Today's dance class wasn't what I expected. I expected our dance teacher to be impressed we were getting better in dancing but no, he wasn't. He would stop the music every minutes to complain about something or nothing which got me pissed off. I was so tired when it was all over as I dragged myself home. Jada's driver came as usual and she left. I had left the dance class leaving Becky since she was still talking to her friends. I really didn't have anything to say to her and Jada since I wasn't the talking type. I dropped at my bus stop and started heading home. Then I heard my someone call my name, I turned to see who, but saw no one. I didn't know if I truly heard my name or it was just my imagination so I decided to ignore it as I walked briskly this time. I turned to the way leading to my house when I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I yelped and turned around only to see Liam. I huffed and turned to leave only for him to block my way.
"What?" I asked angrily
"I saw you going so I decided to stop you so we can talk"
"Talk? Are you stalking me?"
"Stalking you?" he asked ridiculously as I rolled my eyes
"Well, maybe, I just wanted to know more about my good samaritian"
"Ha, ha, ha very funny" I tried to leave and he blocked my way again
"What do you want from me?" I asked raising my hands above my head before dropping it
"Well, Miss Bianca, I would like to know more about you"
"More?" I huffed "You barely know me and I barely remember your name"
He felt insulted by that and I didn't care, all I wanted to do right now was to go home in peace without bumping into him ever again.
"My name is Liam, remember?" he asked
"Oh sorry Liam but I need to go home"
And with that I tried to leave and he blocked my way again. I wasn't in the mood for a chit chat. I rolled my eyes and shoved him awat before walking away.
"I don't think that was necessary Miss Bianca, I'm just trying to be your friend and you're pushing me away. I hope you don't push someone so close to you away or you're gonna end up regretting it" he shouted and I stopped to look back only to see him walking away
"You don't even know me" I whispered as tears welled up my eyes
I didn't push Alexandria away, she was the one who left me. I walked faster immediately I saw my house. I dashed in through the front door and ignored my mum's call as I entered my room and started crying profusely. Maybe Liam was right after all. Maybe I'm regretting it because I pushed Alexandria away, maybe she never deserves someone like me in the first place, maybe she was tired of my stupid talks. Maybe this, maybe that, I don't know. All that was on my mind was to punch Liam hard in the face when next I see him, I pray I don't.
"Bianca" My mom walked un my room
"Go away" I sniffed abd turned around letting my back face her
"No, I won't, what's the matter my child"
"I said go away" I yelled at her
"And I said no" she yelled back
"I'm your mother, you shouldn't hide anything from me"
"It's my life, I choose to tell you whatever I want to tell you"
"Yes it's your life but you're my daughter" she placed her hands on my shoulder as she sat on my bed
"I-I think I'm regretting this because I push Alexandria away"
"Why would you say that sweetheart?"
"I-I don't know but I think so"
"You aren't regretting anything, you didn't kill he..."
"But she's dead because of me" I cut my mom off, she sighed and stood up
"When the right time comes, you'd be able to understand what I mean, now come downstairs, we'll have an early supper tonight"
And with that she left. I sighed and got up from my bed and headed downstairs.
I finished up the eggs, bacon and plum cake in no time. My mom was already cleaning the dishes, so I joined her and before we knew it, we were done cleaning the dishes.
"What's on TV tonight?" I asked myself before sitting down on the couch and switching on the TV. Unfortunately it wasn't what I wanted to watch that they were showing so I simply stood up, pecked my mom on her cheek before saying goodnight and heading upstairs m
I got to my room and removed my white baggy T-shirt and black fitted jean before putting on my pajamas. My phone beeped and I quickly sat on my bed holding my phone in my hand as I checked the message sent to me by an unknown person.
"I see you, you don't see me,
Tell them what happened on July 27 and I'd spare you"
"Oh now someone's playing prank on me but who?" I thought since I had no friends
"On June 27" I read the message again this time louder
"What happened on Ju..."
I screamed throwing my phone on the carpet as fear gripped me
"Mom" I screamed
"Mom" This time I started crying
"Bianca" she dashed in my room and was confused
"W-what's going on?"
"Mom" I was pointing to my phone on the floor
My mom looked at the phone and me before sighing and going to pick it up. She switched it on and told me to input my password. I did and the message was right there
"I see you, you don't see me" my mom looked at me
"Why is it rhyming?" she asked and I simply ignored her as she continued reading
"Tell them what happened on June 27 and I'd free you, is this a joke or something?"
