
Nicholas' POV

Marco called me to let me know Alaia's dad had woken up. I had asked him to bring her home as soon as she's had a chance to be with him. I also asked him find out if his heart attack was real, and it turns out it was.

I had planned to take Alaia to the house at the Ranch, for a few days before coming to settle down here with everyone else. But thanks to her father's heart attack, all my meetings got moved around this afternoon, and more seriously, i missed an important meeting which i have to stick around for to have at the end of the week now.

I go down to the entrance of the house where i expect my father to be waiting aswell for their arrival. Its just about time for dinner, so i expect everyone else to be showing up at the table..

"Goodevening" I greet my father just as the car pulls up. I walk to open the door for Alaia. she's just sitting there quietly as if fearing the moment her feet step down, the ground will open up and swallow her.

I fold my arms and stand there watching her, waiting. Marco and Dad are surprised too so they just stand there watching us. Martial aswell. After a couple of minutes i lose my patience.

"Do you plan on coming out, or are you going to sit there all night? " I ask her.

She sighs.

"Do you not have an off day, or time off or something, or are you an asshole full time, round the clock??" she hits back.

I can hear Dad and Marco laugh. Martial too couldnt hold back a chuckle.

"It's been a long day, we all need some rest, you especially, come out" i tell her.

She stretches out her hand and i take it. Pulling her close to me so that my other arm is around her waist inside my coat that she is still wearing. Its so big on her she is basically drowning in it.

"Hello Alaia, its good to finally have you here. Please feel at home. We will try to make you as comfortable as possible" Dad says to her.

She nods and smiles briefly without saying anything, obviously still quite upset about earlier. I help her get in the house taking slow deliberate steps which annoys her eventually.

"Listen, just tell me when there are steps ahead of me, and when they end. And try not to knock me into any walls or furniture etc, otherwise stop with the funny walk its annoying me" she snaps. I smile and turn to dad and Marco who are holding in their own laughter.

"Life here is about to get even more colorful " Marco muses.

"And who do we have here" Mum asks coming down the stairs.

Here we go.

"Where is everyone " i ask instead of answering her question.

"Dinner room...Well, who is this?"

"Let's join them then, i will introduce you there." We get to the table and find everyone else is already sitting and waiting for the rest of us.

Mum and Dad settle in their usual seats but Marco remains standing with Me and Alaia. Dad sits at the head of the table with mum on his right. My usual seat is on the other side opposite dad.

"Good evening" I say briefly looking everyone over. I get quick 'Hi, hello'from everyone but their attention is clearly on Alaia who surprisingly, is standing quite confidently beside me.

"This is Alaia Crowe. My wife. We just got married this morning."

"What??" Nicole gasps.

"Wife?? What do you mean wife" Mum asks standing up.

"Just that. We got married at the courthouse this morning . Obviously, she will be living here. I..... " but am cut off when Mum turns to dad.

"Is this true Allesio.?? Did you know about this.. Whats going on?"

"Havent you always been on his case about getting married? Well, there you have it. He is a grown man, he knows what he is doing? And i expect you all to show Alaia the same respect and curtesy you give to any other member of this family. " Dad says firmly.

"What about Rhea? " Mum turns back to me as if Dad never spoke.

Mum is quite fond of Rhea and has been pushing for me to propose to her for some time now. I knew this would be a problem.

"What about her? " i ask rubbing the back of my neck. Am starting to get annoyed now, and losing my appetite.

"I thought you were going to marry her eventually...We all did"

"Well, i married someone else....So everyone, Alaia can't see, so will you all be as considerate as you can be regarding that."

"You went and married a blind girl? oh my goodness Nickolas, why? Did you get her pregnant? " I can feel Alaia getting increasingly uncomfortable. Her heart beat and breathing have picked up. I tighted my arm around her drawing her closer to me.

"Enough" Dad shouts losing his temper.

"If you are not going to welcome Alaia who is now part of this family, we are going to have a serious problem. If you have nothing nice to say, then you better not say anything at all. I dont expect any of you to give her any problems. I hope that is clear"

He says the last part looking directly at mother.

" Its been a long day, we will have dinner from our room." I say leading Alaia away with me.

She is silent as i lead her into the bedroom, our bedroom now, and bring her to the bed where she sits down.

"My mother is abit intense, but she will come around " I tell her, not knowing what else to say.

No response.

"Do you need anything? "i ask

"The Bathroom...... and my bag. I need my bag" She says faintly.

The hurt on her face feels like a fire burning in my chest. I cant stand it.

"Your bag got here earlier, it has been unpacked already. What do you need me to get?"

"My sleeping clothes, a tshit and shorts"

I shuffle through the drawers that now belong to her. I had Lu buy her a whole new wardrobe of clothes but they are yet to be put in her closet. I can't find what she asked for so i grab my T-shirt and hand it to her. I walk her to the bathroom and tell her where everthing is. She asks to be left alone, so i close the door and lean against it waiting for her.

"What do you want to eat?" i shout so she can hear me on the other side of the door. Am met with silence again.

"Alaia?" i repeat but i receive no reply.

The water starts running. It runs for quite a while, I assume she is taking a shower. I grab my phone and arrange for some supper. I go sit on the bed and wait for my wife to be done.