Stuck With You

Alaia's POV

Am sitting in the SUV Lu brought to pick me up in with Rita, Sienna And Zara. Zara can't stop raving about how cool the car is.

Lu went back to the El Paraiso to finish organising stuff for my arrival. What ever that means.

We still couldn't get hold of dad and his phone is going unaswered. I guess this is just an emotional time for him and he wants to avoid saying goodbye.

We are halfway to the courthouse, when we receive a call from a Mum who is pracically frantic saying dad just had a heart attack and has been taken to the hospital. We immediately change course and head to the hospital instead of the courthouse.

I can't help but feel like all this pressure from the last few days has finally caught up on him. If he dies then none of anything am trying to do now will be worth it. Ohh lord. None of us are talking in the car. Please God save his life.


"What happened? " Sienna asks mum as we approach her in the waiting rooms at the hospital 45 minutes later. The traffic was crazy.

"I dont know, i just got a call from the hospital, he collapsed in the street this morning in the city, and some people took him to the hospital" Mum explains trying to hold back from crying. Zara starts to cry now.

"What did the doctors say" I ask trying to keep it together.

"No one has said anything to me, they told me to wait...... am still waiting"

So we all just sit there quietly waiting..Minutes soon turn to an hour.


Nickolas' POV

Its 15 minutes past 11am and Alaia is still not here yet. I have lost my patience. I hope the old man hasn't done anything stupid after his visit at my office earlier because i will finish him. Am not in the mood for drama.

Today is the deadline, and i already made a report to the board earlier about launching the project and starting with the mobilazation works for the new manufacturing station this afternoon. There is no room for Alaia to change her mind now.

"I can literally see smoke coming out of your ears, calm down, maybe its the traffic. Marco says looking up from his phone as he is leaning against the wall. I turn around and give him a hard glare, which makes him back off.

"Lu's not picking up her phone, and i dont know which driver she sent to pick Alaia up." Angelo announces trying to make contact with Alaia somehow.

"Try her father's line" I say.

"It just keeps ringing" Shit! Am about to explode.

Five minuties later Angelo announces.

"Ok, so am told it was Enzo who went to pick her minute, am calling him now" Angelo says as he makes the call thanks to information he got from head of security at the house.

"They are at St'Mary's Hospital down town. Apparently Steven had a heart attack"

Psshhh.. How convinient. Heart attack my ass. I dont believe it, and i will make him pay for wasting my time like this. The bunch of them think they can make a fool out of me. Will see about that.

I start heading towards the exit and to the car. If he really did have a heart attack and it didnt finish him, I will finish him off myself the bloody bastard.


25 minutes later we arrive at the hospital and i spot the little group sitting in the waiting room near the ER.

"Mr Bishop! " Zara is the first one to see us approaching. They all look up towards me. Angelo and Marco walking besides me.

"Alaia.... " I say as i grab her hand causing her to stand up. Am too pissed for pleasantaries.

"What the hell is going on. You've had me waiting for you at the court house all this time"

"My dad had a heart attack on our way there, so we came here instead" She explains holding back tears.

"Heart attack?" I scoff.

"How convinient, he shows up my office trying to cancel the whole deal, and when he sees that he can't, he conveniently gets a heart attack thereby stopping you from showing up. Do i seem stupid to you?? " i yell, after i pulled her to the side so not to make too much of a scene.

"He came to see you? What did you say to him? " Alaia's mother asks, picking up on our conversation. Apparently am not being discreet enough.

I choose not to acknowledge her at this point.

"How can you say such a thing huh? Are you that heartless to not have any regard for human life" Alaia asks trying to remove my hand on her wrist with her other hand. I grip tighter.

" For all i know he is faking it? And you are all in on it"

"Let go of me, you're hurting me" she hisses trying to pull away.

"We have a deal and i have delivered on my promises, are you trying to get out of it after i held up my end of the bargain?" i whisper to her.

"I dont know what kind of people you are used to dealing with, but we are not like that.

"Your dad is a thief, thats the kind people am dealing with right now"

"Dad fell ill, what was i supposed to do then huh?"

"Hold up your fucking end of the deal, thats what. It's a 20min ceremony at most. You could have shown up and left to come here immediately after. For all i know he is faking it to get the Nuptials cancelled"

"Is that what you could have done if your father was the one that got sick" Alaia shouts shoving my chest with her free hand.

"My father has better manners than to fake a sickness"

I sudennly feel my cheek go hot. Did someone just slap me. I turn to see a Alaia's mother glaring at me.

"How dare you, how dare you treat us this way" She asks.

"Nickolas, let go of me" Alaia begs, trying to pull her hand again.

"Let go of her now" Alaia's Mum says now standing in front of me

"Nick" Angelo finally speaks "Let her go"

I didnt take my eyes off the Alaia's Mum as i spoke.

"Am gonna walk out of this place right now and if you are not following behind me in 60 seconds, i will take it you and your family have decided to break your end of the deal, and i will react accordingly" I finally let her hand go.

"Are you here for Mr Steven Crowe? A nurse arrives to ask just as i was about to leave.

"Yes am his wife, we are his family" Alaia's Mum says as they all surround her.

"Mr Crowe is gonna be ok. Luckily one of the people to first attend to him at the time of the attack was a doctor. His surgery wasn't too serious and it went well, so you will be able to see him in a short while. Someone will take you to him...excuse me" she explains and leaves.

I turn to leave aswell. Marco and Angelo with me as we walk out of the hospital. I give Alaia a minute to decide what she wants to do next as we wait by the car near the entrance of the hospital.

She walks out shortly with Rita guiding her out of the building. They hesitate briefly at the entrace looking for us i assume, Rita spots our car and walks Alaia towards us.

Only now do i notice she is wearing one of the dresses i picked out. I haven't seen her in a dress before. Its not the one i had hoped she would wear but this one looks better on her.

I open the door and they both get in. I join them in the back as Marco drives and Angelo takes the passengers seat. The drive back to the court house is silent.

I notice Rita has her hand clutching Alaia's tightly as if she is afraid she will dissapear if she lets go. We arrive at the courthouse and Angelo goes ahead of us to make the arrangements. We wait in silence before he returns and we all go to meet the judge.


Alaia's POV

I sit quietly with Rita next to me as we wait to be called before a judge. I have never felt so much hate towards anybody, as i do towards Nickolas right now.

Thats right. I hate Nickolas Bishop with everything inside me. I can still feel the burn on my wrists from where his hand had gripped me too tightly, it will definitely bruise later.

How can he be such an inconsiderate, selfish asshole. Dad has been under so much stress lately and he finally cracked. He could have died. And all this stupid man can think of is his stupid contract. I hate him.

"Its time" Angelo says bringing me out of my thoughts. Nickolas reaches for my hand heading into the room and i practically smack it away. Don't you dare touch me right now. Don't you ever touch me you Bastard.

15 minutes later the nuptials are done and i am officially stuck with the man that i now hate.