"Mom, don't you get it, that was when Alexandria died" I said and my mom gasped covering her mouth
"Someone else knows about it here, the person is threatening me, mom we need to inform the police about it"
"Bianca calm down, it's nothing, no one would hurt you, I promise you. Now go to sleep dear, Goodnight"
And with that she stormed out of my room angrily. I sat on my bed with my knees pulled up to my chest, my arms wrapped around them and hugging them to me.
"What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment Alex, just let me be, please" I whispered as I soon drifted into sleep
* * * * *
"Bianca, you need to get ready for work or you'd be late" my mom said as she passed through the front door
"I'm awake" I said as I stepped out of the room
I wore a navy blue georgette gown with a black sandal carrying a black bag with me.
"Morning" I said blowing kisses to my mom
"Okay tell me what's going on" my mom asked
I know how she's feeling, I giggled and winked at her before heading to the door. My mom wasn't going to work today, so she'd be at home all day, maybe decide to go out later, it's all on her. I blew kisses to Bliss before leaving. I got outside and listened to dynasty by Miia.
I hummed to the song as I headed to the local coffee shop. I got there in no time and Maria was already there, she sat on an empty chair waiting for us to come. She was my age mate, eyes were hazel brown and her hair was a rich shade of light brown. She had big eyes and long brows and had the perfect smile for her perfect self even though she hardly smile.
"Good morning" I said as I raised my hand and waved
"Good morning" she said a little bit confused
I knew why she was feeling that way. This was my first saying a word to another in the shop.
I got into the changing room and changed to my uniform. I had put my bag into the locker and was about to leave when some group of girls walked in. They were people who made the shop lively, I find them funny. There was only one person among them who I liked. Her name was Jemima, a black American, her hair was full, long and black, it was packed in a ponytail leaving the tip to be puffing. Her dark brown eyes matching her straight nose with full dark brown lips.
"Hey Jemmy" I waved
"Heyyyy" she said as she stopped right in front of me and smiled
"G-Good morning"
"G-Good morning" she mimicked "Are you scared of me?"
"No, no" I said and she smiled
"You're Bianca, the girl who doesn't talk or smile" she started "I guess today is my lucky day, my dog was the first thing I saw when I woke up. I knew something good was coming my way" she said happily
"T-T-That's nice"
"Don't s-s-start w-w-with t-t-that" she said as we start laughing together "Feel free when you are talking to me" she said and I nodded.
I left the changing room and heading to the counter. We all started getting everything ready before people starts walking in. And did I forget to mention that Maria and Jemima weren't in good terms. Maria always wanted everything to be according to her way but Jemima would always shut her up before she says half of her speech.
Today was going on smoothly like a smoothie when I felt something was wrong with me and I needed to use the bathroom.
After two minutes of doing my thing, I washed my hands and headed to the counter.
"A double espresso please"
I knew that voice and I didn't waste my time before I walked briskly to the counter
"Double espresso, huh?" I arched an eyebrow
"Oh hello love" he said and I faked a smile
Andrew started packing his order from the kitchen as he handed it to Jemima
"Here you go mister" she said placing his orders in front of him.
He thanked and paid her but before he left he winked at me.
I hissed the word stalker as I saw Jemima smiling
"No, no, no, don't even say a word" I literally begged her
"Damn it girl, he's fucking handsome"
"Yeah, good for him" I simply said
"Wait, you don't know him?"
"Not at all" I said and she seemed surprised
"But he winked at you and called you his love"
I faked a laugh "I have alot of people calling me their wives but I don't know them"
"That's crazy"
"Very" I said and resumed working
We worked with no argument which was something impossible. I waited for it, one hour passed, waiting for it, two hours, still waiting, three hours, oh my I'm still waiting for it. Thirty minutes for it to be over, still nothing was happening. Then I gave up counting.
"Bianca, we're gonna walk home together, okay?" Jemima said
"Fine" I nodded
"If you know you can't do your work without chit chatting, leave" Maria said
"Shut the fuck up, you don't own here, you're a worker just like me and because you've got no friends doesn't mean you should hate, you can ask, politely I mean" Jemima said with a smile as she flipped her puffing hair and looked away
"I can get you both fired" Maria threatened
"Go ahead bitch, we're leaving here together" she said as she blew her fingers and for the first time Maria said nothing. She simply left the counter and headed to the changing room.
