
Nicholas' POV

"So, how did it go" i ask Aaron as he walks into the study with Marco following close behind him.

He sits down next to my father on the couch, while Marco goes to sit on the chair by the desk and places his feet on the mahogany desk top.

"Get your feet off the desk now" i warn him.

"Well, he said no to the proposal,, that he would rather go to jail actually" Aaron informs us.

"Huh" i scoff. I doubt that very much.

"I bet he was just bluffing, playing a little hard to get. Give him some time to think about it, he will come around" Marco says putting his hands behind his head.

"We don't have time. Did you make him understand what the consequences of refusing the offer would be? I probe further.

"Aaron was being way too diplomatic,, you know him, thats why the old man had the gats to refuse" Marco responds instead.

"Get your fucking feet off the desk, i wont tell you again." He drops them immediately.

"Besides,,his daughter basically kicked us out before we could finish talking.. "Aaron adds somewhat amused.

"She kicked you out,how??" Well, why am i not surprised. So much sass behind that innocent face.

"Ohh yeah, and apparently i need to learn about manners and respect. So what is it about you demanding respect??" Marco asks with a smirk on his face.

I raised an eyebrow curious

"What did she say?"

"Well lets see....." Aaron fakes a thinking face by using his index finger and thumb to hold his chin.

" Since Nicholas is so high on respect, perhaps he should teach you some, instead of preaching and demanding it from strangers" Marco offers quickly, clearly amused.

Dad laughes "she said that?"

"She called me 'Nicholas'? " I ask quite surprised. She has some nerve.

"Yeppp" Marco smiles. Mmhhmm... Okay.

"I like her" Dad decides again for the second time today. He found her 'honesty and frankness' quite refreshing he had said.

Also, not many people stand up to me, he thinks she's exactly what i need to and i quote 'shake up my life a little bit and turn in the right direction.'

"You forgot to mention she is really beautiful though" Aaron says as if he has been contemplating that fact alone this whole time.

"And great ass.." Marco adds.

"You had time to check out her ass.." Aaron asks.

"How could i not, Especially when she went to open the door. She's way too fine for a blind girl"

"Enough..." I end their bickering.

"I will take it from here, cant rely on you two to fix one little problem. " I chide them.

I will handle little Alaia myself.

"Are you sure you will find the time, away from teaching Marco some manners i mean? " Dad asks sarcastically as they all burst out laughing.

I pick up my whiskey neat and head out of the room.

Bunch of idiots.


Alaia's POV

Thursday finds me working at the dry cleaning shop, doing the usual stuff.

After doing it for so many years, it's basically one of the things i can do really well. Plus i know where to find everything from memory.

Time after time today my mind keeps going back to the whole thing with the Bishops. I wonder what will happen today after i rejected their offer. Will dad be arrested again? Am so nervous and jumpy, i just want to go home. But i need the money now more than ever, so here i am. Plus i need the distraction.

"Ally, there is someone here to see you" Robert, one of my colleagues yells out.

"Coming" i stop what am doing and head out to the front. Again, i know my way around here from memory after working here for so long. I stop dead in my tracks when i hear a familiar voice.

"Hello Alaia, we need to talk" Oh crap. I cant miss that deep voice anywhere.

If he wasnt my enemy, i would have actually found the accent in his English attactive. Only a little bit.

"Mr Nickolas Bishop" i utter.

" Ohh, what happened to Nicholas? I thought we were already on first name basis" He says with some humor in his voice.

"What can i do for you, i thought we already discussed whatever needed to be discussed with your brothers last night" i mumble trying to recover from the shock of having him just show up here like this.

I sudennly wish Rita or Sienna were here with me to boost me up. The confidence from yesterday is long gone. Focus Ally, i tell myself.

"Well, from what i heard, it wasnt much of a discussion considering you kicked them out before any conclusive decision could be made" he says smoothly.

"I think kicking them out was conclusive enough, they did over stay their welcome." I respond defensively. He makes me feel very uneasy, the way he is acting so calm as if he is in control of the sitauation already.

But my confidence starts rising as i continue "Besides, nothing has changed. What is there to discuss really"

"Plenty, but not here, come with me for a while" he says casually as if we are old friends meeting up for a drink.

"I cant leave, am working right now, besides, i dont think i want to discuss or go anywhere with you." i tell him, but somehow i know that that won't make him go away.

"Trust me, you do, its in your best interest and mine as well. Now c'mere, do you need help getting around the desk, i dont have all day?" i can hear his footsteps approaching me. He has some nerve.

"What are you doing? I already said no, besides i just cant leave in the middle of work to go off with a stranger to i dont know where" I say stepping back.

But before he can respond i hear Robert shout from the back as he approaches us clearly eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Yes you can, you can take an early lunch break. I will cover for you" He says enthusiastically.

"Robert, you are willing to let me go to an unknown place with a person you have never seen me with before? " i ask him clearly shocked. Are these the kind of friends i keep around me?

"Oohh, but i know who he is,, Nicholas Bishop, his family owns one of the biggest companies in the city, i have seen him in the newspapers and TV a few times, i know where to find him relax"

"Just promise me, you will you take care of her!" he adds talking to Nickolas.

Nicholas hesitates as if considering his answer carefully and finally replies " If she behaves"

I feel my face heat up. That felt more like a dare than a warning.

And before i know it, i feel a big hand wrap around mine as i am gently guided towards the exit and into a car.

Well, its good to know my opinion doesnt matter then, thank you very much.

Eeiishh, this will not end well.

A/N. Thanks for reading.

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Much love.