Part 3

Run and hide!

Save your lives and run to your deaths.

Fruit of forbidden love of the great Storm and Wind.

Destruction and blood is on their tails.

This is the tale of Reli and Aeud.


The city lights becomes dim as the storm approach to the great city of Trimor. The sound of thunder roars like a hungry lion and flashes of lighting continues to over power the night sky. An extra ordinary storm is about to land and no one is ever prepared to what has to come.

"Why are you here Reli and Aeud?" Miguel whisper silently as he reach his hand to the glass window. He knows how much destruction these two brothers will cause to the land.

Reli and Aeud are powerful monsters of the sky. Their power can vanish one hundred cities and they can make the rivers flow with the blood. The anguish of humans will be heard through out the nations once they land to this distress city.

What can I do? What can I do to help this city?

Aside of the two brothers dancing and causing a huge havoc in the air, a woman in red lavish dress is also floating and singing in the center of huge clouds.

He looked closely and recognized the lady in red dress.


"Help! Help me!" Said the voices in his head.

"Lucy? Is that you my good Tresi?" He asked loudly in his head.

"Yes, my Knight. Please help me."

Now he knows why the particular voice sounds so familiar to him. It is the voice of his Tresi (teacher). His mind races to think and formulate a strategy on how to save the people as well as the most trusted head teacher of Viranna.

He has no power nor a weapon to take charge. He is now weak and powerless as to compare with the Reli and Aeud who guards the moon and sky.

"Your power is in your core, my dear Knight. You need no weapon to defend against these monsters."

"My core. Yes, I still have my core!" He exclaimed. The flash of light glitters the wind and his core appear on his side.

His core is his soul.

A soul that has a power that runs from the blood of the King.

A core is his true form and nature.

"Go ahead and save the lady Tresi. Come back here with Lucy. Tame the monsters of sky for me." He said.

His core flies to the sky and immediately conquer Reli and Aeud. The brothers were tamed and they were put into sleep. There was silence for a moment before a heavy rain started to pour. The great storm was stopped but the mourning of defeated brothers resulted to a heavy rain.

Miguel did his best to save the city. He did his absolute best for everyone but the duel caused harm to some humans and all other living. The world is unfair and cruel to the poor humans and animals that doesn't have shelter and home in this time of heavy rain. It also caused some flooding to low areas that added misery to the poor. The Knight's heart is devastated to see them in this situation. His eyes searched for the shields that they built long ago for them. Mountains and rivers are created as shield to save them to this kind of event but the mountains were destroyed and rivers are polluted at this age that even the best design are unavailing at this point.

Miguel also cried with them.

I did my best.

Lucy landed to an unfamiliar place after Miguel saved her from the two brothers. The truth is, she just want to get rid of them. Without the prying eyes, she can move freely without any hesitation. Her plans will be safe and she can execute them without her twin brother's knowledge. She conned the Knight and uses his heart against him. She knows that Miguel can not resist the urge to help others so she tricked him...for a good reason.

"Thank you so much, Miguel. I'm terrified to death. They will surely tear me down if it wasn't because of you." She said faking the sobs and the tears.

"No worries. I did what I had to." The Knight said.

There were a long pause before he started to ask questions.

"What are you doing here Head Tresi? And why you asked for my help against Reli and Aeud? They should be harmless to us. What they're doing here in this city? Did this city sinned that they were being punished? But then, why are you with them?"

The questions were thrown like a rapid fire. She can not answer them all without being tangled with her own lie. She can knit a lie but she knows she can not stand it like her brother. Theus can make up story from a whole different narrative without even a blink of an eye. While she can only manipulate details as a power of a head teacher but bearing falsehood is not on her best forte.

"Tell me, why are you here Lucy?" He asked.

"I'm so sorry, Miguel. My head is spinning right now." The Head Tresi quickly improvise and touched her head to show that she is not on her best self to answer these questions.

Miguel sensed that she is hiding something so he pushed on questioning her.

"I have no time of playing games. Tell me right now, why are you here?" He said firmly.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?" He frown.

"I don't know my Knight."

"Lucy...are you here to cause harm and chaos? Did you bring them here with you to cause pain to my people? " Miguel's eyes are filled with anger as the head tresi continue to stay low and quiet.

"Tell me now or I will punish you!"

Lucy kneel down to him and bow her head as she burst in to tears.

"My sincere apologies my dear Knight as I can not remember why I'm here. I think I lost my memory during the great war. I can barely remember anything after the first ever encounter. My last memory was when I packed my things to join the war." She said in between of her cries.

She dared to look up when Miguel did not utter a word to response to her. His eyes are directly looking at her.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Please believe on your Tresi my dear Tortudi (Student)." She begged.

He turn his back and said the words that he never thought will hunt him down.. forever.

"I believe you, Lucy. I trust you."

To be continued...