Chapter 6 Sword Master Cleave Part 2

Daydreamer appeared on my left hand and it released it's discomfort as I took a holy knight stance against Hanzo, the sword on his hand was the second Holy Sword i ever created, the Onikiri, a sword made to slay even the intangible, a weapon i gifted to the one who helped Andrew to make his own sword style, a companion that was dear to him and to me for the past 12 thousand years, but now he stood before me with clear killing intent.

"The Holy Knight style? This kind of swordplay is not fit for you in the slightest, you should throw away your sword and beg for my mercy"

"As if, a coward would be beheaded instantly"

"Correct answer"

He cut the distance between us the moment he said that and slashed at my chest, i blocked the blow, or so i tried to lie to myself i would do, the cut on my chest was deep by stopped before hitting my heart thanks to daydreamer, i took a quick jump back as my blood oozed out, i made a moonlight herb appear on my right hand and i covered the wound that closed instantly before I put the herb away.

"Hmm cleaver, this way you don't waste any material or potions, but one thing is bothering me now"

Hanzo pointed his sword at me, more specifically, my right arm.

"Why are you fighting without using a sword on your dominant arm?"

His question was clearly a good one, after all, my right arm was indeed my dominant arm, but i was using daydreamer with my left arm

"Good question... My answer is..."

Without finishing my phrase, i cut the distance between us and appeared behind him with my teleportation, slashing at his back, but hanzo without even looking at me, hit my stomach with his katana's sheath, sending me flying back to a rock.

"Good, you can use distraction to attack your opponent when his guard is down, and the movement there was really good, if you could use that speed on your sword swings, maybe you could actually scratch my shoes"

My vision was blurred, i barely could hear what he said, the difference in power was simply absurd no matter what i tried or said, hanzo turned to me with a now bothered expression.

"Come already, from the impact i just broke 4 of your ribs, you can still keep going without using a potion, unless your lugs got pierced... Was it?"

He said that while watching me drink a potion, from being torn to pieces so many times i could tell, not only my lung was pierced by the impact, but a piece of my rib was inside my lung, piercing it even more, understanding how fragile my body was, i couldn't afford to get hit by enemy attacks at all, yet i was being played by a fucking monster.

"Why are you here? Last I checked, you wouldn't waste your time with a poor excuse of a Swordman like myself"

"... How sad of you to say that"

"I'm a realistic man after all"

Hanzo swings his sword to clean it from my blood, but the single swing cut a pile of rocks into two, it was more than obvious to me that he wasn't even close to getting serious with me, yet i was still trying to fight him instead of running away with quick travel.

"Then tell me, why didn't you even try to run away? i know about the hero's ability to move instantly to distant places once every half hour, why didn't you do that?"

"... You know a lot about the hero's power hmm?"

"The answer is the same for you and me"

He took his stance once again, this time i also took a stance, but different from before, i took a stance where i hold my sword over my head with the tip facing the ground, it was not a stance for a long sword wielder, but a stance of a katana wielder, hanzo on the other hand had a stance where he holds his sword with both hands, similar to a kendo base stance.

"This stance looks sloppy, it's filled with openings and you clearly can't use it well, only a idiot would do that without knowing how to properly do it at all, yet it looks more natural to you"

This time, i didn't answer to his words, i was going to make my own style of swordplay, one unique to me, i was already tired of all the beat up and pain, the tears and suffering while i tried to mirror a childish hot blooded bastard, trying to copy a younger and stupider version of myself.

"Good, that's a good expression you are making now"

Killing all fear, killing all worry, i focus on my stance, slowly relaxing and adjusting it, i look back at hanzo with a serious expression.

"I see, then this is the face of a hero when facing a monster, let's see how well you go now"

Hanzo finally releases his mana, his body got covered by a light green colored aura that flowed to his sword, he then slashed his sword a few times, releasing his mana as flying slashes towards me, i adjusted my stance and blocked the first slash, the strength of the slash pushed me back strongly, but my stance didn't break, the next 3 slashes did the same pushing me against a stone and pressed my body against it, my legs almost gave in, my arms got dormant and i got a severe headache.

"Good, you can guard against them, but you really don't have any mana at all hmm?"

I started to breath heavily again, my greatest weakness was once again pointed out, what frustrated me even more was the expression hanzo had when he said that.

"What a pity, so this is really your limit"

The moment he said that with a disappointed expression made me snap, something inside of me was always fighting against the sensation of powerlessness i felt since coming to this world, but from all people, having him say that it was the last drop.

"Don't fuck with me..."

And for the second time, the crimson eyes revealed themselves.