Richard’s POV

“Good evening Tiffany” I picked up the phone, used my shoulder to hold it to my ear while I try to fix the buttons on my shirt.

“Good evening son, how was your day?” I removed the phone from my ear to look at the caller again, hoping It was a wrong person.

“Cut the pretence off Tiffany, go straight to the point. What do you want?” I demanded. Growing up, Tiffany made it clear that she doesn’t have the time for a child and I maybe nice to every person in the world but not to Tiffany.

“I’m trying to be nice here, Richard and give me some respect too, young man” she replied angrily

“I’ll try, now, what…” I paused trying to get a nicer way that I could ask her why she was calling me. “How can I help you?” I guess that came out cool enough.

There was silence before she replied “Are you still coming to the party?” She asked and I replied “Yes, I’ll be there”

“Okay then, we’ll be expecting you and the suprise you mentioned to your father earlier” After a long silence, I dropped the call and proceed to finish dressing up for the party. I still don’t understand why they’ll bring the party all the way from our empire to New York.

Picking up my phone, I tried calling my secretary for the second time to see if she hadn’t changed her mind but on a second thought I called the office to ask for her home address.

Hot! Sexy!

That was the first word that came to my mind when the door to her apartment was opened.

Who is this sun goddess! that is dressed in floral print dinner gown with an embroidery placed fittedly on her chest. Her face glow just like the morning sun and I'm nothing but consumed by this amazing beauty. I couldn’t get to take my eyes off her breast, how much I wish I could hold those two beautiful babies……..

“Sorry, Hi, I'm here to pick Vanessa the secretary, is she in there?” I asked and the person at the door could only look at me as if I just declared I was Adolf Hitler.

“This is Vanessa, sir” my eyes went wide as I recognized the voice that had sang good morning and good night into my ears for over a year now.

“Okay, I just couldn't recognise you. You look cleaned up and it does fit you a bit” I said trying to cover up my shame and desire that’s running through my veins. The look on her face makes it so obvious that she was angry and I don't give a damn. Just because she looks beautiful doesn't mean I should go on my knees and worship her.

“My car is down the street there, let's go” I gestured for her to come out of the house and follow me but she stood still before opening her mouth to talk.

“My purse is inside, you can go. I'll meet up in a second” and with that she disappeared into the house and I was forced to drag myself back to the car and wait patiently for her.

I faced the rear mirror of the car and addressed myself. “You almost blew it off there, Richard. Beautiful women are still your weakness, just because of that you almost lost your dignity and pride in front of a secretary. Control Richard, Control!”

I didn’t know she was already by the passenger door side until she knocked on the window and I had to unlock the car

“I'm sorry I took so long, I had to fix something back at the house” she apologised immediately she entered the car.

“I almost thought you'd stand me up, but good job secretary, good job” To be sincere, I had busied myself with teaching the man in the mirror “control” that I hadn't noticed she took her time coming out.

“My name's Vanessa not Vanessa the Secretary sir, at least for tonight” She corrected me and turned her face to the window. I only nodded at this new Vanessa or was she always like that. Anyways, I need a brave woman tonight.

Spotlights was the menu at the venue, the lights were blinding as I struggled to get Vanessa inside the party, with the help of the bodyguards and the bouncers and when we successful did, I heaved a deep sigh of relief.

That was tough, I told myself

“Do you think I'll be able to get back to my normal life by tomorrow?”

“Why do you say that?,Miss Vanessa” I queried as we strolled towards the door leading to the hall where the party is being held. My hand gently placed at the small of her back, itching to go lower and gain access to her below paradise through the slit of her gown.

“Control Richard, Control” I warned myself.

I was about opening it when I felt Vanessa's hand on mine stopping me from opening it.

“With that spotlight and cameras, family and friends, enemies and allies, you think my life will be the same?”

“Don't try to play smart with me, Vanessa. You know what you were up to before signing up for it” I scolded

“Are you being serious right now?,you practically forced me into this and now you're telling me this?” She cried out.

“There's a party right In front of us, we'll have this discussion later” I took her hand into mine and dragged her into the party not without whispering into her ear— let the show begin*

“Hey Richard, who's the hot chick with you?” I bit my inner cheek as I watch my second cousin who also happens to be my most hated family walks towards us.

“That's Sam, we are not really close” I whispered to Vanessa before turning to greet my cousin with a side hug.

“This is Vanessa, my girlfriend and meet Sam, my cousin” I introduced the two of them and after they exchanged greetings, Sam winked at me.

“You've got a hot one there, cousin. She's totally gorgeous” he smirked at her.

Vanessa turned to me to rub my chest.“Thank you and my baby here has told me a lot about you”

Where is that coming from?

“I hope they're good things though”

“Both good and bad but mostly good” she replied and clinged her hand to mine.

After greeting some important guests and eople for a while, the entrance of both my parent were announced and both me and Vanessa walked towards them.

“Seeing your face like this is a drug to my system” Dad’s face glowed as he said those words.

“I hope it's medicinal drug and not the other one” I said before pulling him into a hug.

“Hey dad, long time no see. You look old”

“You can say that again son and I'm proud to see you're doing really good. I'm proud of you son” he pulled me into another hug.

“Hi Tiffany, you look good” I greeted My mom grudgingly. She didn't respond at first before proceeding to ask Vanessa who she was.

“Sorry, my bad. This is Vanessa, my girlfriend and Vanessa, meet my parent”

I knew my mom didn't believe anything I said and all she did was look at the tiny lady beside me with disbelief.

“Which household are you from, Miss?” I had to roll my eyes at her stupid question.

“She's not of the Arab emirate, mom. She's from the Philippines” I answered for her.

“She has a mouth Richard, let her respond to her own question” she cautioned before pulling Vanessa to the table for the dinner.

“Silence please everyone” my big uncle said before making the toast. “To the king and his family and to the only prince given to the Arab emirate who most of us are just seeing for the first time in two years . Long live the Arab emirate”

“Long live the Arab emirate” we all chorused after him

“Why are you with my son?” My mom asked her and for the second time that night, she was tongue tied.

“Because I love him” she replied smoothly.

“Love is not a word in my son's dictionary, so don't give me that part, my dear one” my mom said glaring at me.

“I don't know what you're talking about, but I love Richard a lot” her voice was shaking and it was evident that she was scared.

“I haven't seen you guys hold hands or talk to each other with smiles on your faces and your eyes shining brightly and you want me to believe it's love. You guys are behaving like an employer and employee and you want me to think this is real”

Before Vanessa could lie under her breath again, I replied her myself even though I knew I’ll regret the next thing that came out of my mouth

“She's pregnant with my child, I think that should be enough proof” I said glaring directly at Tiffany Fucking Amaan.


I'm still laughing at the word Vanessa the secretary. Richard is a dimwit!

This chapter has been able to shed more light on Richard’s behavior and his attitude towards his mother.

He’s also a prince which is something new for Vanessa

And to also make things clear, Richard is just like every other person out there, you know that popular saying “There are two sides to a coin”

Looks like our heroine didn't sign up for only one night. Guess she's up for a lifetime..

Hope you're enjoying HIS MAJESTY.

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