New Normal

Alaia's POV

As soon as i locked the bathroom door after Nickolas walked out the tears started falling from my eyes. I didnt think they would stop. Am used to people acting a certain way to my blindness, but how am i supposed to cope when i have to live with them.

The pain in my heart was too much. Dad was right. I bit off abit more than i could chew. Normally, i would want to go home, but right now in this momemt i just wanted to dissapear somewhere no one will find me. My life here is going to be so hard i can tell. How will i face anyone.

After spending a few minutes on the floor.. I felt my way around the room and found the shower. I used the running water to wash off the fresh tears that wouldnt stop coming. I sat down and tried not to think of the world that was waiting for me on the otherside of that door.


Nickolas' POV

Forty minutes, its been forty minutes and Alaia is still in the bathroom. Our dinner is here and it's getting cold....i wait five more minutes before going to knock on the door

"Alaia......" No answer.

"Alaia!" I try to open the door but its locked. The water from the shower is still running and i wonder if she can still hear me.

"Alaia!!!! "I shout louder banging on the door. Still no answer. Ok, am not in the mood for this.

"If you dont open the fucking door right now, i will break it down!" I warn her.

The water stops running and i release a breathe i didnt know i was even holding. Atleast she is alright.

A few minutes pass and she doesnt come out and i loose my patience again.

"Stop testing me. If this door isnt open in the next 5 seconds, you are not going to like the consequences " I warn her.

The door opens suddenly and she stands there holding the clothes she was wearing to her chest. Her hair is wet and loose around her shoulders, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Her lips look swollen too. Infact her whole face looks red and puffy. I step closer to her tilting her chin up forgeting for a moment that she can't see me.

"Don't you ever lock that door again when you are in there! Ever! Is that clear?" i grunt. If something happened to her behind that door and it was locked. It will be hard to know or find her fast enough.

No response.

I grab her arm pulling her even closer to me so our bodies are touching now.


"Its clear. Can you take me to the bed now"

I lift her up in my arms and carry her to the bed placing her on the side of the bed with her feet touching the floor. I watch her crawl under the sheets and lie on her side.

I frown "Dinner is here, you need to eat something before you sleep" she doesn't reply.

I sigh in fustration. I feel like breaking something. Anything. I am past the age of playing these childish games of the silent treatment. Am not doing this. If she wants to sleep hungry thats her problem.

I go into the bathroom to have my own shower. 15 minutes later I come out of the bathroom to find Alaia seemingly fast asleep. I watch her sleep for a bit. She looks tired, exhausted. I join her in bed having lost my appetite for food aswell and lie down facing her but decide to keep a distance.

The night won't end and sleep won't come. Its been a long day, but a very productive and rewarding day. Am very satisfied and excited for the future.


Alaia's POV

I woke up to a very quiet room. I dont know if Nickolas is still lying next to me. Am not a late riser but I must have been more exausted than i thought. I dont know what time it is, but i think it's late. My head is pounding, i feel very exhausted.

I hear someone knock a few times on the door and the silence in the room makes me realise am really alone in here. A gentle female voice comes through.

"Mrs Bishop? Can i come in? "

"Yes, come in" i try to shout.

"Hello, Goodmorning, my name is Lizzy, i have been asigned to be your personal maid by Mr Nickolas" First assistant, now personal maid?.

"Oohhh, hi. What time is it?"

"8:30 Ma'am"

"Please call me Ally.... Where is Nickolas" Not that i care, i just need to know so i can stay out of his way.

"He left for work but asked that i bring you breakfast at 9am. What can i help you with for now please" She asks coming to the bed.

"I need to get to the bathroom, and i need some clothes."

"Ok" She says coming close and gently grabing my hand. I guess she must have been informed of my eyesight. She leads me to the bathroom.

"Your new clothes are coming today Ma'am"

"I had a bag with some clothes and stuff that came in yesterday, check the closet, i think it was unpacked already"

20 minutes later, am bathed and dressed in jeans and simple off shoulder top.

"Listen, i would like to go visit my father at the hospital" I inform her.

" Aahh, am sorry, but Mr Bishop didnt mention anything about you going out, but i can call him, if he allows it, then i will take you"

Allow? Allow!! Am i a prisoner here now? Hell no!!!

"Where is Marco" i ask holding my anger in. She has been nice to me and i dont want to take it out on her.

"I will go and get him... Your breakfast is on the table over here" She tries to pull me towards the table but i quickly pull away.

"Am not hungry, thank you"

"But Mr Bish...."

"Just get me Marco, please" She sighes but complies.


"Aaahh, goodmorning sunshine.. You called for me" He sounds happy.

"Yes... Good morning.... Can you take me to the hospital."

"Aaahhhh..No can do.. Unless Nick gave his consent. He seemed to be in a bad mood this morning and i don't want to ruffle his feathers today. You see, i need him to do me a favor"

"He did" i lie.

"Am gonna have to comfirm that with him"

"Ohh c'mon... Whats the big deal...He didnt mind me going yesterday. Besides, i am not a prisoner here"

" Listen, why dont you save that discussion for your pillow talk tonight with Nick alright. I dont want any trouble."

"He is not even here, he won't know"

"Ohh trust me, he will"

"What am i going to do here all day then"

"Ok.. You have a point there, let me call him then you ask him" Really dude??

"I dont want to talk to him" i pout folding my hands on my chest.

"You look like a four year old."

He calls Nickolas anyway and talks to him in italian. He hands me the phone after a moment.

"He wants to talk to you.... " then he whispers after a moment of thought.

"Hey, isn't this familiar huh.. How they all insist to talk to you on the phone" Referring to the moment with Jude at the hospital. I knew he was paying attention.

I push the phone back.

"It's ok.... I will just stay in here all day then... You can leave "

He talks abit more on the phone and hangs up. I decide am not talking to him aswell and ignore his when he tries to speak to me.

The rest of the morning was spent with Lu and Lizzy packing my closet with new clothes, shoes and jewelry, as i lay in bed. I skipped breakfast.

Nicholas' father came to see me but i told Lizzy to tell him i was sleeping. The rest of the house mates left me alone.