Breaking More Hearts Than Mine

Alaia's POV

"Are you ok?" I ask dad who's sitting at the kitchen table in the middle of the night when every one is still sleeeping.

He spent most of the weekend avoiding me... I feel terrible because in just a few hours, i will be gone from this house. Somehow i knew he would be up somewhere in the house, so i came down stairs to talk to him.

He sighs " Am really sorry it had to come to this hun" he confesses.

"I know, its ok dad"

"No its not"

We are both silent for a long time, not knowing what else to say really. I dont know what i can say to make him feel better.

"I missed you this weekend, we haven't really had time to talk. I know I dissapointed you with this whole agreement but...." i start to explain to him but he interrupts me.

"You haven't dissapointed me Ally, you never have. Am very proud of you for putting the family first. I have always been proud of you for your kindness and sacrifices baby.

Once again you are putting others before yourself. Am proud of how brave and strong you are. Dont you forget that ok" He mummers. I feel a tear fall from my eyes.

"What you are doing for all of us, that is my job, its my duty to make sure you guys are ok. To provide and protect you girls....... Am very ashamed. I couldn't face you, thats why i have been avoiding you"

Silence again.

"If he hurts you, or does anything to harm you..If anyone of them make you uncomfortable honey even for a minute, please promise me you will come home. Then we will figure it out from there ok?" he begs reaching out for my hand

"Ok" i whisper. That is all i can think to say. It will be ok am sure.

We chat a little while longer and eventually both go to bed.


" Mrs Bishop, Mrs Bishop" I hear a voice in my head. Only its not in my Head

"Allllly" Someone screams in my ear.

"What?" i shout getting up.

"Wake up, sleepy head. We need to start getting you ready" Zara says excitedly.

"Morning Mrs Bishop"..That voice again.

"Sienna??? "

"In the flesh baby. So you think you can just get married without me there huh? What kind of maid of honor would i be"

"Aahh, that position has already been filled Sis, am her best friend, which makes me her Maid of honor" Rita tells Sienna.

"Am her sister, 'sis', i outrank you. I can take any position i want"

This is a very normal occurance for when these two are around each other, always bickering. Sienna is two years younger than me but she is quite over protective due to my lack of sight and dependancy on others.

At this rate Zars will be my Maid of honor when i get married for real.

"Guys, its not even a real wedding, relax. There is no maid of honor." i chide them.

"I thought you were in school, we talked for a long time last night.You said you couldn't be home till much later" i say to Sisi.

Am so excited i can barely catch my breathe.

"Yeah, well, i was already on my way here, thought I would surprise you. You marrying Nickolas Bishop is something i have to see for myself, i can't miss it"

"You and me both" Rita agrees.

"What time did you get here?

"Just now. Oohhh, i missed you so much" she says giving me a death hug that Zara and Rita all join in enventually until we all errupt in laughter and screams.

"Girls, keep it down" Mum says coming to the door, seeing all the hugging, she too joins in.

I am really going to miss these times. But only for a little while. It will be worth it.

Our girl time is interupted by a knock on the door as Lu comes in.

"Goodmorning" she greats.

We all return her greatings.

"You are quite punctual" Zara tells her.

"I have to be. The Bishops are quite punctual, there is no room for error. Here, i brought you something Alaia"

Alright, lets get started, we dont have much time" Lu announces.


Everybody got busy getting ready. We spent some time deciding which dress i should wear. I found the dresses Lu brought too short for my liking, but she insisted Nickolas picked them out himself and would be very upset if I didn't wear one of them. Like i care.

Just for that fact alone, I was tempted not to wear any of them just so i could piss him off. I will not have him control even the clothes i wear. But i don't want to seem fussy in infront of Lu and make a bad impression so quickly, so i will do it just this once.

Eventually, i settled on a whitish-blueish Balmain dress am told. I liked the texture of it compared to the others and that despite the short length, it covered up most of the remaining skin, which I thought to be quite classy.

I managed to have a girl chat with Sisi as i dressed up. She just got here and i have to leave already sadly. I will really miss her alot. I don't know what to expect where am going.


We are ready by 10am. We can't find dad though. He and mum are not accompanying me to the courthouse, so i was hoping to have a few last moments alone with him again.


Nickolas's POV

I am in a meeting and have another to attend to before meeting Alaia at the courthouse.

"Mr Bishop, Mr Steven Crowe is here to see you. He says its urgent"

My PA comes up to whisper to me in the meeting. What now?

I step out of the meeting to my office to meet him. I hope there is no problem with Alaia and our agreement.

"Crowe, is there a problem? Where is Alaia?"

"Well, not exactly. Ally's is at home getting ready. I just need to talk to you for a minute"

"Well make it quick, am very busy"

"I want to cancel everything... I mean, Ally, She's delicate, taking her away from her home, from the life and house she is used to wont be easy for her... She may not cope very well. I think its better we just cancel the whole thing. I will face whatever consequences there is" He utters to my complete annoyance.

I sigh. "I dont have time for this, you are wasting my time. I expect Alaia at the courthouse by 11am sharp. " I say, heading back towards the door so i can go and continue the meeting i should not have walked out of afterall.

"And what if she isnt? " he dares to ask.

"Try me....and you will find out"