Certain Things

Nicholas' POV

As we left the Crowe residence, i leaned back in my sit in the car on the way back to the house, deep in thought. Angelo was saying something, but i wasn't listening.

I could not get Alaia's pained look when she came outside the house off my mind. The fact that i put that pain there made my stomach twist with a discomfort that is taking me by surprise.

To be honest, i didnt think about that last condition till this morning after we met. I was so overcome with lust i put it there last minute.

To be honest, a child wasn't something i wanted for my immediate future, although my my parents and grandparent's have been bugging me about, but after giving it some thought, it made sense to try for one now since we will be married anyway. Besides, what better way to keep taking Alaia to bed without being so obvious than for the reason of making a baby.

I sigh...this is crazy, i really havent been thinking straight since i met her....I need a serious destruction.

I turn my head towards Angelo and he is quietly looking out the window.

"You were saying something? " I ask finally acknowledge him.

He turns towards me.

"Yeah,, for about 5 minutes untill i realised i was talking to myself. Am done talking to you tonight. " he complains.

"This might surprise you, but i have my own shit to think about, thanks for asking" he adds when i dont say anything.

"Well, look who just got their period" i say with a smile as i turn my head towards my own window to continue my own thoughts.

"Screw you" he returns.


Its past 8pm when i get to Rhea's appartment, the apartment i have been paying for almost two years or so.. No she is not my girlfriend. We are not officially together per se.

I dont have time for a proper relationship and i made it clear to her from the start that i was looking for something casual. She felt the same way, so we have been seeing each other unofficially ever since.

She sees other people and i dont mind, as long as she keeps it discreet. I do the same. She runs her own real estate company and is basically a social butterfly, so i take her with me as my plus one on many social events and meetings.

Mother is quite fond of her and has been hopeful and waiting for me to marry her,.but even though i care and respect Rhea alot, i just don't see us ever getting married.

"Hey stranger" She says with a smile as she opens the door to let me in. I have my own key but i didn't use it.

Am in no mood to talk as i pick her up in my arms kicking the door behind me shut. I need to blow off some steam. It's gonna be a long night.


Alaia's POV

Saturday afternoon Rita, Zara and I are Chilling at Sunny's as we usually do by our usual table for probably one of the last times.

"Wow,, so you are really gonna marry that hunk of a man, i will only believe it when i see it." Rita says for the hundredth time.

"I know right, i keep telling her he's really good looking....and the whole town will go crazy when the news breaks. We are gonna be famous. Those people own like half the town or something" Zara exaggerates.

"I hope you dont cut me off, now that you are marrying a billionaire....You wont right? Your future husband didn't seem to like me much when we met at the office. What if he makes you cut off all your friends from..."

"Guys stop!! can we just talk about something else, this topic is making me sick" i sigh. These two are giving me a headache.

Mum comes to our table to bring us our drinks.

"Thanks Mum" We all say in unison as she leaves.

"So have you told Jude yet? " Rita asks.

"Ok, can we not talk about boys altogether.... Please?" i beg.

"Huh", Zara snorts " 'Boys' is not exactly the word i would use to describe Nickolas Bishop. The guys at my school are boys, Nicholas Bishop is anything but a boy"

"Amen to that Sister" Rita agrees chuckling.

I shake my head and sigh again.

Jude was my boyfriend in high school. We all grew up together with Rita and lived on the same street. When we started high school, he pursued me for a while untill i finally said yes and we dated all through high school.

After we graduated, when he was going off to college, he wanted our relationship to continue, but i didnt think it was possible to keep it going, so i broke it off.

His parents have also been friends with my parents and though they care for me, they were never really quite comfortable with my and Jude's relationship and were quite happy when we ended it when he went off to college.

Then he went on to meet someone special there and they started dating. He called first to tell, to see if i was alright with him dating. I said it was ok and he brought her home for thanksgiving that same year.

His parents have been treating me rather differently ever since. They are more chatty and extra sweet towards me now than they ever were when i was dating their son. I think they are finally happy i will not be a stumbling block in their son's life anymore.

I went on two other dates ever since but neither of them took off. I haven't dated much since but i let Nickolas think otherwise.

"There you are Miss Alaia Crowe, hai, my name is Louisa Lobos, but you can call me Lu." Says the stranger siting down next to us.

"I work for Mr Bishop. Well, now I will work for you,, i mean, am your new assistant"


"Yes, i was assigned to you yesterday by Mr B, i will manage your schedule, and coodinate it with his, and am your go to person for what ever you need, 24/7. I will also help you to manage your programes, meetings and finances" She explains.

"Well, i dont know what to say, i wasnt expecting this"

"Neither was i" Rita adds.

"I guess you gonna start living like the rich looking at Lu over here. Promise me you won't cut me off and forget me " she continues.

" Rita!! Enough of that" We all laugh.

"Well, with your naptials coming up on monday morning, is there anything you would like to do or buy? Mr B told me to take you shoping for whatever you wanted. He handed me your credit card. No limit on it.

"Well damn" Zara says.

"No thanks, am good. There is nothing i would like to buy" Am not about to spend any of his money and look like a gold digger.

"Ohh c'mon Ally, We could get you a nice dress to wear for the wedding. It will be fun. Plus Am sure you will need a change of...."

" Zara, am not gonna spend his money, and i have my own clothes and stuff, for now lets just leave it at that, ok?"

"Well,ok. If you insist, I will pick you up on monday, i should be at your house by 8am and we will need to leave by 10:15 am. Am giving your sister my phone number if you need anything at all, please let me know immediately"

"Ok. Thanks alot"

"Its my pleasure, i think we will be really good friends" Say says cheerfully. I hope so.

Lu says goodbye to the others and leaves. Wow, this is really happening. With the way that Nickolas left my house yesterday, i thought he may have changed his mind about the whole thing.

But i guess not. We are really getting married.