Only For You

Nickolas' POV

I woke up feeling rested and relaxed.

Ally is still in my arms the same way i arranged her last night, except her butt is digging into my crotch and she is holding onto a pillow and breathing sofly.

I lean over her placing a wet kiss below her ear. She purrs. I do it again reaching one hand inside her top and brushing the bare skin of her stomach. So soft.

"Uuhhhhhhm....Nick.... Am not talking to you" She protests, but not making any effort to move or push me away.

"Thats ok. This won't require much talking" i murmur, now full kissing and biting her neck and shoulders. She whimperes, reaching for my hand inside her shirt but not making any effort to stop my movement.

I turn her over on her back, push her legs apart and lay down between them, placing one arm besides her head for support and useing the other to caress her thigh while holding it over my hip.

We kiss this way until i start to move back and forth slowly between her thighs causing us both to moan into the kiss and her to whimper slightly.

"Nick...." She whispers against my lips pulling me closer. How i longed to hear her say that and much more from the moment i met her.

"Madam Ally... " Elizabeth calls outside the bedroom door where she knocks softly.

Shit! I forgot i had a stern talk with her last night about never leaving Ally alone for too long. She's supposed to be here by 7:30 every morning to attend to her and if Ally wants to be alone, she needs to check on her every 30 minutes for the rest of the day.

Which means it must be 7:30 now and am late for work.

"Madam Ally.." She repeats managing to catch Ally's attention this time.

"Nick... " Ally breaks our kiss trying to push me away from her. I start kissing her neck instead, making her shiver again. She is so sensitive there.

"She won't go way" She whispers.

" Elizabeth, come back after 30 minutes" I shout.

"Oh my God, now she'll think that..... "

"We're having sex?... " I finish for her.

"We are supposed to princess, we are married" She puts both hands on her face to hide her embarrassment.

Could this woman be any more adorable.

"As much as i would love to finish this, i really do need to go, but we will continue this later".

"For now, am going to take a very, very cold shower" i say pecking her on the forehead before heading to the bathroom.


Alaia's POV

I hear the bathroom door close and i bury my head under the pillows

"uuggghhhhh" i scream into them.

Whats wrong with me. Last night i had resolved to keep my relationship with Nickolas strictly professional. He has a girlfriend and from the way he sent me away last night, things are pretty serious between them.

Which reminds me, am supposed to be furious with him. He made me feel like a child asking Lola to take me away like that, but instead, here i was, about to have sex with him. Aaahhgg.

Am so confused. I dont know whats happening to me.

I just lie on the bed for a few minutes trying to convince and give myself reasons why i need to be serious about my resolve.

" Are you ok down there babe?" Nick asks suddenly. Babe? Babe?? Am Babe now??? Oh my, am so screwed.

"Ally? "He calls out again.

"I thought we agreed, no silence" He pulls away the pillows.

"Do you always have to be in control of every situation?" I ask him sitting up.

"Why are you hiding from me?" He asks instead.

"Am not"

"Then what are you doing under there"

"Sleeping, picking up from where i left off before you interrupted and woke me up earlier" i retort.

"Ohh really? You didnt seem to mind, infact, according to the sounds you were making, i recall you were enjoying yourself up until Liz came and interrupted us." He asserts proudly.

"Whatever,, aren't you late or something" i try to change the subject.

"I am, am going just now, but best believe we are not finished here Alaia, not by a long shot"

"Maybe i am no longer interested" I say, testing the waters of my resolve.

" Oh but you are...however, in the rarest event that you are not, i am pretty sure, i can make you change your mind"

"Dont be so sure of yourself, i am known to be somewhat immune to boyish charms.

"Well, if what happened earlier is anything to go by, that won't be a problem for me"

"It won't happened again"

"I'll consider that a challenge.

"Thats the thing,, its not a game Nickolas, am not a toy you can play with until you get tired or find something new"

"What do you want?" He asks sudennly.


"What. Do. You. Want. From me Ally?" He asks. How do i put this?


