Part 5

Free will is a gift.

Good or bad is a choice we make.

The consequences of our choices is on us.

Do not blame it with the gods.


Miguel is looking at Esther while the latter is peacefully sleeping. He can't help but to feel amazed on how she is coping up with everything. She has been on earth for a very long time, she felt the pain of humans and the longing of her heart didn't change anything from who she is inside. She is still the Esther he know. He value her deeply before in Viranna and now he value her more because of her bravery to face the truth of her past.

"Sleep tight, Esther. We will find our way home soon. Your sufferings will end at home." He whisper before he tucked her in the blankets and left the room.

Elena felt the warmth of Miguel's gesture, the thoughtful gesture of the Prince alone made her heart forget all the pain and hurt she is feeling inside.

"Father, I'm sorry. Please take me back home. Lead us back to you, my King."

Tears fell down on her cheeks as she sleep.


"Do you think she'll be okay anytime soon?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, I think so." He said as he sat down next to Lucy.

He quietly tried to contemplate the choices Esther made in the past. Its been a long time when she left Viranna and all this time he thought she made a good choice. He did not know that she had suffered this much. She is in so much pain here. He is actually surprise that she still have the will power to survive it.

He heave a sigh before he utter the words. "I thought she is living a good life here. I thought she is having a blissful life away from us. She left her life in Viranna. She left everything behind just to suffer here on earth?" He asked trying to ponder the thought.

Lucy looked at him and shrugged her shoulders. "To be honest, I thought she is dead already. In my mind, she is dead the moment she step out the Kingdom without her pendant."

"Everyone seems clueless about it. No one dared to ask any question about them ." He said referring to some Malak that chooses to step down and leave Viranna on their own. These Malak are the faithful and humble servants of the Kingdom that made a special request to the King.

No one really knows what was the premise of the request or any details around it.

The mystery will be revealed soon..

"But who would question the King? HE IS THE KING." She said putting sarcastic tone in her last sentence.

"Yes, Indeed. He is the King." He said ignoring the unusual tone from his Tresi.

"Lucy, what if they are here on earth? What if some Malak that we know is here on earth. Maybe they can help us too. Or maybe some want to

be home again. What do you think?"

"It can be true. The fact that Esther is here on earth after so long then others might be also here somewhere." She said looking outside in the vast of the city.

"Let us find them all." His voice mirrors excitement and joy but Lucy dislike his idea.

"No, I don't think that its a good idea. We are now in our human form, Miguel. It is physically impossible to find them all. Maybe we can see some but not all.""

Miguel eyes becomes gloomy as he acknowledge the truth in Lucy's statement. One thing that makes him sad is when he can't do anything for the good of all. He used be the one to do the best deeds that benefit to all but now that he is a human makes him feel less as individual. He suddenly felt that he is not deserving to be the next King to have full authority.

"Do not be discourage. There is still hope. I'm here to help and serve you, Prince Miguel." She said gesturing a hug to the Prince.

"Thank you, Lucy. With you and Esther with me felt like Father did not completely abandon me. I still hope that what I'm here for is for a mission and not for a punishment." His voice cracked as he try to held down his emotions.

They hugged for a while.

"My Tresi, do you still have your pendant?" Miguel asked innocently. His voice doesn't sound accusing or doubtful on anything but his calm voice made Lucy panicked. She break into the hug and faces sideways to avoid his gaze.

"I--I don't have it. I lost it somewhere. I forgot where it was." Lucy said trying to be careful on what to say next. She can't say that she have her pendant.

Malak's pendant is their soul. Their soul will guide them to their home and it serve as a special device to communicate with the King. It symbolizes their loyalty and trust to the Kingdom. For as long as the pendant is connected to its owner, they are also connected deep in Viranna and to the King.

"You lost it? How come you can still use your powers?"

"My powers? Do you mean the thing that I did to Esther?"

He nods waiting for her explanation. He notice the anxious look of the Tresi.

"It is not from my pendant but from my core." She said with awkward smile.

She lied. I know she lied. But why?

"I did not know that you have a core, Lucy." He said in still calm voice. Her reaction gave it all when she suddenly stand and acted that she is not feeling well again just to avoid the conversation so Miguel quickly improvised. "Go ahead and take a rest. I'm glad that you also have a core.

Your core will help us a lot in our journey. Sleep now and we still need to move tomorrow once Esther wakes up. We have a lot to do in the morning." He said giving her a sweet reassuring smile to make her feel at ease.

She also smiled back and excused herself to sleep.

Father, who should I trust now? My Tresi lied to me. She never lied before. Please help me my King to this journey. Bless me with your knowledge and wisdom, my King.

To be continued...