“Ok...but are the Sandarians looking for it?” Helena taps a finger against her lips in contemplation.
“It’s hard to say. Normally I’d say no because that would be out of character for the Sandarians.”
“Except, if they weren’t looking they wouldn’t have stayed around for the Titanus to find.”
“We found their Spaceship because of the trail they left behind in. Thanks to your tinkering, you little grease monkey.” Helena places her palm on your shoulder, a reassuring pressure that was very welcomed at this point. You can feel your anxiety ratchet up at the memory of your capture.
“We think they took you as a prisoner in order to extract the whereabouts of the cube. If what our former Captain said was true, then that makes sense. But so far everything the Sandarians are doing isn’t making any sense.”
“ I do find it odd that the Sandarians took me as a prisoner instead of leaving me for dead on the cruise liner.” You snort. “They have much to learn in hospitality.”
‘Haha! You got that right. But, there is another thing. It’s bigger than that and I think the Admiral should add in the rest.” You jump on your tiptoes and kiss the corner of her mouth. Surprise captures Helena’s face catching her with her guard down that her shoulder hit a control pillar.
“Focus, Helena! Heh, my goodness. So easily distracted.” Your giggles were light and sweet. Helena gives you a smirk and her pedicured hand came down like a mallet smacking you firmly on your ass cheeks.
“Ow!” Rubbing the pulsing sting in your rump you glare at Helena.
“Careful, you little minxy tease.” Casting your eyes upwards, hidden under your thick lashes, you cooed, “Don’t promise me a good time then.”
We turned down another corridor that was draped in all white as well. Adding color to the ship so that everything doesn’t feel like a giant lab and everyone is some sort of lab rat would go a long way for moral you joked to yourself. Two guards stood guard outside the Admirals door blocking the entrance.
“Security Officer, Number 10023, Rank Four, Helena Vastraz, here to see Admiral Mira for reporting.” Helena’s attitude and aura changed in a nano second. Her demeanor was hard and her poise was strong. Her voice snapped as she replied to the soldiers. Even though Helena has a higher rank we are still required to follow protocol, most of the time.
The soldier's voice came muffled through his helmet, “Sector and Rank.” The Soldier's helmeted head turns in your direction. Your reflection pinging off the visor of his helmet.
You scrambled your mind for your rank and sector, your mouth opened to speak but then failed when you couldn’t remember. Your eyes narrow as you struggle to remember what your rank was. A bead of sweat doppled your temple as you grew more frustrated.
“Right...rank and sector...uhhh” A boring pain lanced through your head. Grabbing your head with one hand and the other across your abdomen as you felt nauseous. Hoping to keep the sickening feeling at bay and remember your status and rank.
For some reason you have no idea what he’s talking about. Helena recited hers like she was taught it from birth, and you have an inkling that you were able as well, but now you feel like a newborn who was just asked a long division problem. Quickly you look at Helena, pleading with her with your eyes for help.
“She’s in the process of recuperating, but,” She waves her hand at you. “This is Nel. Engineering, Number 10035, Sector 3, Nellita Neano. She’s the one who made sure we got that cube from the Sandarians.”
The soldier scoffs with barely withheld contempt. “So you are the reason we’re in this shit. Should have expected a female to--” With lightning speed quickness, Helena’s hand struck out like a hammer, her fist connecting directly to his face plate shattering it in his face. He fell to the ground in a daze, while the other guard brought his rifle up.
“Freeze!” The door behind the soldier opened with a glorious hiss as Admiral Mira stands there like a mountain, despite her skinny frame, and none too impressed. In fact, she looked livid if you pay careful attention to the warring colors of the lavender in her eyes.
“Lower your goddamn weapon, or you’ll be on the first shuttle off this ship and I’ll be sure to drop you off at Wondana. I’m sure they would love a soldier from the coalition who lacks respect and dignity. You’d fit right in. Dismissed. Leave my sight.”
Wondana was a murdering waterhole at the fringe of space. Cutthroats, retired soldiers, pretty much anyone looking to make some money. However, blood is usually the currency. Also, they absolutely hate the coalition and so if they found out you were a soldier from the coalition? Well, they’ll think of every way imaginable to make sure that person never escapes. It ran like a prison planet, no idea who reigns power over there or the order of things. But blood is the bartering currency.
The soldier leaves with hunched shoulders but the Admiral whistles, stopping the retreating soldier. The Admiral looked at the crumpled soldier on the floor. “Don’t forget your trash. I don’t like garbage at my door. It’s unsightly.” Her lips curl in apparent distaste, grimacing as she ushers you and Helena into her quarters. Once we were inside she slapped her gloved hand against the panel next to the door. The panel beeped and chirped and recognition as it swooshed shut.
Admiral Mira’s quarters were spacious but almost derelict of anything personal. No photos, no bright colors, everything was washed out in neutral tones, devoid of any color, like her eyes. Weird you thought. Her eyes always are silver, yet when she was reprimanding the soldiers her eyes were a shade of purple.
“Please, make yourselves comfortable. Sorry for the outburst from the soldiers but you have to understand, we are in a delicate situation.” Admiral waves her hand at the lounge chair large enough for four. She had a small, but long bed in the corner with a few nightstands surrounding it. A nook as the headboard that was littered with books and maps. A circular table sat off center of the room which is her nav-map. She can set a course for the Titanus here. She does have a large desk across from the lounge chair that’s situated with a computer.
The Admiral walks over to the squared table with a holo of the empty space around the Titanus. Glowing bright blue in the center is an image of the Titanus. “So far we’ve been successful in hiding.” You stare at her confused. With a wave of her hand the map changed.
“I’m sorry, Admiral. But I don’t understand.” She nods once to Helena.
Helena marches up to the table and presses a few buttons, enlarging the zone in space surrounding the Titanus. You move closer to the bright hologram as your eyes taking in the table.