Chapter Twenty-Five

“I want to know if we are a thing?” You say somewhat embarrassed.

“A ‘thing’?” Uncertainty filled you with doubt.

“Yes, a uh...thing? Couple? I mean, like, are we---” Helena kisses you hard, branding your lips with the heat from hers, quelching the uncertainty in one dominate kiss.

“I’d say so.” Her confirmation made your heart swell with love and pride and admiration. You begun to feel elevated as if nothing in the Galaxy is too much for you to take on. You giggle with her and lose yourself in her passionate onslaught of lips upon lips. Hands caressing bare skin creating paths of goosebumps and creating a raging inferno of need and desire.

“Does that answer your question?” You were delighted. You lit up like a planet's core. Helena leaned back and stretched her long limbs. You reached up with shaky hands and touched your raw lips with the pad of your fingers. The presence of her still lingered even as she pulled away slightly.

“How are you though, seriously?” She asks.

“Like I’ve just died and gone to heaven. That this is still a dream and I’m still experiencing that lapse you’ve mentioned.”

“Not that you dork, you know what I meant.” She slaps your butt, the sting made you jump further into Helena’s body.

“I feel perfectly normal.” And you do, though it took some time and maybe it was Helena distracting you with her exuding sexual confidence and maybe it was the elation of know where you two stand with each other.

It’s true. You do feel normal, great even with the bonus of Helena. You're not tired, your ribs don’t hurt. Your head isn’t full and drowning in shadows. Even the bandages that covered your ribs were gone.

Your hand skates across your ribs, you raise an eyebrow in question, “Dr.Lyle said you don’t need them anymore. I took them off when I put you to bed.”

“So that’s how I got here.”

Helena rolls over to stare at the ceiling. Her cheeks plumed as she tried not to blurt something out. Her eyes were crying out in laughter though and your curiosity got the better of you. What could she find so absolutely hilarious, you wondered as you roll over supporting yourself with your elbow.

“What’s so funny!” You poke her sides.

“Must not remember this part then, but you took a swing at me.” She turns her head, eyes sparkling at the mention of you trying to clobber her when you had your delusional state where everything was green and ugly. How you mistook her for a big ugly green thing is another mystery. The blood drained from your face as you thought about hitting Helena in earnest, coming at her with the intent to hurt. An unsettling feeling came over you like a cold shower. An ache formed in your chest.

“Oh no. Did I actually hit you? I’m so sorry, I didn’t hurt you at all did I?” You stared at her with disbelief. Daring her not to lie with your eyes.

“Haha, you tried. I’ll give you that. Although, I wouldn’t say no to a little one on one in the future. We always had fun kicking each other's asses. Be fun to go another round, but you really had it out for those Sandarians.” You smirk at the idea of some one on one time.

“Why do i get the feeling you won’t play fair?” You say when you feel her fingers tap along the sensitive flesh on the inside of your wrist.

“All’s fair in love and war, beautiful.” Did she say ‘Love’ or are you just grasping at things that may have more weight to it’s meaning coming from Helena’s lips or just wanted it to be true?

A monitor on the wall chirped, breaking you from your thoughts.

“Ugh! I almost forgot. The Admiral wants to see us. Oh, and don’t worry, Gidget filled the Admiral in with the report on, ‘Stormy’.” She laughed at the ‘Stormy’ part. Doesn’t matter if Gidget picked a name, but never laugh at your creation. You sent a shriveling glare at Helena.

“Be nice to ‘Stormy!’ Or, you’ll sleep alone tonight!” You huff indignantly.

“I’m sorry!!” Helena cups her hand in prayer. “Please forgive me? I don’t mean to laugh!”

“If stormy even heard you say such things, you’d be in big trouble.”

“Well, good thing I’ve got you as a buffer.” Helena’s all smiles as she gets up to accept the call on the monitor. The monitor is a communication device for all rooms on the TItanus. It’s an easy way to communicate from one side of the ship to the other. Imagine if you have to hand deliver each message, that’d be some leg day.

Helena was only dressed in a matching bra and thong as she sashayed away. Her heart shaped bottom leaves a heavy imprint on your brain and all you can think about and focus on is the fluid motion of her hips. You involuntarily bite your bottom lip as you fantasize doing more than staring at her creamy looking cheeks.

“Good afternoon, Admiral Mira. Yes, she is and yes we’re on our way.” Helena ended the call and grabbed a pair of pants and pulled them on covering the focus of your obsession.

You blinked once, twice then shook your head clear of your carnal thoughts.

“What did she want?”

“We’re approaching the Solar Storm and she wants all hands on deck.” Helena informs you.

“Alright...fine. We will continue this later.” You promise. Helena tosses on a tank covering her toned midsection.

“It’s a promise.” She says as her head pulls through the opening of the tank.

Officers moved about the bridge like scurrying ants. The fabric used for the stitching of the uniforms were soundless as they brushed past. You compared the Bridge on the Titanus to the Sandarians bridge and you noticed a huge difference. One is that the bridge is lit up like a cosmic storm with so many lights overhead that you couldn’t imagine what the bridge looks like dark. A large window covers the front with a gorgeous view of Space. Hues of blue and white burst like fireworks in the distance, a growing purple cloud approached with flashes of orange. From this distance you can even make out the storm strikes of red as it lashed out at whatever it can strike. Soon, we’ll be moving through the storm and hopefully come out on the other side as good as we were when we entered it. You know better however oto think nothing bad can happen.

A myriad of things can go wrong. The thrusters could overheat from the storm and combust, letting the Titanus float, captured within the storm to be repeatedly battered by the storm's anger. The ship’s internal and external heating could fall offline and then things will get real interesting as the temperatures plummet to a death inducing freeze. It would take some time as the ship slowly surrendered to the frozen icicles like greedy fingers as it traveled through the ship.

“I want a sixty degree turn, angle the thrusters starboard side! Let’s avoid that rock if we can please.” Admiral Mira barked.

A loud groaning noise like metal crunching upon metal was sudden as the navigator manually shifted the thrusters. The flooring beneath your feet vibrated with the abrupt change in direction. It’s violent shakes moved through the soles of your boots and into your knees.

“Admiral! Impact in 5 minutes!” The navigator called out nervously. The growing light from the Solar storm casting reflection bounced off his visor.