Chapter Forty-Six

“You can lower your weapon. It’s me, Nel.” Rudderwick breaks through the smoke. He gets a glimpse of Helena and turns to you snarling like a rabid dog.

“What the fuck happened!?” He demands.

“Sorn, that’s what happened. He came back and shot Helena and killed Kaltia.” Rudderwicks face went through a myriad of emotions; Confusion, disbelief, sadness, then it morphed into anger and finally acceptance.

“I’m going to kill that son of a bitch!” You snort.

“Good, get in line. I’ve got my first go around. After what he did to Hel? I can’t let it go.”

“And we won’t let it. He just pissed off the wrong group.” He looked down at Helena with concern. “We need to hurry and get her a doctor. I’ll carry her if you could watch Minka.”

“Minka?” Looking around you don’t see anyone else and you saw nobody else come out with Rudderwick. “Wait, what about Brock?” You ask, though you already have a feeling you know the answer.