Chapter Twenty-Seven

“Admiral?” Even you can hear the hopefulness of your own voice.

The Admiral’s eyes stay trained on you even when she calls Helena. “Helena?”

“Yes, Admiral”

“I need you to make sure she is fit for combat duty and able for the mission. Is that understood.”

It wasn’t a question.

“You gave us all a scare last time. I misjudged what you were dealing with and that led to your….mishap.” The fact that she didn’t use the words, ‘Snapped, broken, or unhinged’ Made you feel like you didn’t go completely bonkers a short while ago.

Throwing your arm up you flex your bicep, not as big as Helena’s but still remarkable you thought. Tapping your bicep, you look at both of them, “I’m good as new! I merely pushed myself too hard without the proper rest but now I’m as fit as a fiddle! Nothing to worry about, I’m as good as new!” You may have been laying it on pretty thick but you also aren’t some helpless mule. It was a moment that you were weak and it won't be happy again you promised.

“Helena, watch over her. I don’t need her injuring more of my soldiers.” With that the Admiral turned away, her heels clicking loud across the flooring.

“Yes, Admiral!” Helena called out with a final salute.

Leaving the Admiral and the Bridge far behind, you and Helena turn down a few corridors, with no idea on where you’re heading as you’re thinking too much about going down to the Planet. You pass the med bay where Dr. Lyle is placing a bandage on a howling trooper, he lifts his head and gives a brief wave. A few people muddle the halls but it’s not overtly packed as many are at their assigned duties.

“'re coming down with us?” You weren’t thinking about it but you had an inkling Helena had something to say about it. I mean, if the shoes were reversed would you be happy if it was Helena coming down with you? Yes and no, you thought. For many reasons, but the primary and main reason for the ‘no’ bit is that is she really fully healed? Can she handle herself? And the fear that someone else happens to her. Of course you’re talking about yourself but you’re trying to see it from Helena’s point of view. You wou;dn’t be overly ecstatic either.

“That’s the plan. Unless you don’t think I’m fit enough.” It wasn’t a question. You’re sure she doesn’t think you’re fit. Moons Hell, it was only yesterday that you flipped out and attacked everything thinking they were some giant ugly Sandarian. That’s not somebody with a sound mind. A sardonic internal laughter resonates in your skull.

Helena looks you up and down then shrugs like maybe you are and maybe you aren’t. Helena has always been one of trial by fire. If she really wanted to know If I was capable she’d probably have me spar with her or something of that nature.

“You look pretty good to me.” She adds. And just like that, the mission disappeared and the ghost of Helena’s phantom hands found their way around your heart.

“Pretty good? Only ‘pretty good’? That’s like saying, ‘ya, you’re alright’. Like what the hell is that!?”

“Hahaha, no Nel. You are, perfection, absolute masterpiece, one I plan on cherishing.”

And just like that she claimed your heart right from your chest, and you didn’t even want to fight her for it. She’s always had your heart, but now it’s something of a reality and it feels right. Like it was meant to always be, but you no better than to get ahead of yourself. Fairytales are great and all but only in story form, in reality they tend to have a darker, disastrous ending. So, keeping your hopes up but trying to be realistic you smile at her charming expression.

You both laugh as you turn left at the end of the corridor, a sign above read cafetaria. Moving through the alcove you entered an open lounge area littered with tables and chairs. The room was packed with those trying to get their meals and those that are hogging the tables while they slowly ate their own. People milled around conversing, eating and enjoying each other's company.

“Nellita! Helena! Over here!” Sorn calls from one of the tables against the wall. His glasses slide down his nose as he quickly scoots them back up with his middle finger. His short wavy brown hair and his boyish good looks, you’d always wondered why he hasn’t found a girlfriend yet. Though it’s not like you’ve known him for long, he is extremely nice and friendly. Maybe you're surprised that he doesn’t actually seem to have any friends you notice. You’ve never seen him with anyone except just you and Helena.

Sorn’s voice rings out above the raucous crowd making him easy to spot within the mass of heads. You and Helena both shrug and head over to join him.

In normal attire, he’s in his blue uniform with a tray of food placed in front of him. He smiles widely when we take a seat at the table.

“Good to see you again, Sorn.”

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to see that you're ok.” He says sincerely.

“I’m glad you're safe too.” Helena rolls her eyes and turns to you, evidently giving Sorn the cold shoulder.

“Want me to grab you some food?” She asks, a little roughly. Does she hate Sorn? Questions rose but you wanted to ease her irritation.

You wink, “Don’t get me anything gross. I hate that synthesized glob, it’s gross and I really feel like it’s a living organism and that’s strictly a ‘no-no’ for me.” Sticking your tongue out in mocked disgust.

“Haha, oh my god. Nel! It’s just pudding!” You have a history of the pudding they serve on Titanus. It’s gross, bouncy and always feels like it’s got tentacles crawling out of it. Not to mention it’s slimy, more slimy than any ‘normal’ pudding you’ve ever had. You look at her incredulously with wide eyes.

“You call that pudding!” You blurt. You point to the green, brown abomination drooping on Sorn’s food try. Helena scrunches her nose up.

“Ok, well the coloring is questionable, but the taste, Nel! You have to, it’s pretty darn good.”

“It wasn’t good before, it wasn’t good then, won’t be good now, and sure as hell won’t be good after, nor in the future.” Raising your hand in the air you stick your index out to make a point, Never-will-I-ever-be-seen-eating-that crap! It needs to be airlocked out and whoever is the one charge of ordering food supplies for Titanus!”

Sorn interjects as he pushes his glasses back up the bridge of his straight nose. “It has all the nutritional value that your body nee---” Your eyes swivel to his slowly. Narrowing a death glare you point at him.

“I.Will.Hurt.You.” Sorn blanched and looked away finding something else to focus on.

“Alright, stick in the mud. Let me go grab some stuff. Be right back.” Helena left to grab you both some food. Taking a seat across from Sorn you popped an elbow on the table and perched your chin in the palm of your hand. You watch as Helena blends into the crowd of people disappearing from sight.