Chapter 6 Sword Master Cleave Part 1

It have been 3 days since then, i never felt the desire to punch my own reflection so much as now, my body despite not being actually hurt, still felt like I was torn apart over and over, i could barely see any difference in my battle power after so much suffering, my swordplay could barely be described as improved, my reflexes were my only saving feature, i managed to read his movements and block them after the second night, but i couldn't use my sword to block the blows at all without being cut to pieces... Enough of my suffering, it was already time to move on, so i headed towards my next target, my second incarnation's resting place, Simon the Time sage, to do that, i moved to the cliffs of Emor, a path filled with several low rank monsters such as blood wolves and 3 headed hawks.

"For real, how annoying can those little shits be?!?!"

Despite my clear improvement in combat, i was still forced to dodge the endless attacks of the wolves by running in circles along the cliffs, for someone who saw them from a outsider's perspective, they looked kinda cute, but up close, the blood dripping jaws were fairly terrifying, and daydreamer releasing a "you can do it" emotion didn't help me at all with handling them.

A wolf cornered me on a part of the cliff with many spiky rocks just waiting for someone to fall on them, i turned to it and closed my eyes

"Damn damn damn!"

Seeing me as a cornered pray, the wolf jumped at my throat, but the moment he did that, i smirked and showed him my tongue before bisecting him daydreamer, in the end, he wasn't even close to the speed of Andrew, slaying it in one swing of my holysword was more than enough to handle it after all.

"Damn... How many should I kill to get some slack?"

I turned to the corpse and it started to release a smoke like aura, that aura came to my body and passed through my heart but did nothing to me, the "soul" of the wolf that any living being in this world would absorb to get stronger didn't even enter my body at all, as long as I didn't have a soul core, i would never be able to gain any actual power.

"... I will at least keep it untill I get some use for you"

Using auto loot, i got the wolf corpse and his soul inside my inventory for future uses, but that could barely be described as efficient, after all, i already got over 156 wolves already, a absurd number if I have to say it, but they never stopped coming to me no matter how much I struggled.

"Daydreamer, do you have any idea of how hard it is to make a homunculus just to take it's soul core? How many materials i need for that? Partner it's a hell of a task to someone powerless like me"

My sword simply released a confused feeling to my honest rant, he simply couldn't talk to me after all, but still could care for me, daydreamer was a the perfect person to hear my complaints and just motivate me, but even that was somewhat lacking compared to actual human warmth.

"Let's keep going, the quicker we get Simon's soul gem, the better..."

As if to contradict what i just said, 5 new wolves came to me, a number i couldn't handle alone.

"... For fucks sake!!!"

They jumped at me all at once, it would surely be his death, if he played it fair.

"Great, come to me like the wimp you are John"

In a flash, "I" passed by the wolves, slashing them to pieces as if they were pieces of meat, Raikiri on my right hand releasing it's sparks condemning me for being too weak.

"Oh well, at least you was smart to come for me first after all, only sad thing is how long this lasts"

The green eyed me looked at his reflection on daydremer's blade, the reflection with brown eyes looked frustrated, what made "me" smirk.

"Well, that's all for now, see you in a hour, collect the food before the soul vanishes"

With that said, "I" vanished back to my spirit realm while i got my body back.

"... Bastard"

The spectral Raikiri vanished soon after I said those words and the soul passar through my heart without doing anything again, but soon after the pieces of meat got sent to my inventory.

"Well partner, let's go a little faster, I'm tired of all this walking"

With that said, daydreamer released it's motivation to me and i resumed my walking, in less than 30 minutes i arrived at the trail to the city of Emor, in half a day i would surely arrive there, some hope for a proper place to rest filled my head as I started to run.

"A bath, i need a damn bath right now!"

I ran and ran, without caring for anything, but soon it would make me pay the price, on that same path, a man was walking to the opposite direction, covered by a brown hood, he passed by me as I ran.

"How naive for a Swordman, passing by another Swordman like this is the most foolish act to ever be done"

With those words said, i finally realized the mistake i did and tried to make daydreamer appear on my hand, but i didn't make it in time, as the instant his phrase ended, my left arm, right leg and the superior part of my right ear, i fell to the ground bleeding out, the cuts on my limbs burning hot as my body was quickly getting cold from the blood loss.

"How miserable for a self declared "God Slayer", isn't that right Mamoru?"

The Swordman looked down at me, but that pain was something i already got used by now, so i just used my inventory to make a potion appear on my mouth, i drank it all in one go as my right arm grabbed my left and put it in place then i quickly put my right leg in place as well, i then slowly turned my eyes to the Swordman before tearing off my cut pants leg and my jacket sleeve.

"Oh? So you do have some of the hero's miraculous potions, that save me the problem of you losing limbs before I am satisfied"

The Swordman then pulled his sword, for the first time I saw his weapon, a katana, but it wasn't just a katana, in the whole world, there was only one Kitana ever made, a holysword made as present to only one man.

"Sword Master... Hanzo..."

The Swordman lowered his hood revealing a asiatic like man, a dwarf without beard that looked like a young man, his deep black eyes stared at me emotionless as I said his name in disbelief.

"So you know me? That's more than enough then, i don't need to introduce myself to you"

He took a stance without revealing any emotion at all, his eyes piercing through my soul.

"Come, foolish Swordman, i will cut you atom by atom untill I am satisfied"

The Demonic master of the Holy Knight, The Sword Master Hanzo forced me to a duel to the death