
24th July, 2014

"Stay away from me" Alex shouted

I sat on my bed, in my room. A room large enough to fit it the world most biggest teddy bear. A king size bed at the center of the room with a chest below it, walls painted pink with fluffy gray carpet, a chandelier hanging in the middle of the ceiling. A comfy chair that rested beside the window at the left side of the room.

My closet was left opened as I forgot to close it while leaving for school this morning.

Alexandria words hit me so hard in the chest that I couldn't stop myself from crying. I can't stay away from her, I've become addicted to her because when I had no friends, she was there for me. She made me a better person by showing me how many things were done in the right way. I just couldn't let go of her, not now, not ever

"Sweetheart" my mom walked in holding a glass of water, our eyes met and she dropped the glass of water before running over to my bed "What's wrong? Rumi talk to me" she shook me

"A-Alexandria told me to stay awake from her" I gulped

"Oh baby, come here" she pulled me closer to her, hugging me

"She won't be my friend anymore" I cried

"It's okay, we'd sort it out, we'd sort it, we'd sort it......... BIANCA, BIANCA"

I woke up sweating profusely

"It's only a dream" I murmured

"Bianca!" someone called out

"Okay that wasn't a dream" I said removing the cover from my body before walking towards my window. I opened it only to see Liam

"Don't you ever get tired?" I was getting tired of seeing him

"Wow you still look pretty with your hair looking like that" he said pointing

"Oh shut up" I said closing the window and hurried downstairs

"Mum, I'm out" I said getting a grey flannel jacket over my shorts. I struggled to wear it as I walked outside only to meet him standing outside my window. How could he possibly know which window was mine.

"What do you want?" I whispered

"What do I want? Am I supposed to say I want you?" I smirked

"Oh" I placed my hand on my face "Never expected you to be this stupid" I said as he laughed

"I'd start working at the coffee shop as from Monday "

"Good for you" I faked a smile "Can I go now?"

"Looks like you aren't happy to see me, I'd take my leave then" he said

I felt bad but I didn't care "Yeah bye" I turned to leave

"You've got nice legs though" he smirked

"And you've got no sense" I said walking out of his sight

"You know that was rude, Bianca , well I'd be seeing you soon"

I decided not to reply him. I entered the house and saw my mom drinking water

"Who was that?" she asked immediately she dropped the bottle on the counter

"A stalker" I murmured

"A what?"

"I-I mean a friend" I said as I headed upstairs

My mom and her questions atimes sometimes irritates me. I had no plans for today so after having my bath. I wore a blue tank top with matching shirt before I decided to wash some dance videos on YouTube.

"Darling, I'm off to work" my mom said

"Alright mom" I said

"Love you" she was almost yelling

"Love you too" I whispered as I resumed watching the video.

I learnt some steps and decided to dance it as I played despacito. My passion for dancing was huge and I hoped some day I would make it out of dancing and take good care of my mom. I decided to stop the music and rest for a while. When someone threw stone at my window. I opened it and instantly got angry. I didn't take my time as I rushed downstairs to go face the moron behind my window.

"What do you want? Do you wanna break my window?" I yelled

"Oh calm down sweetheart, I'm not here to cause trouble, I only came here to see if you missed me"

"Missed you?" I burst into laughter "You're joking right?"

"No I'm serious and besides is that a tattoo on your hand?"

I quickly folded my arms. Liam noticed how uncomfortable I was as he came closer

"It's okay we're friends and it's nice on you" he said as he held my left hand "Let me see, you can trust me"

I don't know why but I believed him. I unfolded my hand and showed him my left hand

"It-It's not a t-tattoo, I got it from an incident that happened two years back" I said as he focused on it

"Did it hurt?"

"Yea, alot, but now I feel nothing"

"Do you mind talking about it?"

"N-no, it's better no one knows" I said as I slightly pushed his hands away

"You shouldn't be ashamed to show your scar. It happened a long time ago and no one cares. Hey let me show you my leg" he said as he showed me a mark on his right leg "I got this when I was ten, I fell from a tree and trust me it was pretty nasty then, but look at it now, I don't care. I wear whatever I wanna wear and I don't care if people stare. The very moment you start to care about what people say about you, you wouldn't be you anymore, you'd be what they want you to be like. I'm always here for you, don't be scared to show the world your scar okay?"

