Can't Control Your Heart

Alaia's POV

"Tsup people"

"Rita!! "Both me and Zara exclaim at the same time.

"Hai Uncle Steve.... You look good"

"I feel good" Dad replies.

"Wow.... You clean up good Mrs Bishop. Looking great. So you went shopping without me.. I knew it.. Its with that girl Lu isn't it. Where is she? " I don't think Rita is aware Lu is close by.

"Hi Rita" Lu greets her not offended at all.

"Oohh.. Hi... Didnt didnt see you there"

" Ohhh Rita" i say shaking my head. Dad and Zara just laugh

" You really do look good though" Zara says kissing my forehead.." You went Shopping?"

"Whats with you guys and shopping...? Nick had Lu buy me some new clothes ok "

"When can we come check it out, remember the photo gala i have to attend..Maybe you can lend me a dress? " Rita asks in her sweet 'you cant say no to me voice'

"You know you can have anything thats mine.. But i dont know if i can though, since Nick bought everything"

"You can do what you want they are your clothes afterall. Besides if you like, you can just buy her a new dress with your credit card remember. Am sure Mr Nickolas wants you to use it." Lu says from behind me.

"New Dress then... I can pay for it with my own money from my job at the shop"

" Thats not the point Ally, I dont want you to spend your hard earned money on a dress. I want to spend your filthy rich husband's money." Rita says making us all lauhh again.

"Besides... I would rather pick from your closet.. Am sure the clothes there are really high quality branded stuff. You can't afford what am in the mood for with that cheque of yours...sorry girl" She adds

"Gee thanks....C'mon, lets go get some hot chocolate" I say to her.

"I'll get it" Lu offers quickly.

"No.. You relax for a bit.... I want to talk to Rita anyway "


"So whats up?" She asks on our to the hospital Cafeteria.

"Judah is back"

"Really, when,,,have you met with him already?"

"Last night... And yes, he came by this morning"

" What'd he say? about Nick?"

"He is furious...and hurt that i got married and didn't tell him....That i got married at all."

Rita sighs.. "He moved on first"


" What??? He has that girl he is dating... You deserve to live your life too.... Does he know who it is? "

" No... Speaking of which, Nick's Ex is Aarons wife"

"Aaron his brother?? No way?"

"Yep.. And i don't think she likes me"

"Ofcouse she doesn't, you are her replacement "

I told her about Rhea too and the incident with Yolanda.

"I should move in there too and teach her a lesson...." Rita fumes.

Then i proceeded to tell her about Nick finding me and what happened afterwards, taking care to leave out the intimate details.

" Well, atleast he showed some concern towards you, because the way he behaved yesterday, wasn't very promising"

"Well, there is something else"... I hesitated before spitting it out.

"We kind of kissed"

"Sweet baby Jesus, you kissed Nickolas Bishop already, after what happened the other day?"

" I know right, and it felt....meaningful and i kind of, sorta, maybe liked it a little more than i should have considering, i should hate him" i say embarrassed but needing to talk to someone about it.

"Go on mama"

"Then i woke up in his arms this morning and we started doing stuff and almost had sex if not for Lizzy interrupting us" now am just embarrassed.

Rita sudennly screams and jumps up and down giggling and all, then stops after realising we are in a hospital cafeteria with people around us.

" Listen babe, Nick is really good looking and sexy. You have no idea how many women would kill to be in your place right now. I guess i can forgive him for the other day if he treats you well. My advise, just ride the wave, enjoy the moment while it lasts ok.

Oh damn... My little baby is gonna be having sex....eeehhhhhh. "

"What about Rhea and Nicole...And then there is Yolanda, its like Jude's parents all over again"

"The more reason to ride even harder, screw them. Nick is your husband and nothing can change that for now"

" Its just that, i dont want to have any feelings for Nick, it will make it hard when all this is over"

"I get it.. But you can't control your heart. What's meant to be will be, ok?"


Later, we collect our drinks and start heading back

"So, when you said you almost did it this morning, how far did you go? I want details" she claps her hands like a kid about to get some candy.

" Am not getting into that"

" You know i won't let this go right? " she warns. She wont.

"Did you get naked before you got interrupted or what "

"Rita forget it!! "

"Details girl" I sigh giving up.

"Are there people around us? "

"Nobody is listening..i'll give you a warning if somebody comes dont worry....uuhhhmmm, go on" At that point her phone rings. Thank God, because I wasn't planning on telling her much.

"Its Jude"

"Answer it" i say nervously

He wants to meet with me later she says after hanging. Just then Sienna joins us.

" Hey guys...what's up" she asks giving us both a kiss.

"Ally was just about to tell me about how she almost boned Nickolas Bishop this morning" Rita over shares.

" Ahh ...i knew it.. No wonder you were all 'Nick this, Nick that yesterday'"

"You guys are exaggerating. Rita.. You didnt have to tell her that" i say annoyed at her.

"So you want to share stuff with Rita but not with me" Sienna complains sounding hurt.

"Well, you are a little judgy thats all" i defend myself.

"Rita just sold you out, she can't even keep a secret.

But am sorry if i am like that sometimes, i promise it comes from a good place. But I will change ok? "she says taking my hand.

"Ok" i say smiling.

"Well...?? " Rita pushes

"Forget it. Am not telling either one of you anything ?" i say as both girls protest.


"Hai girls. Ally, i just went to settle the hospital bill but i was told it was settled yesterday by Mr Bishop. Did you ask him to do that? " Mum asks me.

"No, ofcourse not.. I didnt know."

"Well, tell him we want to pay him back. I don't want us to owe him any more money"



We Just got home from the hospital. Dad was doing really well, so after the doctor saw him, he discharged him today instead of tomorrow as initially planned. Jude and his parents have come over to welcome him back home since they live close by.

"Alaia, i heard you got married. Congragulations" Jude's Mum said reaching for my hand to look at my ring.

"Oh my, this looks expensive, is it real diamond? I didnt even know you were dating someone, who is he?"

"Mum stop interrogating her. Its none of our business" Jude who has mostly been quiet since he got here, tells his mother.

"We are basically family honey, right Ally, do you mind me asking?

"No...its alright " i reply.

"So who is he?" she continues. Damn you're persistent.

"Nickolas Bishop" i reveal.

"Which Nickolas Bishop? Nickolas Bishop, as in thee Nickolas Bishop?? " This time it was Jude's Dad asking.

"C'mon, lets talk about something else now uhhmm" Mum speaks.

"One of the owners of the Bishop group of companies??" Jude asks this time.

"You are joking right?" His father adds.

"Nope" Sienna supplies.

"I need some air, come with me" Jude says, pulling me up and outside without even waiting for my reply.

"That's who you are married to, Nickolas Bishop?" He says as soon as we get outside.



"What do you mean how? does it even matter anyway? Can we go back inside, i left my jacket and am cold"

He takes off his and puts it over my shoulders.

"Since when do you keep those kinda secrets from me?"

"Am sorry, i just couldn't tell you all this over the phone, i was waiting for you to come back" Honestly, everything happened too fast.

"Are you in love with him? " He asks this again.

"Jude! Please stop "

"Ok, do you still love me?"

"Enough ok, thats not fair" he sighs

"Am sorry... Am just surprised...i missed you"

"I missed you too"

We hug and just stay like that for a while.

"Alright, enough, let me go" Jude laughs but refuses to let go.

"I forgot how good it felt holding you" he confesses.

"Enough you psyco"

"Alright alright, no hugging...."

But then he proceeds to kiss me instead. I was so shocked at first i didn't react. Then he starts to deepen the kiss.

"What the fuck is going on here?" Nick asks.