Agreements And Compromises

Alaia's POV

The room is silent.

"Ally, lets talk" My dad grabs my hand a little too roughly leading me to the kitchen.

"What do you think you are doing? Do you have any idea who you are getting yourself into. Do you know what that man is capable off? You,, you call that a deal, you are basically selling yourself to a man for money, thats what you are doing here..... And how the hell do you keep meeting this man behind my back"

He is basically shouting loud enough for everyone in the living room to hear him too. We could have just stayed there then.

" I will not accept this, i can't have you paying for my mistakes, i would rather go to jail" He says rather harshly.

I feel hurt by his words but throwing that at the back of my mind for now, I try to reason with him.

" Ok, so say you go to jail, how are we gonna manage here without you. The dinner is not making much profit anymore, Mums bills from the hospital are still coming, how are we going to pay for them? And what about Sienna and Zara, whats gonna happen to their college tuition? " Am basically whispering now feeling defeated. Its been a long day.

"Still....We will figure it out." Dad tries to argue.

" I have really thought about this Dad, and the more i do the more am convinced i want do this, and am not really asking for your permission. Am an adult, i understand what am getting myself into. Please just support me." I murmur softly.

" Honey....." My father tries again but is interrupted by Nicholas as he joins us in the room

" I don't mean to interrupt, but i really don't have all evening, is our agreement still on or what??

This man is really testing me today.

"Yes" I answer back.

Angelo must have joined us too because he places some papers on the table and says

" Alright then, here is proof of Payment for Mrs Crowe's medical balance at Ray of Hope Memorial Hospital paid in full, Here we have the receipt for Miss Siena's college tuition also fully paid for, and here a trust fund with this amount for Miss Zara's college tuition to a college of her choice when the time comes.

And here is a reference letter from the HR department for Mr Crowe for his services at the company. You can use it to find a job somewhere else. Last but not the least, a contract for the sell of property of the diner from Miss Crowe to Mr Bishop postdated to a year from Monday. " he finishes.

"Why Monday" I ask

" Because thats when you and I are getting married at the court house" Nicholas declares. Wait what?? So soon.

"What does the NDA say? " i wonder

The Lawyer places a document on the table, which i hand over to my father.

"Perhaps you should have someone else read it for you. Maybe that friend of yours that you came with to my office. Rita, is it? " Nicholas sudennly sounds uneasy.

Dad ignores him and says

"Give us some privacy " Nickolas sighs and leaves the room with his lawyer living us with Zara and Mum who joined us a while ago.

Dad proceeds to read out conditions of our agreement, most of it is about privacy, not talking to the press about the nature of our relationship etc. Am ok with most of it until he reads the last condition.

"No way" That was not part of our discussion, he cant just add that in. No way i protest, proceeding to walk into the living room after Nickolas.

"Nickolas?" I basically shout.


"The last part, we didnt agree on that, i won't accept that... I can agree to everything else but not that"

Nicholas sighs audibly, " What last part are you talking about?" he asks seemingly surprised.

"The part about bearing a child"

"Ohh that, yeah well, its important, i need an heir, and we will be marriad so it makes sense to...... "

"I dont care,,, you never mentioned that earlier and am....."

"I dont care either" he hits back cutting me off before i could finish.

"Am basically playing Santa Clause here with everything i am doing for your family. This is not negotiable." Am too stunned to speak.

"Listen, if you dont want any part of the childs life, you can walk away, am fine with that. I only need two things from you, the diner that am paying a very generous amount for and a child, which am allowing to share equal custody with you. I dont see what you should be complaining about! "

"You think everything in life is about money huh?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?

"Well then i cannot accept your offer altogether, the deal is off" i say as i run out to my room upstairs

Mum follows me and finds me about to break down.

"ohh honey, i know, i know..its ok, you dont have to do any of this" she says hugging me

Mum knows that i decided to never have children. I cant imagine never being able to see them, not being able to see them take their first steps, help with their home work, or attend school activities, just being able to see what they would look like etc. That would be too hard. I cant.

It had started to feel good. The idea of making all our problems go away. Knowing i was the one making that possible. But its not possible anymore if he wont respect my decision.

After a few more minutes mum goes back downstairs and i follow behind but decide to sit by the stairs, out of everyone's view.

"Like she said, the last condition has to go" Mum says.

"Let me talk to her, after all, thats between the two of us" Nickolas tries to insist.

"She has decided and we will respect her decision" Dad says with finality.

"Fine. Then consider the whole deal off " Nickolas responds sounding pissed off.

"Angelo will be in touch on the next steps forward from here."

My heart sinks, He really can't compromise? Its just a year, then he can marry who ever he wants and have all the children he desires. Does it have to be now? I really wanted to help my family.

I rush out to the front door when i hear it open and close.

"Nicholas!.. " I was holding the door open as i heard him come to stand in front of me.

"Yes" he asnswers.

"I'll do it" i say sadly.

He hesitates,, the silence was awkward. I hang my head low as if to hide my shame, my defeat. It felt like he was about to laugh in my face.

"Ok" he finally says and walks away.