He was only ten but only did he know that I didn't fall off a tree like he did. I had my scar because I burnt myself for only reasons known to me"

"Thanks" I simply said

"Yeah, so how do you feel about me joining you on Monday to work?"

"I'm so sorry but it's not allowed, I can't bring you along with me to work, please understand"

"No, no, no, t-that's not what I meant. I mean I'm going to start working there, tomorrow" he was smiling

"What!" I exclaimed

"You're not happy about it?"

"Why do you want to work where I work? I mean there's alot of places where you can work, it doesn't have to be a coffee shop"

"I'm not coming to work there because of the coffee, I'm coming to work there because of you" he smiled

I rolled my eyes "You've gat to be kidding me" I murmured

"I know you're happy about it, don't worry I won't disappoint you"

"Okay, good for you"

"Can't wait to see you in thay sexy uniform tomorrow" he winked

I opened my mouth to say something but my stomach grumbled. I bit my lower lips as I looked away embarrassed

"You're hungry?" he asked with concern

"You can go now, see you tomorrow" I tried avoiding his question only for him to grab my arm and pull me closer to him

"Let me take you out" he smiled

I sighed "Fine" I said before walking inside to change into a more comfortable clothes

* * * * * * * * * * * *

We arrived at an Italian restaurant. I wasn't expecting an Italian restaurant. I turned to look at Liam

"Really?" I asked him

He had been smiling ever since I agreed to go eat with him

"Por favor ven en mi" he said opening the door for me.

I rolled my eyes and walked in as he followed. I was a little bit upset that I had come to an Italian restaurant with someone like him but the frown I had on my face suddenly turned into a smile. Each employees had a very comforting smile on their faces as soft Italian music filled the air. I breathe in the aroma of the Italian food. It somehow made me hungrier. The uniquely textured walls produce a smooth yet flowing look. The viny plants that clasp to the walls gave it a natural appearance. The marble tiles floor beneath me gives the restaurant a clean yet warm appearance.

Before Liam could pull a chair for me, I already sat on a chair. He studied me as I placed my bag on the table and concentrated on the menu list in front of me.

I wonder why he was still standing like a status. I was so hungry here and all he did was to study me.

I looked up "Would you please sit down?" I whispered

He smirked as he sat. Immediately he sat, a sever walked up to us to ask us what we wanted. For a moment I stared at the menu waiting for Liam to say something.

After what seems like forever, he answered

The server smiled as she took our orders and left. I slowly dropped the menu list and frowned

"Smile" Liam said

"Why do you care?"

"Because we're about to eat" he said and I was taken aback

"What does food have to do with my feelings? Do you ever think before talking?"

"Yes my love, I do think before talking, especially when I'm talking with you"

"I should have stayed at home" I murmured



"No you said something"

"Wasn't talking to you"

"Not to worry, we'd be eating soon and after that we'd be going to the park with ice-creams in our hands, what do you think?"

"Why do you think I'd want to eat my ice cream with someone like you?" I asked as I folded my arms

"Because I'm buying it"

"Oh you should be amazing of yourself, I feel like hitting you so hard on the..."

"Here you go, enjoy" the server said dropping our orders gently on the table before leaving with her warm smile

"Gracias" Liam said

"We're in an Italian restaurant not Spanish" I corrected him before picking up my fork

I didn't wanna eat in front of him, especially when I'm this hungry, I'll eat in an annoying way.

"Eat love" Liam distracted me from my thought.

I nodded and before I knew it I started eating so fast

"Oh my gwad, this fuud is ahmasing" I commented while eating

"Bianca, I think you need to calm down, or you'd find it hard to breath" he said with concern

I only answered with a nod as I continued eating. The food was so amazing. Haven't eaten this well in ages and now that I've gotten the opportunity to do so, I'm not gonna lose it.

I ate both mine and Liam's food, he was staring at me the whole time but I didn't care. After I was done eating, Liam paid and we both left. I was so happy

"I want to come here every day" I said as we walked out of the restaurant

"You love their food?"

