Anthony was about to struck Sandy with a knife. She felt movement behind her as Mercury was trying to get free. Though inside her there was only endless fear.
But at that moment the door to the basement had been opened abruptly and somebody with heavy boots started down the stairs.
He didn’t speak until his boots touched the last step. Anthony turned his head and didn’t move his hand with the knife an inch. Sandy could see his eyes widen. And when she turned her head she understood why.
“Sandy,” Glenn tilted his head as if at a ball paying respect to a hostess. “Please excuse my unintelligent men. If I knew that such guests would come to my house I would definitely teach them better”.
A smile touched his lips. To Sandy it looked like a maniacal grin. Glenn then looked at Anthony. The latter stopped breathing, but still did not put the knife away.
“Anthony, dear, care to explain why are those guests of ours are here?”
Anthony didn’t move.