Chapter Twenty

“Sandarian warships were waiting in the background, cloaked and undetectable, that is until we staged a rescue. They must have thought they could intimidate us with sheer numbers. They are definitely after the cube, or they would have attacked us with everything they’ve got.” Helena reports.

Admiral adds in, “Which we still have no clue to as its purpose. We do know however that it is important to them.” She says darkly, purple slashing through the silver of her eyes like two comets.

“So that’s why they kept me alive. They wanted to know where the cube was.”

‘That’s a high possibility and everything points to that. But the problem lies in the fact that we now have an entire Sandarian war fleet hounding us.” She says with irritation, pressing a few buttons to enlarge the sector the War fleet was hiding in. Your eyes widened at the amount of ships the Sandarians had. This wasn’t just any ordinary war Fleet, this is an armada, the type of force you’d bring to conquer a planet.

She waves her hand at the fleet and presses another button, bringing up debris, asteroids and space storms that litter the space around them. “We’ve been dodging them and using the nearby Solar storms to shut down their radar capabilities. That however, hinders us as well.” Admiral's mood darkened, yet her face never showed any hint of emotion. You can feel the heavy aura surrounding her though, the fate of Titanus lies heavily on her shoulders.

“But the storm fluxuator that I Installed should help prevent any electrical surges.” Both the Admiral and Helena were quiet.

“Oh no, don’t tell me…”

“Who broke it!? Who!?” you demand an answer.

“Well, we don’t know. I was hoping you’d investigate, seeing as that’s your specialty and your pet project. You may be able to garner some more intel.” The Admiral looks down at her holo watch and sighs audibly. Her face lowers with weariness. “Dismissed ladies.”

Damn it! Who broke your Fluxuator!? The fluxuator was your special project that turned many heads in the engineering and science departments. It was one of the few prototypes that was designed by you to protect the Titanus from Solar storm surges and any anomalies that could happen. It creates an outside barrier to protect the ship itself and is strong enough to take a few blasts from a photon cannon. To hear that your prized project has somehow stopped working merely added more salt to your sour mood. You will ring whoever’s neck it leads to, that you promise to yourself and your precious Fluxuator.

“And Helena?” Helena turns with a snap, her hair flaring like a golden halo. “I have another assignment for you. Once we purge through the upcoming storms there’s a planet on the other side, Planet Feln. The coalition has an informant that we should be able to broker a deal with and get a message back to the main fleet of the Coalition. The storms have made us mute and the growing distance with the storms is making it harder to establish a direct line.” Her eyes swivel to you, “Nel, do everything you can to get that fluxuator back up and running.”

Your heels snap and your hand flying to your forehead in salute, “Yes, Admiral!”

“Yes, Admiral!” Helena pipes in next to you.

You both leave the Admirals quarters, your minds already on the tasks at hand. “ So you’re going to Planet Feln? Don’t enjoy yourself too much. It gets mighty lonely up here without you.”

“Aww, will you miss me my little minx?” Your cheeks heat to the point of scalding, you’ve started to enjoy her nickname for you, but deep down you feel like a fat turtle lying on it’s back in the heat of the blazing suns struggling to right itself with flailing limbs.

“Hey, just saying! I know how beautiful you are and how easy it is for...well...for…” You felt it but to put it into words was almost impossible. She’s a head turner and you aren’t completely sure if you're exclusive to each other. Helena leans in and whispers in your ear. Her breath fanning across your neck sending goosebumps down your spine. Your breasts are sensitive underneath the fabric of your uniform.

“Are you getting jealous?” Jealous? You? “Never! Ha, absurd...hilariously incorrect…”

A tall muscular man walked by, his body covered in mountains upon mountains of muscle. Every inch was bulging and flexing as he moved with a confident swagger. You see Helena’s eyebrow rise to the ceiling. The man in question winks at Helena, his eyes scan over her head and land on you. Not only was he huge but he was tall too. Though you may have been somewhat impressed with his dedication to his body you aren’t impressed with his confidence, nor the way his eyes scanned Helena like she was a present and it was his birthday. When his eyes landed on your ‘not impressed, I’ll stab you if you keep looking’ glare. He hurriedly passed without a word.

“Hahaha, I believe my sweets, that what you experienced was jealousy.” Her high pitched laughter was like a fairy dancing in your head.

“Shut up.” You mumble, feeling your anxiety skyrocket. Helena is gorgeous, naturally so. She has this contagious glow that wants you to be closer, draws you closer like a sweet trap covered in nectar. So it’s no surprise that she gets so much attention. But now that you might be exclusive, though you haven’t exactly had a conversation about this with Helena, it did however annoy you.

“I have to go prep a team. Nel, don’t forget our pampering tonight!”

“Absolutely and then I’d like to talk to you about something.” Helena pulls you into her strong arms, her hold tight and comforting. With your intake of breath your breasts touch sparking a fleeting warmth that followed Helena when she let go.

You watched her head down the corridor for a minute. Even when she was out of sight you kept your eyes in that direction, the ghost of her swaying hips, oozing with sensuality.

Slapping your cheeks snapping yourself out of your reverie, “Ok, Nellita! Let’s figure out what happened to my Fluxuator!”

It was a lonely walk after you and Helena split ways. Occasionally you had to stop and look at the signs and map on the wall to get your bearing. Your memory is still fuzzy but as you begin to walk the maze of halls it's coming back to you in increments until you finally found yourself standing outside the Engine room. The sounds of life vibrating behind the doors courses through your feet and into your body.