Whatever The Cost

Nickolas' POV

"Good morning"


"I want to talk to you"

"Not now Nicole"

"Yes right now.... Whats going on Nick... Why did you get married all of a sudden and so secretly? Who is she?"

"I said not now"...I wasn't in a good mood right now and am late. So i walk away leaving her standing there.


I had a morning packed with meetings and deadlines to meet but my mind was back home. I wondered what Alaia was doing. Was she up already? Did she have breakfast yet. I know she didn't have lunch yesterday and also skipped dinner, so i hope she has had something to eat by now.

Marco calls me asking if she can visit her father but she refuses to talk to me to ask me herself. She's been ignoring me since last night and i don't like it. I normally wouldn't play into this game. But with her, its bothering me.

I checked in with the hospital already, her father is doing fine. I don't see the need for her to go there, so ofcourse i said no.


It's 1pm now and i decide to check in on Alaia through Elizabeth.

"Hello" she answers.

I clear my throat awkwardly.

"Hello Elizabeth..... How is Alaia?... What is she doing now?? " I hope i don't sound as pathetic as i feel asking her these questions.

"Oohh....well, she's ok. She spent all morning in the bedroom sir."

"Has she had lunch already, what did she eat?"

"Oh, well, no.. She refused to eat. She didnt have breakfast either...I tried to get her to eat but...... "

I cut the line.

What the fuck?? Now she is just taking this too far.

I decide to cut the rest of my work day short and go back home. I will have to deal with this situation first.

Am walking out of the office when i almost physically bump into Rhea. Great, just what i need right now.

"Hold your horses, why the rush"

"Hi.. Look, this is not a good time, i need to get somewhere fast. I will call you later, ok" i say trying to walk around her.

"So its true" She says lifting my left hand to indicate the gold ring now sitting on my ring finger.

"Yes.. But i can't get into it with you right now, i will talk to you later" i try to leave again.

"Why didn't you tell me, you came over to my place the other night. You slept over Nick, you owe me an explanation, right now....How can you just marry someone three days later, and i get to hear it from your mom" She says agitated. I can see she is clearly holding back some real anger.

"Rhi, this isn't the time or place"

"Then you will come over tonight"

"Not tonight, but i will call you later, then we can make a date, ok" i brush past her after giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

I walk towards my PA Loudas, who didnt miss a single detail of our interaction by the door.

"Cancel my afternoon meetings and try to reschedule what you can. You can reach me on my cell for emergencies".


Yolanda's POV

"Was that Nickolas ?" I ask Lizzy, who looks a little uneasy after hanging up the phone.

"Yes Ma'am"

"What did he want? "

" He was asking about Mrs Bishop....i mean madam Alaia"

The sound of that title on that little useless girl upstairs sends bile to my throat. She is not worthy of it. She is too weak and useless. I still can't believe Nick did that. As the oldest child, i expected so much from him. But while his proffessional life thrives, his personal life is somewhat of a disaster.

The only woman he has brought home in years, is Rhea, and its all thanks to me insisting on it. Otherwise, he is rarely ever seen with any other women, further sliming down my hopes of marriage.

And out of all the women he could have picked from, he picks this one? I had someone investigate her and it turns out she is not even from our social class.

What will our friends say when they find out we have a blind girl as the oldest daughter inlaw. One without a befitting background. Our reputation will be tarnished.

I need to find out what's really going on because my husband doesn't tell me anything anymore. I hope she is not pregnant.


I decide to pay her a visit. The little thing hasn't even left the bedroom all morning. I reach Nick's bedroom, and don't bother to knock on the door and just open it since he isn't here anyway.

She is lying on the bed and gets up at the sound of the door opening.

"Hello, Lizzy is that you" she asks. Looking at her now i feel even more rage at this situation. Could this situation be anymore pathetic. She looks like a deer caught in headlines.

"Hello" she calls out again.

I just stand there looking at her... She looks young, probably early twenties. Where did Nickolas find her really. Her face isn't too bad, i suppose she is pretty but plain. She is no march for Rhea who is sophiscated and poised. This one cant hold a candle to her.

"I know someone is there, i can hear you breathing" she continues looking nervous now.

"Well, its good to know your other senses are working perfectly" i say.

"Who is there"

"Your worst nightmare" i tease

"Excuse me?? "

"Nick's mother"

"Mrs Bishop?? "

"Thats right....Now tell me, what are you doing in my home, supposedly married to my son out of the blue?"

"Perhaps you should ask your Nickolas that question" she responds standing up on the side of the bed, one hand holding the sidetable for support

"Am asking you"

"Am sorry Mrs Bishop, but like i said, perhaps you should have a conversation with him" she repeats.

"Are you not his wife?" i ask as i move closer to her, her little attitude is testing my patience.



"Why what?" this is getting annoying.

"Why did you marry him?"

"Well, maybe you should talk t..." i cut her off with a slap to her face. Silly girl wants to play games with me.

I hear a gasp behind me and turn around to see Nicole and Aaron standing by the door.

"What the hell Mum?" Aaron shouts coming to stand between us.

"I dont appreciate her attitude. If she is going to live in this house she needs to learn how to talk to me properly" I defend myself. I feel like she is a little fly i need to squash.

"Alaia are you alright? " Aaron asks, inspecting her face to check the damage.

"Am fine" She says pulling away.

"Can you all leave me alone now" she has the audacity to demand. This is my house i can be anywhere i want to be.

"With pleasure, but know this, this is Rhea's place you are occupying little girl, dont get comfortable, you wont be here long, and i wont rest untill you leave this house and go back to rathole you came from as soon as possible" I promise her before turning away and leaving.

Aaron follows and stands in front of me.

"Don't you ever do that again mother... Do you understand?"

"Babe,, dont talk to your mother like that" Nicole says trying to pacify him.

"Is that clear? " He continues, ignoring her and looking straight at me.

I say nothing, choosing to ignore him in response.

"Well then, I will just let Dad and Nick deal with this" he threatens as he walks away.

"Fine, it won't happen again" I say as he continues to walk away but i know he heard me. Nicole gives me a cold look before following after her husband.

She irritates me. Ever since she traded in one son in place of the other and caused a tension between two brothers who used to be really close once upon a time.

But she is not fooling anyone. She still loves Nick and regrets her decision but its too late now. And knowing that she is unable to give her whole heart to Aaron annoys me. He deserves better.

But a man is a man, Aaron still loves her unconditionally and doesnt want to let her go and she knows it, even though he knows that she has never really been able to get over Nick. Nick knows it too. But that is a truth we all pretend not to see for the sake of peace and harmony in this house .

On the other hand, Rhea loves Nick, she adores him, she is perfect for him and they are good together. I have never really understood why Nick hasn't married her already, despite them seeing each other for a long time now.

And now he just shows up with this random girl. This doesn't make any sense, unless there is something they are hiding from me.

Either way, no woman would be more perfect for him that Rhea. I won't standby and watch another one of my sons throw away a good chance of a perfect marriage. This little girl will not do. Whatever the cost, i will make sure he ends up with Rhea. He will thank me later.