"Of course I do, my dad was an Italian" I said, but then I suddenly stopped talking when I realized I was talking to Liam

I faked a smile and he understood "Let's get our ice creams and head to the park" he smiled and I nodded smiling

* * * * * * * * * * *

"What's your favorite flavor?, I bet it's vanilla" Liam said with confidence

"No, you're wrong, it's chocolate"

"I was going to say that though, just got a little but confused"

"Here you go" he said grinning as he handed the ice cream to me

"Thank you, you know you really don't have to treat me like this" I said as he handed me the ice cream heading towards the counter to pay for both ice creams

"You mean, you don't have to be treated like a princess?" He said as he smirked, he licked a tiny part of his ice-cream that fell of the cone on his little finger.

We got to the counter, he shoved his hands into his pocket to pay for the ice-cream but I couldn't let him do that. I immediately stretched my right hand with the little change I had on me to the person on the counter.

"Payment for two, please" I said while smiling with the feeling of achievement

Deep down, I felt satisfied I mean I just couldn't let him pay for the ice creams. He already paid for the food. I was still talking to my subconscious when I heard Liam's voice

"I was going to pay for that, princess"

"Well, I already did"

"Today's treat was on me, why did you?" Liam asked

I was going to reply when the person on the counter beckoned to me

"Here's your change ma'am"

"Oh, yeah! Thank you" I replied quickly facing the direction of the exit of the restaurant.

"You ever been to a park before?" Liam asked giving his whole attention to the ice-cream, he was devouring it

"Well, yes" I said watching his as my icecream was beginning to melt because I haven't started taking mine

"What year was that? With your family? Your boyfriend?" His voice sounding with curiosity

"Actually, some years back I think 2-3years maybe and it was with hm---" I took a long pause before speaking as I remembered the last time I came to this park was with my bestfriend. "Yeah, it was with my cat" feeling guilty because I lied

"That's great, you know, bonding with your cat, cool"

"We are here"

"Oh!" I exclaimed. I came here last Friday but didn't want Liam to know

"It's beautiful, it has really changed since the last time I came here" I lied

"I know right love" he smiled as I felt my cheeks flushed

"Except your dancing class and part time job, what else do you do"

"Well, I guess I---" I stopped on hearing a familiar voice

"Hey Liam, what are you doing here?" The person asked. I turned to my side only to see Jada, of course it's Jada. She made eyecontacts with me and continued talking, not even giving a sign of acknowledgement

"I haven't seen you in a while, I mean where have you been?"

"I've been here" Liam replied smiling

The way Liam replies questions atimes, so confusing. I was hoping Jada would say something to me but she didn't. So I decided to say something

"Hey" I waved, she looked at me wit disgust

"How's Lily, I called her but she wasn't picking up, is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's okay"

Wait, did Jada just snub me? Who does she think she is? Appearing from no where and talking to Liam. No sign of acknowledgement. She is treating me like I don't exist . Like I'm not even there. I was surprised at her behaviour. Never expected it but I noticed she changed ever since what happened at the park the previous week. When I acted weird and when she said she saw me with Liam. she has been acting pained and weird.

Well I really don't c--. I was still talking to my subconscious when Liam held me, bringing me back to reality

"I've been with her, she has been doing a great job showing me the city, what do you say?" he smiled to me

Finally speaking, I looked at her and replied "yes, I guess"

"You've been with Bianca?" she asked shocked

"Yeah, she's really amazing and she loves Italian foods, so we'd be eating more of it more often" he smiled

The look on Jada's face was so scary. I haven't seen someone so pretty turn ugly just in seconds.

"Fine then, I'd take my leave" she said as she left angrily

Liam might not notice it but I did

"So you know Jada?" I said concentrating on my ice cream

"Yea, my ex, she's still hot, you know" he said

I looked up only to catch him still staring at Jada as she walked away.

"I-I would have to leave" I said standing up and carrying my bag

"Why? We just got here" he turned to look at me

"Do I look like I care? I'm going home" I said as he immediately stood up

"Don't go, please" he held me

"Leave me alone" I loosen myself from his grip

"What is wrong with you? Minutes ago you were so happy, now you're being so cold towards me"

"Just stay away from me" I glared at him

Why was I angry with him? I don't even love him. He is a loser and I don't ever wanna see his face again