Part 4

"Who are you?" The voice of Elena echoed the small room.

Miguel is standing in the corner while the unknown lady is kneeling down the floor. She don't clearly see them in black silhouette but she is definite that there is a stranger in her house.

"Pasdi, Lucy." Miguel said and the woman stand in an instant as if she heard a command to do so.

"What are you guys doing?" She said feeling flustered and confused of what is happening.

"My apologies. We didn't intend to intrude into your home here on earth but we don't have anywhere to go." Miguel said.

"Wait. Do you know her? I thought you said that you have no relatives here?" She said as she reach to light switch to lit the room.

"Yes, she is Lucy. She is also from Viranna." He said before he turn to Lucy and casually introduce Elena to her. "Lucy, she is Elena. I know you already know her but here on earth she is called Elena."

Lucy nods and smile at her.

"Hello. Nice meeting you, Elena."

Elena felt weird when Lucy smiled at her. She feels that she is hiding something behind those sweet smile and that made her feel uncomfortable and skeptical. She suddenly felt the need to build her guards up and become highly sensitive of everything.

"Damn! What are you up to? Do you want to scam me or something? I don't have money nor a bank account. I'm just a regular citizen that can barely get by. I'm a doctor and it sounded really cool job but how I wish that it also pays well too but it doesn't even pay that much. I can't even afford to buy my own house." She said making two steps backward away to the strangers.

"Elena, you don't have to be afraid. We have a clean conscience. We mean no harm to you or to anyone. We just need a home to stay for a while as we figure out how to get to Viranna." Miguel said to intervene.

With the words and assurance of the Prince, Elena feel secured and even tho she don't feel good with Lucy's presence, she will still let them stay. She trust Miguel's words. She submit to his authority.

"I'm sorry, Miguel. I trust you but I can't trust her."

Miguel smiled at her and tap her shoulder.

"Trust her just like how you trusted me. She is my mentor." He said looking directly to her eyes.

She nod her head but deep down she still feel uneasy with Lucy. It is ironic how she trusted Miguel so much but feel doubtful with her given that

they are both stranger to her.

"Do you believe in Viranna?" She was startled when she heard Lucy's voice again. She sound really sweet but her voice give chills to her body.

"Yes." She answered but quickly withdraw her answer. "I mean, No, I don't. I don't believe in that none sense."

"None sense? No. Viranna is real. Do you want a proof? I can give you a proof if you let me." Lucy said plastering a devilish smile on her face."

"What are you trying to do, Tresi?" He said trying to block her way to Elena but she passed him and moved on to her way.

"Elena, do you want to see Viranna? Are you ready to see Viranna?" She said trying to challenge the doctor.

"Yes. I'm excited to see." She said firmly without any hint of hesitation. She is truly looking forward to see Viranna. She is curious and part of

her is seeking for the truth.

"No, you don't have to. Please reconsider your answer. I don't think you are ready to see the truth and Viranna."He said but Esther is firm to her decision and turn to Lucy with full confidence.

"So, what now? Show me Viranna."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay. Just for a record, I gave you a choice and you said yes." Her devilish smile is back. She knows for a fact that what is about to happen will

wreck the heart of Esther. The good doctor will definitely loose her mind.

"Yes." She answered again and then Lucy snapped her fingers.

And just like that, Esther's memory of Viranna return to her senses. Her vission become blurry and slowly she passed out. Miguel swiftly move and catches her before she fell.

"Lucy, What have you done to her?" He exclaimed.

"Well, I opened her consciousness and revealed her memory of the past."

"But why?"

"I did it because we need her. She will be useless without her memory. Now, she can help us find our way back home, Miguel. She is our only key for now."

"This is unfair. She doesn't know. You tricked her."

"No, our highness. She used her free will. She made own choice."


"Bravo my little sis! Bravo!!!" Theus said as he slowly clap his hands exactly three times before he reach a glass of white wine.

Theus is not happy.

He just received the news that his servants are now dead and her sister is now on earth. He trusted Aeud and Reli to take care of Lucy but his sister is truly wicked that she made him believed that everything is under his control but the truth is far from his expectation. He is mad that he underestimate the Knight. It seems that his sister knows about Miguel's core and she lied to his face. He is known to be sharp and wise to determine the risks but he got fooled by his own sister. He feels like he got slapped and punched on his gut because of this betrayal.

He dislike the fact that Miguel and Lucy are now together. He is mad that the two are now closer than he is right now. His jealous heart is fueled with his pride and own insecurity but he refuse to acknowledge them so he claps one more time like a real lunatic and laughs like he just won a lottery. He continues to laugh and dance as his attempt to calm himself but he have failed. Out of frustration he throw the glass of wine in the floor and shouted like a mad man. His voice echoed to the whole kingdom.

"You want to play with me, sister. I will give you the fun that you want. It will be fun. It will be very very fun." He said in the most chilling and dreadful voice that is ever heard in the Kingdom.

You will regret this, Lucy. You promised that you will be back to me and so I will take you back..

He stare at his reflection from the broken glass and smiled

to be continued...