Vanessa was always invisible to Richard Amaan, her boss, until he decided to make her his fake girlfriend to the Royal dinner. Things took a different turn and they had to lie that Vanessa was pregnant even though Vanessa never signed for that part of the bargain. With a pregnancy news looming over the Royal Household, Richard wasn’t ready to take no for an answer from Vanessa.. he’s all ready to make her pregnant and even make her his own.
Great story... can’t wait to read the remaining chapters 🥰🥰 I want to read more of Richard and Vanessa. I also want to know what happened to them later on..... please update more soon
Some grammatical issues that make it a little hard to read, but the plot has some interesting twists, and a nice happy ending.
This story is simple and short yet very interesting. I couldn't wait till I was done. I'm impressed and I must say I loved it. Keep it up. 💖💖💖
I love this book it kept me on my toes I was always hoping that Vanessa and Richard would get together and be as one I enjoyed this book I’m really sad that it ended at 44 chapters I wish there was more chapters or a sequel to this book…