Old Days Gone By

Alaia's POV

Honestly, am freaking out a little bit here. He sure is in for a surprise with my marriage and he hates surprises. But this here is the mother of all surprises.

"Hai, am Lu, her assistant" Lu introduces herself.

"Assistant huh? hi, am Jude " he returns.

"When did you get back?" Zara asks distracting him.

"Last night" He grabs my hand and starts to walk away somewhere.

"I was just about to go in and talk to dad "

"Ok.. Lets go in then"

"No! I mean... I want to talk to him alone first, there is something i need to talk to him about privately"

"Since when do you keep secrets from me? Or are you also going to talk about me? Say hi" He says backing off. I sigh.

"Thank you, Zee" I call, needing her help me to get inside.

"Hi Dad.." I say holding his hands as soon as we get inside. Zara, leaves us alone.

"Hi baby... You look nice"

"So i hear" I respond.

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing i guess. Jude is back"

"Oh.... Yeah.. I heard.. His parents came over last night." He says while i fiddle with my ring and say nothing.

"Have you two met already" he asks.

"We just did, he is outside" i respond.

"Oh honey, what really is the problem" he asks, but isn't it obvious? I sigh.

How do i explain this, my ex who is also one of my best friends, just got back into town and during his absence, i go married and didn't tell him, so abviously, he is gonna freak out, and Jude being Jude will definitely get mad at me. I hate confrontation and can't stand it when people are upset with me.

Plus, i may or may not, be developing a little bit of feelings of for a man he absolutely hates and i should hate too for good reason.

Also, that we're living with his ex, who I think doesn't like me already while the woman he is currently involved with is welcome to come in and out of the house whenever she pleases.

"Honey??? " Dad calls, still waiting for my explanation.

"I dont know whats wrong with me Dad? " i respond, feeling defeated.

"Hey, it's ok " He pulls me in for a hug.

"Am trying to keep a level head.....Its so confusing.. And now its gotten even more complicated" i say not really explaining anything or making much sense, but somehow dad understands what at getting at and he chuckles.

"Well honey, some things you can't control. That's what i was so afraid of.. Just know that, whatever happens, am here for you ok?"

"Tsst... I dont know about that. As long as you dont try and die on me again" i retort and he chuckles again.

"Not a chance. Am not going anywhere. I gonna be around for a long time to look after my girls properly from now on" he promises.

"You better be. Alright, am gonna go talk to Jude now ok. I will be back though" I tell him.


"So....." i say, not really knowing where to start as we walk outside.

"You got married " he spits out out of the blue.. Or we can start there.

"How did you know? "

"Thats all you got to say?? I was hoping it wasn't true and my parents where just bullshitting me, but i guess not.

How cound you do that to me Alls? and after you gave me such a hard time after i started dating Chrissy, remember how you starting ignoring me and stopped picking up my calls altogether??

Then you go and get married behind my back... and i get to hear about it from my parents" he speaks angrily.

"I wasn't ignoring you. I was giving you space. I needed space too" i respond refering to the time he started dating.

"Thats all you picked up from everything i just said. Thats is not what this is about, don't try to sway the subject"

"Jude... It's not as bad as it seems"

"Not bad?? Not bad? You are married Ally! you didn't even tell me you were dating someone. "

I dont know what to say to him now, so i stay quiet.

"Is it revenge because of Chrissy? You said it was ok me dating her. Plus you are the one that broke up with me remember? And i told you about her before we even started dating.. You said it was ok. Dammit Ally, you said it was ok"

This is not even about that. Its not about him at all. But am too embarrassed to tell him what dad did and why i married Nickolas. Which means more silence on my part. He stops talking too and we both just sit there by the garden bench quietly.

"Do I know him?? " He asks sudennly


"Do you love him? ....Ofcourse you do right?, you are not the type to be with someone you dont care about" he asks and answers himself.

"Jude...... "

"Ally, you fell in love with someone else and didnt tell me?" he asks rhetorically.

"What does it really matter, it won't change anything now"

"You are right...it won't....I gotta go...i will tell Zara to come get you" he says clearly pissed off.

"You know what. Since we were kids, you have always been my number one Ally. I thought we could talk to each other about everything. And you know what? If it came down to it, i would choose you over anyone, if you just said the words. I have always loved you, that has never changed and you know it.

"Am sorry" i whisper.

"Thanks.....by the way, nice ring" He adds before walking away.


I sat there where Jude left me and recalled the conversation i had with his parents. One that changed my relationship with him forever, one i will never forget nor can ever tell him about.

His parents asked, no, begged me to step aside and let him live his life to the fullest. 'I will only hold him back' were their exact words. And it was true i guess.

Jude always made alot of sacrifices growing up to accommodate me because of my lack of sight, and I kind of felt guilty for it. He was always so stubborn about everything concerning me so much that when I broke up with him, i really expected him to put up a fight, but surprisingly, he didnt.

Soon after, he started dating Chrissy, he asked for my 'permission' first though..but what was i supossed to say really? No? ...so i gave him my blessing even though it hurt me to do so.

I felt like i lost the one person who could really see beyond my blindness and still love me whole heartedly. But I accepted my fate. I know i was the one who broke up with him, but what could i have done, when his parents were pressuring me.

I expected him to fight for me. Especially since his parents didnt want me for him. But he let go too easily and that really hurt me. But i have never told him that. Never let him know why i really broke it off.

When he started dating Chrissy immediately after getting to college, he was so happy, he could finally do all the things with his girlfriend he was never able to do with me. Everybody talked about how he was living his best life, how happy he was.

"Hey, you ok?" Zara asks sitting down next to me.

"Yes..... i am"

"Ally, i just want to say thanks... For everything you do for the family. Am really really proud to be your sister and i love you so so much" She says the last part hugging me.

Ohh my little munchkin. Lu joins us while we are still hugging.

"I will never leave your side. You and me are gonna grow old together.. Just the two of us" She always says this to me.

"You are only saying that now. You haven't met someone special yet kiddo. Then you will make that promise to him and leave me, and you know what? thats gonna make me very very happy. "

"I promise you, no boy will ever come between us" Lu and i both laugh. I dont know about that.

Her phone rings.

"Who was that? " I ask after she hangs up as i wipe away her stray tears.

"Jude... He wanted to make sure i got to you"

"Ohh.. And robert called too.. Said Mr Lee is back and you can go see him now."

"Great...can i leave you again for a bit. Will be back as soon as i can"

"Yeah.. Dont worry"

"Cool" I get up and Lu comes to my side and we leave together.

"Later Zara " She says


Our car ride to the shop is quiet and i fiddle with my ring again.

"Are you ok" Lu asks

"Yeah.. Why"

"Well, you are crying"

"Ohh.. Sorry.... " I say wiping my face

"You know am not usually like this. I hardly ever cry i swear... I guess its just been an emotional couple of days"

" I understand... If there is anything i can do... please tell me"


Mr Lee is delighted to see me as always. I had called in sick so atleast there is no bad blood.. We chat a little bit and i promise to be back to work on monday next week.

"Wait.. Are you engaged" Robert asks seeing my ring.

"What??" i ask confused.

"She's married" Lu responds for me.

"Get out of here..when? to who? Do i know him....Holy crap... You got married, i need details? "

"Tell you about it later... gotta go" i shout tagging at Lu. I love Rob, but if i tell him now, the whole town is gonna know about it by tomorrow. I pick up some brail books i left here and leave for the hospital again.

So many things going on, in such a short little time. I need a moment to figure things out.