"We might really get fired" I said
"Don't let her scare you, she's leaving if we're leaving" Jemima said placing her hand on my shoulder
I was getting scared, what if we get fired for real, maybe that was why Maria said no word, maybe she had her own plans, what would I tell my mom. Jemima looked calm, she wasn't scared or angry, she looked unbothered.
Maria came out from the changing room and she already changed from her uniform to her normal clothes. She walked straight to the door
"Careful with the door miss" Jemima said as she laughed scornfully
Maria looked at her and was at the verge of tears. Jemima laughed out loud when Maria stormed out of the shop.
"I saw her eyes" Andrew said as we all turned to look at him "Was she about to cry?"
"Yes, today she was defeated" Stacy said, a girl who started working here a week ago and I barely know
"We should be prepared for war" I said as everyone laughed
"Indeed" Stacy said smiling
I smiled back. I noticed something about Stacy, she wouldn't look you in the eyes to reply you. Maybe she was really shy.
"Hey, what are you still doing, don't you wanna go home?" Jemima snapped me out of my thoughts
It was then I realized my working time was over. I followed Jemima to the changing room and changed from my uniform to my normal clothes.
When I was done changing I couldn't find Jemima. So I guessed she had left.
I left the changing room and started heading home. Only to be scared by Jemima
"What took your ass so long?" she asked
"I was actually waiting for you"
"Oh" she exclaimed, this time she already changed to her normal clothes. She was wearing a brown mini skirt, white loosely fitting shirt and a brown converse unlike me. I looked away when she turned to look at me, guessed she noticed I was staring at her.
"You're checking me out" she smiled "I know I'm pretty and you're finding it out to admit it"
"What!" I exclaimed as we both started laughing
"So tell me" she started
"What?" I asked
"What do you do? Sing? Dance? Wrestle? Steal? Kill?" she chuckled
"I dance"
"You don't believe?" I asked and she nodded
"Alright then, I'd dance for you and trust me you're gonna regret it for not believing in me"
We both laughed and she said "Well I believe"
"You do?"
"Yes, atleast for now" she raised her eyebrows and sounded funny
"Well what do you do?"
"I sing"
"Don't hmmm okay? I can sing for you right now if you want me to"
"Yes I want you to"
"Find then" she inhale and exhale before starting
"I remember years ago, Someone told me I should take
Caution when it comes to love, I did, I did
And you were strong and I was not, My illusion, my mistake
I was careless, I forgot, I did
And now when all is done there is nothing to say, You have gone and so effortlessly
You have won, you can go ahead tell them, Tell them all I know now
Shout it from the roof tops, Write it on the sky line
All we had is gone now, Tell them I was happy
And my heart is broken, All my scars are open
Tell them what I hoped would be
Impossible, impossible, Impossible, impossible" she ended it like a prof
"You've got the voice young lady" A passer-by in her late forties said
"Thanks" she replied with a smile
"That was beyond amazing Jemima, I see the next Beyoncé"
"Oh really, moments ago you were hmming me, now you are a seer?" she arched an eyebrow and we both started laughing
"I knew I heard that voice" someone said behind us and we turned to look at the person
Lo and behold, Maria was standing behind us. She stared at us with a blank expression on her face
"Liked it" Jemima asked
Maria rolled her eyes and walked passed us
"Hey" I said and ran to stand beside her, same with Jemima
"What?" she asked as she stopped walking and faced us
"What do you also do?" I asked
"Why do you want to know?"
"See why I said she's leaving when we're leaving" Jemima blew her fingers, guess she fond of it
"What I'm trying to say is that do you sing, danc..." I was still saying when she interrupted
"I dance" she said as Jemima burst out into laughter
"You, you dance" Jemima asked
"If you don't believe, I can show you" she said
"Let's see what you can do" Jemima said
"Bianca, play that song" Maria said not looking at me
"W-what song?" I asked
"Any song" she said, this time turning to look at me
"No, I'm going home, my mom would be worried if I don't get home anytime soon, so bye"
And with that I left them arguing. I've seen Maria make some moves, she was good but I hope they get along sooner than later
"Tell them I was happy and my heart is broken, all my scars are opened" I stopped "My scars" I said and rubbed my left arm walking home quietly.