Just Like Before

Alaia's POV

Rhea. That's the woman Yolanda was talking about right?

"Hi...." Rhea responds to Nick.

"What are you doing here" Nick asks. He doesnt sound too happy to see her here.

"Now honey, don't be rude... I invited her..besides, she has had dinner here countless times, this is not strange" Yolanda's voice echoes in the room.

Great, now this night will get even more awkward.

Nicks walks us further in the room, am assuming towards our seats.

"You are in her seat" He says. I presume he is talking to Rhea.

"I always sit here" she protests.

"Not anymore Rhea" i can feel the tension building in the room now.

"Its fine. Lola, can i sit next to you" I say, hoping to ease the tension and end this awkwardness. Afterall, am only his pretend wife, and this is the woman he actually has been seeing.

Against better judgement, i recall our passionate moment from earlier today and i feel a ping of jealousy.

"You are Nick's wife and it only makes sense that you should sit next to him" Lola responds instead.

However, Rhea clearly refuses to move because we continue to just stand.

"Honey, lets not cause a scene uuhhmm. There are plenty of other empty chairs at the table, Alaia can take one of them. Rhea is already sitting down, it would be in bad taste to ask our guest to get up, don't you agree Alaia" Yolanda says, putting me on the spot.

"Ofcourse. Am sure Nick and i can sit somewhere else just for tonight. After all, like you said, she is a guest and we wouldnt want to make our guest feel uncomfortable" I reply politely.

I dont want this woman to think she can walk all over me. I hear a giggle from somewhere.

After we sit down with Nick to my right and i feel a tap on my left shoulder.

"That was awesome.... Am Katherine. We are gonna get along just fine" she whispers.

I smile. I think i like Allesio's side of the family.


Dinner was awkward obviously, especially for me. Yolanda made sure of that. She kept bringing old memories and talking about past dinners and any other memories involving Nick and Rhea that she could think of before someone would try to change the subject. Nick on the otherhand, was quiet. It made me feel even worse about the comment i made earlier to his mother. Could i have over stepped my boundery?

Or maybe he is mad that i made his girlfriend or whatever she is feel bad. Then again why did he kiss me like that earlier today if he cared for her. Maybe he just felt sorry for me. Now am just mad at myself for being so easy. Am i catching feelings for him already?


"Lola, can you escort Ally upstairs" I hear Nick say bringing me out of my thoughts a couple of minutes later. Wait what?

"Sure" Lola says taking my hand. What the hell? Am i on time out? He didnt even ask me if i want to go to bed already. He did not just do that! Wow, i guess he wants to spend time with Rhea now then.

And just like that, am taken away like some child who's past her bedtime. Just wow.


Nickolas' POV

To say i was pissed to see Rhea here was an understatement. Mum was pushing it. As it is, only Dad, Aaron and Marco are in on all the details of the arrangement i have with Alaia.

The rest of the family, can't keep a secret if their lives depended on it. As for Rhea, our relationship has always been complicated. I couldn't exactly tell her the nature of my relationship with Ally at the time because i knew she would have made things difficult, and i didnt feel i needed to explain anything to her anyway.

I have to admit though that our relationahip has been taking a more serious tone lately, but still, her showing up here like this is stupid.

I watch Lola take Ally upstairs. I can tell she is mad i sent her away like that, i didnt mean to come off bossy, but thats the way i am. I still can't believe the way she stood up to my mother earlier, i have to give it to her for that. I suspect Mum was the cause of Ally's red cheek earlier, so watching her stand up for herself infront of everyone was quite impressive. She is full of surprises.

I walk to the private lounge where i know Rhea must be waiting for me. We have met there countless times for our shananigans.

"Really..What made you think coming here like this was a good idea" I ask while closing the door.

"Yolanda invited me, besides, i wanted to see for myself what she was like"

"And? Are you satisfied now?"

"No, only you can make that happen" She flirts. But i ignore her.

"She's beautiful" she continues.

"Rhea, YOU are beautiful. I didnt take you for the jealous type "

"Every woman is the jealous type under the right circustances...So whats going on? Why did you marry her... Is she pregnant?" She asks.

"I Can't really get into it but no she is not pregnant"

"Nick you are going to have to give me a little more details than that"

"Look.....relax, its not what you think...She's a temporary business project"

"So she doesn't mean anything to you?" She continues to probe.

"What is this Rhea, since when do we explain ourselves to each other...I have never interrogated you about who you're with when you are not with me, and you have never been interested in who am sleeping with before, so what is this?"

"Well, you never went and got married to one of them before" she counters, then adds.

Ahh, so you are sleeping with her then?"

I run a hand through my hair exasperated. This day won't end.



"Are you sleeping with her?" Aahh, what kind of question is that really, we are married, what does she really expect.

"Do you really want me to answer that question?"

When my question is met with silence, i walk to her and pull her to me.

"Look, i told you not to worry ok, you and i are still good"

"Just like before?" she pouts.

"Just like before" I reply kissing her.

Only this time it didnt feel the same.


I walked into my bedroom to find Alaia already in bed seemingly fast alsleep, but I'ld bet she's pretending to be asleep. I decide not to disturb her whatever the case.

I need to clear my head, so i change into basketball shorts and a sleeveless tshirt and make my way to the gym. I find Aaron already there beating the shit out of the punching bag.

"Who got your balls in a twist or do I even need to ask" i taunt him.

"How's Alaia" he asks instead. For some reason i don't like him asking about her. I decide not to answer either.

"She didn't look too happy when you sent her upstair"

"No she didnt"

"She will be good for you" he continues. You did not just say that.

I stop lifting the weights and look at him pointedly.

"Ohh yeah? I bet you do" I bet you are counting on it too.

"She's different"

"I know" Now back off.

"We are trying to have a baby" he says suddenly out of the blue refering to himself and Nicole.

"Oh... thats nice. Congratulations" I say and mean it surprisingly.

"Alright man.... Goodnight" Aaron says done with his session.

"Goodluck.....you will need it. I doubt those balls are worth shit" He chuckles in response.

"I'll take that as a challenge" He yells on his way out.

I give myself another thirty minutes before calling it a night aswell.


When i get to my room, i head straight for the shower.

I would normally do some work at this point but i decide to join Ally in bed instead. I get in under the covers on my side of the bed. Ally has her back to me and is facing the bathroom. I draw close to her and try to pull her into me by her waist but she immediately shrugs me of.

"Dont touch me" she sneers. She is still awake. Ok, i guess i deserve that.

I return to my side and face the balcony. After what feels like hours of me trying to sleep, i turn back to face her again. She must be asleep now because her breathing is soft and even. I pull her against me spooning her from behind and place one leg between hers. She's wearing very short shorts and a tank top tonight.

My bare thighs brush against her own smooth and bare ones sending blood rushing to my lower half. I bury my head in her neck and try to will myself to sleep ignoring all the sinful thoughts flooding my mind right now.