Chapter Twenty-Six

“Once the thrusters turn, I want full power! Get us out of the way of this damn flying rock!”

A giant asteroid loomed in the distance, enclosing fast as it spiraled towards the Titanus. The asteroid in question was huge compared to the smaller belts you’ve seen countless times. It’s not odd to come across a wayward one that may require some fanciful maneuvering. However, this wasn’t just some medium sized rock. If this asteroid hit it would cause some serious damage. Not the type that would split the ship in half and send each piece disbursing into the void of space, but the type of damage that would require immediate repair. Something that the Titanus cannot afford at this time with the Sandarians fleet chasing after them.

“Come on girl. You’ve got this.” You squeezed Helena’s hand, she squeezes back in reassurance.

“It just came out of nowhere.” Helena informs you.

“By my calculations we’re out of the trajectory of the asteroid. It’ll pass by with no problems.” The navi officer declared with a twist of his lips from his non covered mouth. Bridge officers don’t get to don the full geared helmet, bridge personnel wear half helms, that only cover their nose and eyes and hair. Their mouths and jaws are usually in full view, something about the Admiral having to see their lips help in serious situations. Over the course of time many mistakes have happened when the Admiral’s can’t read their lips on their nav crew.

“Excellent. How about the Solar storm?” She asks the nav officer who expertly got us out of the way of the asteroid. He swivels in his chair to look back.

“So far no issues. It’s holding! We’re close enough to begin experiencing the residual effects but as of right now, all systems functional. No interference of any kind. Normally we’d be suffering some sort of interference, but we’re good.”

The Admiral casts a glance your way, a hint of a sparkle in her silver eyes. “I expect nothing less from the people on this ship..” Helena leaned in with a playful glint in her eye.

“High praise coming from the Admiral. All because of you and your machine.” Helena’s chest puffed out with pride.

“Ha! I’d say more about the machine than anything. I’m not doing a darn thing. That ‘Machine’ is the one battle for us right now.” You exclaim hoping to stave off the building heat within your cheeks, even the tip of your ears felt hot.

“And modest.”

The view window on the bridge looks out at the expanse of space and all it’s hidden wonders and mysterious. Stars glitter like diamonds, swirls of colors like a watercolor painting merged and twirled around itself.

The storm was beautiful to look at. Like a set of crayon melting together with an occasional sharp blue pulsing bolt of lighting arcing away from it. Similar to a storm on a planet’s surface, but these were fluid and not sharp angled. They looped like noodles, intersecting each other to create a mosaic like web.

“When I was little, storms used to be my favorite thing to watch on Noval channel. Everytime I heard there was a storm coming I’d be plastered to the screens just to catch a glimpse of them.” Helena’s eyes darted around the storm, wide in amazement. The storm burst within her crystal blues, almost like they were one and the same. Beautiful and yet, dangerous.

“Oh and what attracted you to them?” You asked more out of curiosity. Helena never talked much about when she was a little girl. Even when you two met at the academy she never really exposed too much about herself. It didn’t bother you too much because it’s not her past that interests you. It’s the person, the woman before you that does, and if she doesn’t want to open up then that's fine with you. You won’t prod and push and force her to reveal things that she probably doesn’t want to. And like you said that’s completely fine because you love her.

“Good question. Though my answer may be profoundly boring.” She says.

“Nothing about you would I ever consider boring. You’re the opposite, every nook and ever new secret door that gets revealed just shows so much more of you that I absolutely fall for. I doubt there is anything you could ever reveal that would change how I feel. Boring or not, I’d love to hear it, to hear more about you.” Helena kisses your cheek, the palm of her hand burning through your uniforms fabric on the small of your back.

“I suppose it was simply the colors. Because when I look at them and see them in their glory, it reminds me of just being free and wild. It may seem chaotic, the storm, but that in itself is a form of freedom. But I also see a romantic dance underneath that power.” You lean your head on her shoulder, she places her cheek on the top of your head as you both continue to watch the storm as it gets bigger with closer you became.

“ Well, you're my gushy, gal.” Helena covered her face with her hand and groaned.

“Oh, god, ahaha. Please don’t call me ‘Gushy’ again, it’s weird.

“Gushy.” You teased her because to not tease would simply be an impossible feat. Helena’s eyes narrow at you with retribution, her hand on the small of your back skates down to your ass.

“Keep that up and you’re likely to find yourself in big trouble, missy.” The promise swarmed around you like melted caramel.

“Helena.” Instantly we snapped to attention, Helena’s cheeks a bright pink clearly visible on her straight face. Thankfully with your darker complexion it’s easier to hide your blushes, but that still makes it somewhat awkward when the Admiral never misses a beat. The Admiral walks over to us.

“Helena, I gather you’ve picked your team?”

“Yes, Admiral!” Helena’s voice was firm, the hard steel-ness of her voice had shivers coursing down your spine.

You almost forgot that Helena still had to go to the Planet side on Feln. That’s when you remembered you had to somehow convince the Admiral to let you go with.

“Admiral?” The Admiral’s grey, cool eyes skirt over to you, pinning you on the spot. Her gaze was like a steel trap and forcing your limbs to suddenly abandon you. You gulp as you plan to convince her.

“I’m not sure if Gidget mentioned it. By ‘It’, we need a part for Stormy and I’m the best one to go. I know what to look for.”

“‘Stormy’? Oh that’s right, you named it.” She says with a hint of a smile.

“Well, no I didn’t I mean, Gidget did and I agreed with her because it does have a sort of charm to it, but no---That’s not the point. Anyways, I’m the only one who knows what to really look for and if not what to grab to make sure it stays working. You need me with them, Admiral.”

Admiral stared into your eyes for a minute. She gave no expressions away so it was hard to see where she stood on the matter. You can only hope she lets you because if not. You didn’t want to think about the ‘or else’ but secretly you have to admit, you also just wanna be with Helena. For some reason you had this strong urge to be by her side as you go down to Feln. You don’t what it is, but you can’t take no for an answer.

“Granted. Only one condition.”