
Nicholas' POV

The rest of the afternoon was spent in meetings. But every few minutes my mind kept wondering off to Alaia.

I felt a sudden need to protect her, care for her. Her father should have never allowed her to be in such a position where someone, even me, can easily take advantage of her. Its his duty to protect her, to protect and provide for his family but he has failed. For that, i find him quite appalling.

She is more vulnerable than usual because of her sight, or lack of. Man, this is a situation i would never have imagined i would ever find myself in, about to marry a blind girl, of all the women i could have been with.

The image of her nervously biting her lip comes to mind. That mouth of hers was begging to be kissed. Her voice, so innocent, but yet so strong and stubborn, challenging me, something i dont get much of from people around me. She looks so beautiful nomatter what she is wearing. I could look at her all day.

This is crazy, i dont normally react like this to a woman, ever, but Alaia is proving to be something else.

Am meeting Angelo later to look over my contract with Alaia and i have decided now to make a few changes.


Alaia's POV

Am on my way to the shop and my mind is going crazy. I can't believe i agreed to marry him, well kind of agreed. But then again, do i even have a choice?

And i definately do not want to quit a job i have been doing since high school now. Mr Lee gave me a sense of normancy in my life at a time when no one else did. He is family, it would be in bad taste and seem ungrateful of me to just quit without notice. I can't do that.

So it is decided, i am not quiting. Will just have to see what Nicholas will do about it. I doesn't matter even if i marry him, i would still want to work here and i will.

Then there is the whole wedding proposal, that i have to explain to my family somehow. I get a heat rush just thinking about it. It will really be nice not to have all these bills hanging over our heads. Ever since Mum's cancer, things have just taken a downward spiral and it hasn't gotten easier.

If i do this, we can all start afresh. I will just have to do it, even though they won't like what i have agreed to, but i feel like this is my chance to finally do something useful for them.

Plus, its only for a year, then i can start a new chapter. This is a chance for all of us to start on a fresh note. I just have to hold it together and put up with whatever consequences come at me just for a year.


I just got home after working for a few more hours at the shop. Nickolas' driver refused to leave me there when I told him i already had a ride to take me home later. He just left now after dropping me off at home. Am just glad no one saw me when i arrived.

I spent most of the afternoon trying to figure out how am going to tell my family about the new development. Zara is about to get back home from school, dad is out back in the garage and Mum is in the kitchen.

I join mum as she is getting dinner ready. Am biting my nails from nervousness, i should just tell her first right, i mean, she will understand, she always does. We have always had such a transparent and easy relationship. But then again she is the most sensitive and most likely to overeact.

"Hey guys, we have some visitors again and you wont believe who it is" Zara announces walking into the room.

"Who?" mum asks

"That lawyer guy from last night and another good looking guy.

Did someone open up a magical hole somewhere, where all these good looking guys are crawling out of or something?" Zara asks dramatically.

Ohh Crap. Could it be Nickolas??

"Oh my goodness, go and get your father,he is in the garage" she instructs Zara.

Am sure all the blood must have drained out from my face right now, my throat is patched and my heartbeat is over the roof.

Mum must have noticed my expression because she quickly takes my hand and tries to sooth me.

"Honey, you can just stay here for now if you want ok" She offers.

Shit shit shit,, If its really Nickolas out there, am going to kill him. What is he doing here TODAY. He is supposed to come tomorrow. I havent even had the chance to talk to my family yet. How does he just show up without notice. My family are gonna have a heart attack.

Dad shows up and we all walk into the living room where the 'guests' are waiting.. Am the last one to walk in and I situate myself by the door connecting the dinning room to the living room.

"Evening Mr Bishop, and Mr.. Uuhh? " refering to the lawyer i presume.

"Morreli, but you can call me Angelo" he offers.

"Mr and Mrs Crowe, Zara....." Yep..that's Nickolas' voice alright......Traitor. Or maybe he changed his mind.

Nickolas hesitates before he spots me in my position by the door and continues.

"Alaia....good evenning" Dont you dare 'good evening' me you traitor. We agreed on tomorrow.

My throat is too dry to respond. I just stand there holding a kitchen towel.

" I wont take up much of your time, am just here to wrap up our agreement Alaia. As discussed, i have the documents with me here"

Can the ground just open up and swallow me already. Hearing him say these things makes it all sound so real and ridiculous.

"What documents, whats going on Ally?" Mum and Dad ask finishing each others sentence. Ohh so cute. Focus!!!

Am sure everyone is staring at me right now because i can literally feel my face heat up. The room is completely silent.

"Ally, whats going on" Mum demands again coming towards me. I feel her stand next to me as she takes my hand. Ohh boy.

"You havent told them? " Nicholas asks sounding amused. I swear, i feel like smacking him.

"I was going to, but you arrived early, like a day early" i say feeling my anger towards him build up.

"Didnt you have all afternoon to do it, besides, i have other things to do tomorrow " he replies cheekily as if thats what we agreed.

Is this his way of punishing me for going back to work this afternoon. Aahhh this man.

"Ally, can you explain whats going on, now." Dad is getting impatient and pissed.

"Well, shall i tell them or will you " Nickolas asks. No thanks, you have already caused enough drama for the day.

"I will tell them myself thank you very much" i snap at him. I could literally hear the smile in his voice when he offered. I will get you for this somehow.

"Ok, well, you see.....Uuhhmm.....Mr Bishop and i met and talked today and......well, you remember the condition that grandma left about the sale of the diner,,which we didn't even know about it until recently........well based on that we..well not we, i decided after thinking about the offer from yesterday and what we talked about, uhhmm.........." Am stuttering and mumbling so much, i dont think am making much sense.

" Today Alaia,, do you think you can finish today, i have other places i need to be at" Ok, now he is just antagonising me. I was going to do this properly in my own way, but now thanks to him, my brain has officially gone on shutdown mode.

"Dont interrupt me" I snap back.

"Alaia and i have agreed to get married. In a years time, she will sign off ownership of the diner to me. In the mean time, i will have access to the land as it will belong to my wife. In exchange, i will not be suing you Crowe, i will also assume responsibility over your hospital and college bills..

Also, Alaia will live with me during the duration of our marriage" Nicholas says very easily and calmly.

"Is this true Ally..Did you agree to this, of your own free will? "Dad asks.


"Ohh boy" i hear Mum lament.