Chapter Forty-Seven

“I would have been lost you know.” Rudderwick sits down next to you and for once you can see compassion in his eyes.

“You’d feel that way, but you wouldn’t be. Because Helena is too stubborn to die. And you are too stubborn to let anything keep you down. She pulled through and ‘WE’ pulled through due to your quick thinking. But, now we need to plan.” Despite the roughness in his voice, Rudderwicks reassuring presence and voice became an anchor that gave you something to ground you, calm your shaky heart and place your sporadic mind at ease.

“We need to figure out Sorn's motives. Like, why did he betray us? Me and Helena have noticed he has been different recently but didn’t think anything of it.”

“When you were imprisoned by the Sandarians he was against your rescue. He thought it was pointless and since we had the cube we should have cut our losses. Slimy bastard that one is. You never leave a soldier behind. Never.”