So this is the void of your soul? I guess it's a good way to call it --

"You say that, but what we know as soul and what we have as "soul" in this world are completely different"

With that said, i took a good look around us and over to the sky, instead of a sun or moon, the white sky had a green broken gem floating, it was not hard to guess that it was the soul crystal of Andrew.

-- Call it spirit realm then or whatever, the point is, we can see each other in here, happy now? --

"... So you was reading my mind all this time?"

-- "our mind", we are one body and originally one being right? From what I can guess, this is the place where I'm supposed to train you and make you a full fledge knight --

"I'm not going on a crusade for the gods, thank you very much"

-- Like hell i want that!!! Those fuckers messed with my life and the other 11 as well, you are here to make them pay right? Then let me hammer sword skill in your thick head! --

As if to answer to his words, Raikiri manifested on it's original glory on his right had, Andrew smirked and took his stance, i could say i was surprised that the first thing he would do when he saw me was to come and beat the shit out of me, but i know myself better than anyone, specially a 7 years younger version of me.

"Fine, tell me how make my sword show up he..."

Before I even could finish the phrase, my body was slashed to over 38 pieces and I fell down, you would normally think that since it's my own realm i would not feel any pain, but reality is crueller, a excruciating pain different from everything I felt before was hammered to the core of my being, yet i couldn't scream or cry as my body was in pieces.

-- Oh yeah that! Just have to imagine you are pulling it from your inventory as usual, about fixing your body... Try to imagine yourself being teleported, maybe that will work --

Managing to understand what he said, i forced my body to teleport back to the same place i was before, the idea worked as my body returned to be whole again, but the moment I had my mouth and eyes together again, i started to cry desperately, making my eyes burn and my throat get completely dry.

-- Crybaby, the weak should get used to suffering and pain, it's the only way to get ready for the hell ahead of you --

I stared at him, even if he was me, i put all my anger and pain into a strong stare at him, something that made him take a step back and show a afraid expression for a second.

-- Good, feel better? Your stare just now started to freak me out here, if you can make a face like this, then maybe you can fight after all --

I opened my hand and made a copy of daydreamer who i took the same stance as andrew's.

"Yeah, go on mister knight, cut me to pieces, i will soon enough slaughter you in a even more painful way than you did just now"

-- I wonder about that, let's see how long it will take untill you can actually block a single swing of my sword --

And as if rejecting my statement, i was reduced to even more pieces, starting my hellish training against the holy knight.