Richard’s POV

”We have tracked his location, it's down town in an old industrial building, though from our surveillance camera, there’s no activity going on inside. Our only guess is that they’re using the basement” the detective informed me. I had called a friend who was a police officer to get involved in the matter. I didn’t want to do anything that could jeopardize the life of Vanessa. I can’t afford to lose her, for me and for Racheal’s sake.

“Don't you think this will be dangerous? What if Essa get hurts? I can't afford that” I complained

“She'll be fine, I'll have my boys get her out of there before we engage in any shoot out with the guy and we’ll only engage in a shoot-out if they have any weapons on them or fire at us first’

“Okay, I'll trust you on that. Shall we leave now?” After tracking down the building where Essa was held hostage, I had to stay outside away from the gunshots and wait for the signal before I join them in the building.