Desperate Measures

Alaia's POV

I arrived back home feeling very frustrated and low. People have stopped syphathising with a blind person anymore or what.

Honestly, I was hoping to use that to my advantage. It usually works for me, when i go to some places. Some people let me get away with alot of things, or they want to give me things because of it etc. I know that sounds bad, but thats what usually happens.

I thought Mr Bishop, the older one, would feel sorry for me and let my dad be. But that Nickolas guy, that man has a heart of steel. I didnt mean to come out so rude but he just hit a nerve. Am not usually like that. It wasn't even him i went to talk to afterall.

And to think that that was my last hope. Now am back to square one with zero solution or hope.


"Hey baby,, where have you been, i went by the shop and was told you left early"

"Ohh, hi Dad.

I went to meet Mr Bishop today..... and before you can freak out,, am ok... nothing bad happened, Rita went with me" i quickly add.

"Ally, now why would you do that?"

"Well....I had hoped to convince him to drop the charges, he was with his son and they wouldnt really badge." i confess.

I decided to be honest, am sure he will find out what happened anyway. Besides, i have never really been good at lying and Dad can see right through me.

He sighs defeatedly. Atleast he is not angry.

"You shouldnt have gone there my dear. This is not your problem to solve. Besides, I dont want you near those kind of people anyway."

"And what kind is that? "i ask curiously but deep down already knowing what he means.

"The kind that think too highly of themselves because they are rich and successful. They have no respect for other people and would not think twice about crushing you to the ground to get what they want"

He joins me by sitting down on the steps of the back door overlooking the backyard.

"Am sorry for getting us all in this mess honey. I know i have let you guys down" He sounds so broken. It pains me to have him like this.

" I understand, am not mad at you.......Mum still not talking to you?" i ask.

He sighs. "Yeppp" dragging out the P.

"She'll come around" i say

"Aaahhhh" we both sigh.

Mum has been pretty dissapointed with my Dad and hasnt spoken to him much these past few days since the whole stealing scandal broke out.

We have always been taught to do right by my parents and been made to lead a be kind, respect other people and go to church kind of life. So i know dad must have been really desperate to do what he did. Am not condoning him, i just understand why he did it.

"What do we do now?" i ask hoping for a miracle.

"Well, for now, you can help me prepare for jail since your Mum wont help" He says trying to make light of the situation.

"Daaadd, thats not funny." but we both laugh anyway.

"Well atleast you wont get to 'see' me go to jail..get what i did there,huh. Pun intended " he elbows me and we both laugh again... Its so hard to stay mad at this guy.


Couple of hours later, we are all having dinner as family. It's so quiet lately at meal times, almost uncomfortable due to the recent events with dad. Everyone is usually absent minded and deep in their own thoughts.

We hear a knock at the door and Dad gets up to see who it is. After a while, we hear voices of several people and my heart freezes when i hear the word Bishop. What now?

Mum hears it too and gets up to go join dad in the living room but not before telling Zara and i to wait for them here and go ahead and finish our dinner.

There is further talking and i hear Dads voice getting louder and angry.

"You must be out of your mind, I can not allow her to be involved with you" He shouts.

"Calm down honey" Mum tries to calm him down. What are they talking about?

"I will have to ask you to leave" Mum informs the unexpected visitors.

Zara and i are dead silent now, trying to capture every single word that is being spoken out there.

"This is the best offer you could have hoped to receive. You should even be greatful that we are making such an offer under the circumstances " a voice speaks forcefully"

"And what circumstance are those?" My father asks furious now.

"Your daughter is blind, its not everyday she will get an offer such as this, and from a Bishop for that matter, do you know how many women have dreamed of being in her position?" the voice continued.

"Shut up Marco, i will handle this... Mr n Mrs Crowe, please think about this very carefully before you make a decision. You stand to gain more than anyone here . All your financial problems will go away, and you will stay out of jail.

After a year, your daughter will get her life back and everyone will move on as if nothing ever happened." Another unknown voice speaks more calmly.

Huh, So this is about me. Is it because of the visit i made earlier that they are here now? It doesnt seem like the man from the office is here too though. I havent heard his voice yet.

"I already said no, i would rather go to jail than allow my daughter to be involved with any of you" Dad insists.

At this point i get up to join them in the living room.

"Well, that can be arranged" the voice belonging to Marco says again.

"Go wait in the car Marco. Nick will fuck you up if you mess things up"

The other voice speaks again but more firmly this time.

"Fine,, i won't say another word" Marco concedes.

"As i was saying, have you thought about what will happen to your family when you go to jail? " the voice continues.

"That is not of your concern" I say, now walking into the room. Everyone is silent for a minute upon my arrival before my mother speaks grabbing my hand.

"Ally honey, go back to the Kitchen, your dad and i will handle this."

"Its ok Mum, clearly this is about me. Now who ever you are, if my parents are asking you to leave then you should leave, now."

"You must be Alaia, nice to finally meet you, am Aaron Bishop, with me here is Angelo Morreli, one of our family lawyers and my young brother Marco" the unknown calmer voice who i now know to be Aaron speaks.

"Marco.." I start wanting to give this guy a piece of my mind, he has been quite rude to my parents.

" In this house, we have manners and respect. Thats the behaviour that is tolerated here, considering your brother Nicholas is so high on respect, perhaps he should start teaching you some, instead of preaching and demanding it from strangers" I hear a quiet chuckle.

"Alaia" Aaron coughs to clear his throat before continuing " After some thought and discussions on our end, am here to make a proposal that fits the unique conditions in your ownership document and work out a way we can help each other out" He explains.

"What kind of proposal?"

"Marriage" What the hell??

"To who?" Zara and i ask at the same time.

"My older brother Nickolas" The office guy? Hell no!

"Aren't you being much too forward Mr Bishop and unethical."

"Lets just say that we don't like to waste time, and the situation does call for some.....desperate measures." Desperate measures?? Desperate measures is what marring me has been reduced to now huh?

"As i was trying to explain to your parents......" he tries to continue.

"No" i cut him off before he can finish.

"Excuse me?"

"I said no to your proposal. Now, if there is nothing else, you need to leave" i continue as i walk towards the door and hold it open for them.

"Goodbye" i finish.

I hear a fustrated sigh and footsteps towards the door.

"I hope you do not regret this. But I will see you again Miss Crowe, i assure you"

"I hope not" I reply as he walks past me.

"Goodnight firecracker" Marco says with some humor. The nerve.

"Goodevening" the Lawyer guy i forgot was even there finally speaks.

I Shut the door and turn around "What do we do now??"