
Alaia's POV

I listen, to make sure i have been left alone in the room. Am holding back tears. Am afraid someone will smack me again or sholve me against the wall or something without any notice. Its dead silent in the room, so its safe to say am alone.

I want to go to the bathroom but I haven't mastered my way around here yet, so i don't know where to go.

I decide to try anyway. I walk around feeling things around the room, but the place is just too huge i can't find it. My frustration is building and tears begin to fall from my eyes.

I find a door and enter but i dont think its the bathroom after walking around for a while checking for the sink, or bath or something to indicate am in the right place. Its not it.

What if am in the hall, and i end up tumbling down the stairs. I sit down against the wall after a while and give up. Lizzy will find me soon, i try to convince myself as the tears keep coming but am trying to hold them back. Am afraid if i start, i will not stop.

I sit here for what feels like forever, before i hear a voice calling out for me. Nickolas'voice.

He calls my name again and at this point the tears i have been holding back suddenly just burst out like a dam that has been open. I panick, i dont want him to see me like this.

"Alaia, where are you??" he calls again.


Nickolas' POV

I walked into the house heading straight to my bedroom. I get to the stairs taking them two at a time and meet Aaron and Nicole coming down.

"Nick....what are you doing here?" Nicole asks surprised to see me here because am rarely ever here before 6pm.

"I live here" I say walking past them both but deliberating bumping into Aarons shoulder as a form of greeting.

I get to my room and the room is empty. The bed looks like it had been occupied recently. She must be in the bathroom i think. I walk there and knock once before pushing the door open.

"Alaia? " Nobody's there. Where is she?

"Alaia" She couldn't have gone to the balcony, but i still check there and she isnt there either. My heartbeat speeds up. If she left the house, someone would have told me.

"Alaia?" I shout louder pulling out my phone to call Elizabeth. Maybe she took her out for a walk. I notice the door leading to her walk in closet is open and so i walk through it and find her sitting on the floor against the wall with her knees up against her chest and her face burried in them.

"Alaia,," I crounch down infront of her and notice her shoulders shaking so i hold her head up to look at her. Her face is wet with tears. She's crying. Hard.

"What happened?" I ask, worried now. She bursts into even more tears and i start to panick.

"Alaia, what is it? are you hurt? What happened, did you fall? " I ask trying to inspect her body for injuries.

I stand pulling her up with me. I inspect her again and try to pull her into my arms to comfort her but she pushes me away.

"Alaia, please whats wrong" i ask her as i gently as i have ever spoken to anyone in my life. The burning in my chest is back.

"Nnnothing, ccccccan you take me to the bathroom" She stutters in a quiet broken voice. My heart literally drops from seeing her like this. I place one hand around her shoulders, and the other at the back of her thighs and lift her up. I hold her close to me as i walk to the bed instead.

I sit down with her sideways on my lap and try to cradle her to me. She tries to get up but i tighten my hold around her waist.

"Sit still" i say rubbing her back. Her hair is in a loose ponytail so i pull the small band holding her hair out, run my fingers through it and gently push her head down on my shoulder.

"Can i go to the bathroom now" She asks after a few minutes. She is calm now but her body is making occassional whimpers from having cried so much. I dont want to let her go. Not right now.

"What happened" I ask again instead but i get silence in return again.

"Alaia......I won't let you go until you tell me?

"I got lost ok" She whispers.

"What happened to Lizzy? She is supposed..... "

" I aaaasked to be left alone and let her go awhile ago but then i needed to use the bathroom and thought i could find it on my own, but i couldnt" She says putting her head back on my shoulder.

I liked that she did that on her own and tightened my grip around her waist pulling her even closer if that was even possible. I let my other hand rub back and forth on her back again.

"Nick?" She whines.

"Uuhhhmmm" I liked that she called me Nick. My name has never sounded so good.

"Bathroom " She repeats. I sigh. I don't want to end this. I stand up with her in my arms and start walking to the bathroom.

"I can still walk on my own you know" She protests.

"I know" I put her down when we get to the bathroom.

"Do you need help with anything? "

"No i will be fine"

"Alright, am right outside the door if you need me, just call" i say but hesitate to leave. I dont want her out of my sight even for a second.

"Nickolas go .... " she whines. Back to Nickolas already.

"Fine" I say walking out. I close the door and try to stay close incase she calls for me.

So much time passes but finally the door opens and i walk up to her as she stands by the door and lift her up into my arms once again.

"Stop doing that, i want to walk" She complains.

I sit down with her on my lap the same way as before.

" Why are you back from work so soon? She asks as i start to twirl her hair between my fingers.

"You haven't eaten yet" i ask rhetorically, sudennly remembering the reason i came home.

"Yes, but why are you back?"

" Because you haven't eaten yet." i repeat.

"Right, am not very hungry" she responds.

"Since yesterday?? " She doesnt answer.

"Ally.. "I call in a firm voice

"I don't feel like eating ok?"

"Its not ok, is this a habit of yours?"

Right on cue, Elizabeth arrives with our lunch.

"Come in" i shout for her to enter. Upon hearing that, Alaia tries to get off my lap but i dont let her.

"Nick please" she frowns. I swear i would do anything to hear her say that again. Her wiggling her hips to get out of my grip is having another effect on my lower anatomy and she doesn't even know it.

"Excuse me" Elizabeth says as she leaves the room looking embarrassed to see us so intimate.

"She's gone" I say to help her relax. Not that i mind the wiggling at all.

"I dont want to eat"

"You are acting like a child" i scold her.

"And what does that make you marring a child?" she challenges me

I chuckle at her words then pull her closer.

"If your intention is to cut off my blood supply to my lower half, you are doing a great job, its working" she complains sassing me.

I loosen my grip and let my thumb brush her cheek briefly, then her lips and then quickly replace my thumb with my own lips, kissing her softly.