A Rock And A Hard Place

Alaia's POV

I open my mouth like a fish out of water.... Is he serious? I mean, his brother said that yesterday but it was too crazy to fathom. I can't believe HE actually wants to do this. These people are out of their minds.

" Yes i do and i dont think he will allow me to do that, if i were to even agree to this crazy proposal" i say instead of 'get away from me you lunatic'. By the way, i dont even have a boyfriend.

"Well unless he is going to fix your problems, you gonna have to end it now. For the duration of our marriage atleast." he states arrogantly as if its a simple thing he he talking about. He sounds so conceited, uuhhgg, dont get me started man.

"Its not his job to pay for anything, besides, money is not the solution to every problem. Some things you cant buy with money" i digress.

"Yeah? like what?" Seriously???

"Like Family, Health, Love." he laughs for the first time surprising me.

"Uuhhmm,lets see,, family... i already have family, we all have that actually, its free of charge after all, so we will not consider that.

Health... Yes i cant buy good health, i you can buy or afford access to the best health facilities and treatment, and that makes all the difference in the world, you would know that better than anyone. I imagine he is refering to my mum.

As for love,, well, that is quite subjective, depends on what one is looking for.. I can enjoy a relationship without love just as much as the next loved up couple, am not really the emotional type.

Plus because am rich, i can have any woman i want anytime, and you know why? Because women respond to money, so thats not a factor.

Basically Alaia, there isnt much money cant do if you have enough of it sweetheart"

Wow..... Am not quite sure how to respond to that much arrogance, or even where to start, so i just stay quite.

Fortunately, Leah comes back to let us know lunch is already ready and has been served in the dining room, and to find out if we still want our tea now or after lunch.

He reaches for my hand trying to help me up.

"Lets have lunch now? " I suddenly get anxious trying to imagine who else will be there, and the formality of it all. It always makes me very nervous to eat in front of strangers.

The Bishops are the last people I want to dine with, i would rather go hungry and eat back at the shop. And what if his brothers are around too, that would be even more awkward after what happened yesterday.

"You know am really not very hungry after all" i try to convince him again.

"If you can just send me back to the shop, i will really appreciate that. I will think about what you just said and get back to you once i decide.. Just give me a number i can reach you on" i quickly add pulling my hand out of his grasp.

He sighs audibly " Thanks Leah, We will eat in the dinning room" he says sending her away.

"Alaia, you don't really have much of a choice here. Am just trying to be diplomatic with you, but there is really nothing to think about, and you dont have much time either. You have a chance here to help your family.

You know the consequences of saying no right? If you push me into a corner, i can make your lives very difficult, and jail will be the least of your worries. Do you want that?"

He speaks down to me as if he is speaking to a child, its so annoying. I want to slap him. He is threathening me and making it sound so simple. But i know he is right, this could be the best chance for me to help my family.

"No" i respond.

"Good. We will be married for only a year. In the meantime, you allow me full access to the poperty as your husband and in exachange, you never have to worry about a single bill for the rest of your life.

We will exchange ownership legally afterwards, then we can all get on with our lives as if the marriage never happened.

As for lunch, if it pleases you, we can have it out here just the two of us, away from everybody else." He adds so casually as if we were just talking about the weather before.

"So how soon can u pay off the..uuhhmm, the bills" I ask feeling very awkward and uncomfortable to even be considering this.

"As soon as you sign the NDA, Contract of sale and Prenup. It can even be as soon as tomorrow. Its up to you. Sweet baby jesus. That soon. He takes my hand again. Whoa.. take it easy cowboy.

"Can we eat now, am quite hungry. And you know, you might as well get used to eating here with everyone,, this will be your home in a few days" He adds.

A few days? few days?? Hearing him say that kinda makes me feel like am gonna have a panic attack. How am i supposed to live around people i dont know. What if they dont have enough patience towards me like my family does and they think am a burden. I haven't even agreed to this yet have i?

"Alaia??" Nicholas must have sensed my mental battle.

"Alright, I will have the driver take you back to the shop, then you can tell your boss that you will nolonger be working there starting tomorrow, afterwhich, the driver will take you home. I will see you tomorrow evening at your house to conclude and sign the documents.

"Wait, i have to quit my job? but i like it there,, " i say whispering the last part.

"Well you won't need to work anymore, from now on, i will take care of all your financial needs" His tone is bossy.

"Ok listen here, there is not alot of things that am good at, but working there isn't one of them, i have done it for years, am not stopping now just because you said so. You can forget that" I say standing up for something atleast.

" That is not negotiable Alaia. You will quit today, or i will do it for you" We are not married yet and he is already telling me what to do. I need to back up here and think about all this.

"Where is my ride back, i would like to leave now please"

I hear him speak on the phone for a few minutes in Italian again and he grabs my hand leading me away..

Am too upset to speak to him anymore. So the walk is silent.

I had just started getting used to the nice Nicholas that i forgot all about bossy hostile Nicholas.

I hear foot steps aproaching us.

"I see the rumors are true, she is quite a beauty" Someone i dont recognise speaks.

"Hello there again Alaia" a familia voice adds but i can't quite remember who it is exactly.

"Alaia, this is my Grandfather Tomaso....and you already met my father Allesio and Aaron" Nickolas introduces them.

"Are they also aware of your indecent and unscrupulous proposal? I ask referring to his father and grandpa, which earns me a chuckle from both men.

"I like her Nicholas" Tomaso jokes.

"She was just leaving, but we will meet up later tomorrow to conclude the ' indecent proposal' as you put it.

Now will you excuse me as i escort my future wife to the car" Thank havens i can't watch them see the embarrassment on my face.

"Like i said, i will be seeing you around Alaia" Aaron says arrogantly.

" It was a pleasure meeting you Alaia. I look forward to having you around here" Allesio says.

Am not sure how to respond to that, so i dont.

We get to the car and he speaks to the driver in italian again. He guides me into the car and hands me a package.

"What is it?" I ask curiously.

"Your lunch" he says. Ohh

"What did you tell him? the driver " i ask.

" To take you to the shop just long enough to quit and grab your things, then take you home immediately" he reveals before shutting the door and thebcar starts moving.

Asshole, he didn't even give me a chance to respond.

Or thank him for the food.