Mrs Bishop

Nickolas' POV

It is done. The nuptials are done and Alaia has signed the remaining documents. I need to attend the commissioning of the project right now. Am late but they are waiting for me.

Alaia wants to get back to the hospital to be with her father. So we will drop them off there on our way to work. Can't believe that old man almost threw all my work to shit. That heart attack better be real, otherwise, i will deal with him later.

Alaia is sitting next to me and am trying to ignore her bare exposed thighs thanks to the short dress she is wearing, which due to her sitting position, has ridden up even higher. She has them squeezed together slanting to the side away from me.

She is always so covered up in jeans every time i have seen her, this is the first time she is showing so much skin and i have this urge to spread those legs apart and wrap them around my waist... But soon.

I look at the diamond ring on her finger and feel my chest puff up with pride. Finally, she is mine now. She is the lovely bonus to the project i am just about to successfully launch.


Alaia's POV

Nicholas agreed to let me go back to the hospital and said he will pick me up when he is done with his programs. We arrived at the Hospital and Rita quickly starts to guide me inside but before we go far, i feel Nickolas grab my shoulder turning me towards him. He puts his overcoat on my shoulders to cover me up and i realise then that the weather has become abit more chilly.

"I will see you later Mrs Bishop" There is no emotion in his voice.

I turn around without saying anything. I wanted to slap him. Multipile times.

"Are you alright ?" Rita who seems to have gone from a ten to maybe a two on the Nickolas Bishop fan club scale finally asks as we walk inside. I nod and squeeze her hand for assurance but deep down we both know am nowhere near alright.

"How is he doing" Rita asks as soon as we reach the ward.

"He is not awake yet" Mum answers as she comes to my side and holds my left hand up. She breaks down in tears as she turns the ring around my finger.

"Am so so sorry baby...... Am sorry" she cries.

"Its ok mama" i manage to say making sure i don't break down in tears too. Sienna and Zara joined our hug but broke down in tears too.

After a minute or two of crying we all come down and hang around the waiting area. Later, i go and sit next to dad in his room. The others wait outside and after a while, Mum takes my place and i go wait outside again and wait with my sisters and Rita.

We sit in silence for a while before someone addresses the elephant in the room.

"How was the wedding?? " Sienna asks, making us all burst out laughing.

Atleast the mood is lifted a little bit atlast.

"I was dying to ask but didnt wanna upset you" Zara confesses.

"Am sorry you have to marry a Man like him" Sienna sympathises.

"Yeah, me too. I thought it will be sweet you know, like a fairy tale. But i see now than he isn't a good man and now you are stuck with him" Zara confesses and starts to cry again.

"Hey, c'mom here. Its ok.. I can handle anything" i say holding her close to me.

"Your ring is gorgeous and huge though... It must cost millions" Sienna notices.

"Ohh yes, i noticed, atleast you get to move around with that thing..its beautiful Ally" Rita says as she pats my hand.

"Is it even safe to walk around with it, it looks really expensive." Zara asks.

"I dont know, i guess it is" I don't have an answer to any of their questions.

"Am sorry you had to marry someone like him.. I hope i haven't gotten you in trouble for slapping him" Mum quietly says coming to sit next to me.

"I hope he doesnt take it out on the way he was grabbing your hand, he seems violent. " Sienna adds.

"Nick would never hurt you like that Alaia. He may have a temper when he is crossed and may even be dangerous sometimes. But that only applies to everyone else now, to you it does not. Especially now that you are his wife" a familiar voice speaks"

"Marco..." Zara utters.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Making sure you are alright." He says sitting down and adding

"Since you know, we are family now..We haven't met, am Marco" he continues talking to Sienna i think.

She ignores him because the room is quiet and there is no response from her. Rita coughs awkwardly. Zara walks away to pick up a call and returns shortly placing the phone in my hand.

"Its Judah" she says.

Honestly, i dont think i want to talk him right now. I just got married and he is gonna freak out about it. I cant tell him yet.

"Ally! Phone" Zara repeats.

"I will take it" Rita offers grabbing the phone and walking away with it.

"Ally... Sorry, i should have asked if you wanted to talk to him first. Am not the one who told him about Dad by the way. His parent must have told him. He just insisted to talk to you and well you know how he is"

"Its ok" i utter. Aware Nickolas' brother is sitting next to me probably taking in the information .

Rita returns.

"He says if he won't talk to you now, he will travel back here tomorrow...." Rita announces.

"Sorry...You know how he can get when it comes to you" She adds.

"I will take it" I say quickly. Am i the only one aware of Marco still sitting here. Or did he leave without my knowledge. I dont want him knowing my business.

I walk away with Rita guiding me a safe distance way from the others.

"Just call me when you are done. I will be standing close by."

"Ok" i finally place the phone to my hear...

"Hello" i say into the phone.


I spent 15 minutes talking to Jude..I didn't tell him about Nickolas yet. I will save that for another day.

Dad woke up and we got a chance to spend some time with him together. Eventually, he asks to be left alone with me.

"Hey... " He says rubbing the hand with the ring on it.


"Where is he?"

"Working....Marco is here though, his brother. You remember him? "

"Yeah. Spying on us"

"Maybe" I smile.... "Am gonna be ok you know "

He is quiet for a while before responding.

"You are right, Somehow, you always are"

"Hey.. time to go" Marco interrupts us.

"Can i just spend the night?" Am pushing my luck here.

"You know you can't."

"My Dad almost died. Cant you just let us spend one night as a family?" Zara tries.

"Well he didnt now did he. He looks very much alive and ok to me"

"Please" I try one last time.

" Listen, you can leave here with me now or Nick will come and get you himself. The later may not turn out so good. The choice is yours"

I sigh... "Goodnight dad. Take it easy"

I say goodbye to the rest of my family and Sienna guides me to Marco who takes my hand.

"Your walking stick is in your bag, I will talk to you later. I love you" Sienna says.

"Ok. love you too" I have a retractable walking stick. I dont use it much at home or work cause i know my way around from years of being there and memorising where everything is, and when i go out with my family, someone usually guides me around so i barely use it.

Now am gonna live in a strange house with people i dont know. It's gonna be hard to adjust. Allowing a tear to fall down my cheek finally, i walk with Marco to the car.