"My sanity!...Am scared ok.... I dont want to get hurt...and i think that no matter what you do, you will hurt me.......Can we just stick to the rules of the contract?"

"We are. Listen, Stop overthinking everything ok. I have no intentions of hurting you, if you do the same for me. Something is happening here, so instead of fighting it, lets see where this goes you know, just...go with the flow.

"That is a very corny thing to say Nickolas Bishop" i say unable to suppress a laugh.

"Believe me, some corny shit have been happening to me since i met you"

"What about Rhea?? Dont they have a relationship or something. His Mum is still rooting for them and thats going to be a problem for us, i can feel it.

"Dont worry about that. I will take care of it."


"Meaning that situation will be handled. It's just gonna be me and you. Is that what you wanna hear?" he asks. Yes.

"Its really none of my business" i answer instead??

I feel the bed deep a little as he leans over and says.

"I believe the word you are looking for, is 'Yes'" Then kissing my shoulder and neck he adds.

Its going to be a very long and hard day today, literally, wish me luck " It takes me a second to understand what he really means, but when i do, i slap him on the shoulder feeling embarrassed again...

"Goodbye Nick" i say pushing him away again. He laughs and gets up to leave. When i hear the door open i ask.

"Does everybody know that you can be a corny man Mr Bishop? "

"Only for you princess" The door closes leaving me to my thoughts.


Lu and Lizzy joined me soon after Nick left and i felt really awkward at first but thankfully, they acted so normal that i soon relaxed.

I am going to visit Dad. Nick didn't show any resistant when i said i would visit again today so i wanted to take advantage of that. Plus i also wanted to pass by the Dry cleaning shop and talk to Mr Lee about about when i would return to work.

I got dressed in all denim today and made my way out with Lu. We met Nicole on our way out of the house.

"Alaia...... Am surprised you are up so soon"

Its Nicole. Lu whispers to me.

"Hi Nicole.... Why is that?"

"Well, i noticed Nick was late for work today. I figured you'd probably be in bed all morning resting if you too had such a long night, but i guess it wasnt such a busy night after all"

"I see.. Well excuse us, we were just leaving" I say nonchantantly.

"Oh, well, later then" she responds.

"What was that" I ask Lu after we got into the car.

"Ahhh, she's just being petty just because she had a relationship with him first, dont pay her any attention"

"What do you mean, she and Nick dated? " i ask shocked.

"Wait, you didn't know? Every body knows that"

"Apparently not everybody. Tell me, how is it that she is married to Aaron then?"

"Aahh, maybe you should talk to Mr Nickolas about this"

"Just tell me Lu, i will find out anyway"

"Well, i dont know all the details but they were together for a long time or something, but then there was a time Mr Nick left the country for a couple of years. They must have broken up at that time or something cause she started dating Mr Aaron when he left. Anyway, they got married soon after Mr Nick came back, so am sure he must have approved of their marriage"

"Ohh, ok" Wow... I don't even know what to think of that. Am living with one of Nick's Ex's and his 'other woman' comes in and out of the house whenever she pleases. Just Wow.


I found out that Mr Lee is not at the shop yet so we drove to the hospital first. Mum is at diner wrapping things up after the closer and Sienna has some errands to do today so she isn't at the hospital right now but Zara is.

"Wow.. You look like a million dollars Ally" She says as we entered Dads ward.

"Can't argue with that" Says a familiar voice out of the blue.

"OMG... Judah! " Zara shouts running behind me so him.

"In the flesh baby" He replies, obviously hugging her.

"Hey you" he says reaching for me.

"Jude? What are you doing here. I thought you wouldn't make it back till the end of next month," i asked surprised.

"What? are you not happy to have me back?"

"Ofcourse i am, i just don't want you leaving the project so suddenly, or is it finished already?

"No, not yet, but anything for you babe, only for you" he says in his usual smug way, hugging me with his hands inside my jacket like i was still his.

This is not gonna be good!