Stockholm Syndrome

Alaia's POV

Nick rubs my lips with his thumb and before i could react i feel his lips brush against mine.

When he found me earlier i was in such a bad state so much that he was the last person i wanted to find me.

But then he became really gentle and caring with me when i needed it the most and i must admit i feel alot better now. Being in his arms makes me feel safe somehow and i just want to live in this moment for a while before getting back to reality.

His lips are warm and gentle moving slowly against mine, which by the way must be swollen from all the crying i did earlier. I respond and kiss him back.

His hand runs through and grips my hair tilting my head back to deepen the kiss. His tongue licks my lower lip gently biting it. I gasp and he uses the opportunity to slip his tongue in my mouth.

Our tongues swerve against each other and his grip on my hair tightens. The kiss that started out slow and gentle has turned hungry and passionate. I feel blood rush through my body in heat waves.

I put my own hand around his neck drawing him closer, and i run the other through his hair too, to which am rewarded with a groan. He pulls back long enough to allow me to take a breath but still pulling my bottom lip gently between his teeth and starts kissing me again. A moan escapes my lips in excitement.

We kiss like this for a while longer before our kiss is broken when his cell phone rings sudennly.

" Fuck.. " he swears.

He tries to ignore it but it rings again. He feels around his pockets till he grabs it.

"What " He shouts into the phone.

As he talks on the phone, i try to recollect my thoughts. What am i doing? I dont know where all that passion came from. I dont even like Nickolas. I hate him.

Maybe am developing some kind of Stockholm syndrome. Thats possible right? And him, i have so many questions for him, clearly there is someone else in his life, so was he really so desperate for the land that he chose to marry me, a stranger and risk his relationship with his significant other?

I try to get up from his lap. Being so close to him is doing things to my body and i need to think straight, but he stops me again and then proceeds to rub his nose behind my ear while he listens to whoever is on the other end of the line acting as if this is the most natural thing to do.

I can't help but wiggle a little wanting to get up, and thats when i feel it. Something hard pressing up against my bum. Oohhh that what i think it is?? Ohh shit! My face must look as red as a tomato now.

He is still on the phone when he tries to kiss me again making me giggle, like a bloody school girl. Really Ally, giggling? Whats wrong with me. I can't think straight like this.

He hangs up. Oh crap! What do i do now?

"Aahhh... I want to eat now." I blurt out, i need a destruction. Anything.

"Okay" I can tell he is smiling at my unsual request all of a sudden. I can tell he knows why i want to shift our attention but thankfully, he doesn't say anything else. Instead, he puts me down on my feet and walks me to the food. Whatever happened to lifting me, i mentally pout.

He sits down pulling me onto his lap again. This time i don't bother to protest, whats the us, he will get his way anyway. But no wiggling this time, i try to sit still.

"If you try to feed me i swear i will smother you with a pillow in your sleep tonight" I warn him.

"Noted" he says laughing out loud.

He explains the food on my plate then we both start to eat with me holding my plate close to me with one hand.

I know he must be watching the way am eating but I try not to think about it too much and just focus on eating.

"At home, there is a way they put my food on my plate, it makes it easier for me eat" I to explain myself unable to help it.

"Ok, will let Elizabeth know, so that they can do that for you here from now on" he offers.

I nod and we continue eating in silence. He finishes first and leans back on the chair. He touches some hair and pushes it behind my ear and thats when he notices it. The redness that must have formed from his Mother's slap earlier.

"What happened to your face" He asks, turning my head to inspect my other cheek to see if it looks like the other one.

"Ohh that.... I dont know, it just changed color i guess" i say trying to sound casual.

He's quiet for a moment then asks again.

"Does it hurt"

"No" Not anymore anyway.

"Then how do you know it changed color?" Shit! Didn't think that through.. I dont want to talk about this yet.

"Alaia, not the silence again " He warns.

"Its nothing really.... Can i ask you something.... " i try to destruct him.

"What? "

"You have to say yes"

"Ask me first" he says, rubbing his thumb very gently over my red cheek and i feel butterflies in my stomach. I need some space from him to get myself together.

"Can i visit dad... Please? "

"Who did this to you? " He asks instead, still talking about my face making my heart skip a beat, or several..he is acting like he cares.

"Tell me and i will let you go" he promises.

Now, i dont like Nick's mother at this point, but snitching on her on my first day here will not make things any easier for me especially that Nick will be at work all day and i have to remain here with her. I need to figure out how i will handle this situation first before i tell him.

Am trying to form a lie in my head when he says instead.

"I'll take you, but i need to do something at the office first, then we can go"

"Ok " I reply holding in my excitement and ask as an after thought.


"Yes now... let me get your shoes and coat"


He returns with a pair of ankle boots and ankle length coat which he helps me put on.

He opens the bedroom door but before i can exit, he turns me around, tilts my head back and kisses me again.

Reluctantly, he lets me go and guides me around as we leave the house.

"Good afternoon Alaia" Allesio greets.. "How are you today"

"Am good thanks, how are you " i return.

"Never been better.....Nick, twice in one week, i dont think i remember seeing you at home at this time of a day that much"

"Yeah well, i never had a good reason to come before" he says making me blush.

"Hello Alaia" says a strange voice.

"Hello" I reply.

"Am Nicole, Aarons wife..... Good to see you come out of your room finally. We should go out for a walk sometime, so we can get to know each other"

"Sure" I try to be polite.

"Excuse us" Nick finally says leading us away

"Who else was there?"


"Oh.....and last night, at dinner? "

We get inside the car and i swear Nick is about to pull me on his lap again

"Jesus Nick, i think for safety reasons am required to sit on my own this time" he laughs.

"Relax... I was just getting your seat belt."

"Oh" i say my face flushing with a little embarrassment.

"Dont be embarrassed with me......lets see, you know Marco, Dad, Mum and Aaron were there" he pauses then continues.

"There was also Emma, my Aunt on my dads side, Lola my little sister who is in school right now and Nicole"

"I didnt know Aaron was married" I state.

" Yeah well, now you know" he responds matter of factly.