Part 2

Breaking news: Two super typhoon are about to land fall in the Philippines.

"And another problem is about to hit us hard! We just had earthquakes and volcanic eruption, that should be enough for this year. Pass muna ang Pilipinas!" Said the head nurse.

"Someone might have put a spell on this land or something."

"Mico, this is what we call climate change. There's ain't no magic here."

"Or maybe because we are nearing the end of time." Said the med rep almost a whisper that is not audible to the Nurses.

"What did you said, Cris?"

"Uh, nothing. Hmm.. Is Doctor Elena in today? I came here to report that her patient in room 204 is now awake."

"Okay. I will page her then. Thank you, Cris!"

"Sure. Out na ko."



"Paging Doctor Elena Roque, kindly proceed to the nurse area."

Paging Doctor Elena Roque, kindly proceed to the nurse area."

"Paging Doctor Elena Roque, kindly proceed to the nurse area."


"Hi Nurses, what can I do for you guys. Tell me quickly as I need to run to the surgery room."

"Doc Elena, your patient in room 204 is now awake."

"Okay. Please put it on his chart. Thank you." She was about to leave when suddenly the face of her patient in 204 pops in her mind.

She grab the chart of the patient in room 204. She's right! He is the patient in coma.

"I need to see him." She declared.


"Hi! How are you feeling now, Sir?" She greeted the moment she opens the door.

No response.

She tilted her head to check if her patient is really awake. Well, he is fully awake but he look shock. His eyes are rounded and his jaw are about to drop.

"You can see me?" He asked looking directly in to her eyes.

His sole voice made her feel her own soul to twitch. It doesn't make sense but she felt the sense of serenity in his gaze. She feels warm and welcome. She never thought that she would ever feel the kind of connection that she is feeling right now. She was in awe that she momentarily forgets how to utter a word.

"Tell me. You can see me, right?" His voice is now with authority urging her to speak. "Oh! Hindi mo ba ako naiintindihan?" He said speaking in Tagalog. (English Trans: You can't understand me?)

A loud thunder creeps in and Elena took advantage with it. She tried to gain back her composure to focus on her patient.

"Y-Yes..I can..see you." She managed to speak, thanking the thunder storm that acted as her distraction.

"I'm your Doctor. My name is Elena. You were in comatose for three weeks, Sir. Can you remember your name? Or can you remember anything?"

"Yes. I'm Miguel and I know you." He answered with confidence.

"Of course, Sir. I just introduced myself to you. I'm Doc Elena." She said trying to be witty to buy some time so she could think of place or scene that has a connection with this young man aside from the chaotic scene he made in the hospital. She found nothing.

"I know. But what I mean is, I know you even before you become Doc Elena."

"What do you mean? Magkakilala naba tayo noon?" (ET : Have we met before?)

"You can say that." He said smiling.

"Where did we met?" She don't remember him. No matter how much she tries, she can't recall anything.


Viranna. Now it sounds familiar but still no memory of it.

"Glad to see you here on earth, Esther."

"Oh, sorry. I think you are mistaken. I'm Elena."

"Of course you are Elena. But from where we came from, you were called 'Esther'. You little brat. You made Father really furious when you left Viranna."

"Huh? What the heck are you talking, Miguel." The young doctor said, feeling confused. Then she realized something.

'Oh, dear! He just woke up from three weeks in coma. He is probably suffering from some sort of hallucination that leads to confusion.' The doctor concluded in her mind.

"No. I'm totally sane, Esther. He even locked the gates for years but eventually opens it just because 'he wants to'. Actually, we all know that He missed you. Father is waiting for you to return home."

"But this is my home, Miguel."

"No, Esther."

"Elena. I'm Elena." She firmly said. "I'm Elena, I have no other name. Just Elena." She said feeling frustrated in the situation. She is annoyed and frustrated partly because of Miguel's remarks and the other half is because of the nightmare she had since last year. In her dreams, someone is calling her Esther and as weird at it is, it really feels like it is real every time she wakes up.

He sighed.

"Viranna is home. Viranna is our home, Es--Elena."

"And where exactly is Viranna?" She challenge.

"There!" He said pointing up and smiling.

"See? Viranna is .." He suddenly stopped and his face is a bit puzzled while he was looking up.

Elena observed his gesture. It seems like he is lost.

Miguel felt disoriented when he didn't see the way to Viranna. He expected to see the gates but he saw a roof instead.

"Where is Viranna?" He asked turning his head to her.

"I don't know. You tell me." Elena said trying to tease her patient.

"No. I'm serious, Esther. I can't see the way to Viranna. What have I done?" He said trying to control his emotion.

"I don't know!"

"No. This can't be happening to me. What I have done wrong to Viranna and the King to have this kind of punishment?"

He cried.

"Oh. What have I done to deserve this." He said it repeatedly as he drown himself in tears.

Elena just stare at him not knowing what to do. She is battling in her mind if she should be calling the team to inject him some meds to calm down or to let him cry as she felt the need for him to do so.

"Esther.." He look at her still in tears.

"Esther, I want to go home." He said almost in whisper.

You betrayed him.

He recognize the voice but he knows that it is not Esther.

"Who are you?" Talking to the familiar voice.

"I'm Elena."

"No. Not you. The voice. I can hear a voice."

"Sir, relax. You are having hallucinations. Please relax."

"Who are you? I need to talk to you."

I'm your friend.

"Show me your face if you are a friend." He said raising his hand as a gesture to show his weapon. "Argggh! Where is my sword?"

"Sir are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I heard a voice. Maybe they can help me find the way to Viranna."

"You don't look fine."

"You know that I'm sane, Esther. Look at me. Please. Have faith in me just like you did before. Help me find Viranna so

we could go home together and reconcile with the King."

Esther look at him not knowing what to expect. She felt the sincerity and somehow somewhere deep in her heart she knows that she believes him.

"What do you need?" Elena asked.

"I need to talk to the voices."


"The voices. I need to talk to them."

"I don't know what you mean but I think we can start with a discharge paper so you can walk freely outside."


"And do you have a place here?"

"No. Viranna is my home since.."

"Okay. You can stay in my place until we found what you are looking for."

"Thank you, Esther."

She answer him with a nod.

"I know Father is still on us. He did not let me go astray. He let me found you and soon we will go home."

"Paging Doctor Elena Roque. Please proceed to the operating room.."

"I need to go."

To be continued..
