Part 7

Guard your heart, my child.

Do not let your heart bear a wrongful desire.

Do not let your lips slips in lie.

Do not lose your soul for your heart.


Before the war begins...

In the Kingdom of Viranna, where the beautiful flower of poinsettia is starting to bloom and all the other plants are swaying and dancing. All Malak are preparing for a festive night that is about to happen. Everyone in the Kingdom is joyful and hopeful for this wonderful night.

"Follow me, Son. I have important message for you." The voice is warm and gentle. This the voice of the King of Viranna. "Come to my chamber as soon as possible."

Miguel heard it and immediately followed the King. He left what he is doing and went to the King's chamber to serve His Majesty.

"Father send me your message and I shall follow." He said the moment he saw King Abbott on His mighty throne.

"You are the most obedient son of mine. Viranna will always be thankful to your service."

"Le su Viranna" He said humbly. (Lesu Viranna means "Everything is for Viranna")

"These are the names of Malak that you need to capture in the next one hundred days. These are the Malak that have sinned and needs to be thrown in Gina-a."(Gina-a is the term used for prison in Viranna).

"I will keep this in my mind. I shall return home with them." He bowed as he exited the King's chamber.

For one hundred days, he lead the flock of Malak to obey his King's command. He believed in him and he was rewarded by the greatest gift. His core. He is the only one that received this gift as thecore is the highest reward that anyone can get in Viranna. He is the only one that deserve this kind of recognition. Everyone on the kingdom rejoice as they sing for praise for their rightfully Prince of Viranna.

" Long live Viranna."

"Long live, King Abott."

"Long live, Prince Miguel."

The day was joyful and festive. Everyone is dancing and the music is soulful in the kingdom. A good day of Viranna means a peaceful day to the earth. On this day, on the surface of the Earth, all humans and animal lives at peace and harmony. The harvest is bountiful and no man starve that night and no tears had shed. Everything is perfect, thanks to the Prince of Viranna that serves justice and peace to the whole nation.


Present times.

A gunshot was heard in the distance followed with screaming from the people inside the mall. The scene becomes chaotic as people starts running around in fear that the gunman is nearby and might hurt them. With what is happening around, Miguel saw a glimpse to his past that reveal about the war. The memory is still blurry but one thing is for sure, that noise trigger something on him that he is curious to know.

"Lucy and Esther, I need to go inside." He said running against the flow to reach the origin of the noise he heard.

"Hey! Wait!"

"We will come with you. You must be careful. You are in human form now." Esther reminded him as she also run along with him.

" I just need to find something. You don't need to come along" he said. But they still joined him fully aware of the risk and responsibilities of what may happen.

Miguel did not expect that they will still follow him given the consequences and so when he realized that he have them on his back is an assurance that he will not fight alone in this battle. He has the healer and his Tresi on his side.

They have reached the center of the building where the mad gunman is shooting everywhere not aiming anyone in particular but he is causing a huge chaos in the building.

"Be careful Prince Miguel." Lucy said as he anticipated a heated fight when she saw the face of the gunman.

"Hello, my friend in Viranna." The gunman said in the most chilling and scary tone as he throw his gun away and showed his real weapon instead.

"Is he a Malak too?"

"Yes he is!" He said recognizing the face of his Father's servant. His appearance may have changed but the Prince know his people even in their different form.

Malak when reborn in Earth becomes "normal" human like in appearance but their soul will continue to live and look the same as he is in Viranna. That is the reason why Miguel recognized Esther the moment he saw her even though it has been a long time and she has been reborn several times in different form here on Earth.

"Oh! You came. Here is the Prince of Viranna. Are you going to punish me to gina-a, huh?"

"Put down you weapon." The lady in fancy dress said as command.

"What if I don't?"

"Then you will be punished." He said as he gesture his hand to get his weapon as if he forgotten that he doesn't have it anymore.

The man mad stared at him waiting for his punishment that did not came.

"Is that it?" He looked dismay that he did not received the punishment. His face shows that he really wanted to get slaughtered and he is willing to face the consequence.

Is he waiting for my febla to serve and punish him? (Febla means justice weapon. This weapon is used to cleanse the soul of the sinner. The wound that caused this weapon is painful and it can break a thousand of bones and can crush a flesh,)

"Where is your weapon? Give me the punishment! Make it 100. I deserve to be punished." He shouted desperately.

Prince heart melted when he saw the mad man's lonely eyes. He is suffering from all the pain and he just wanted to be cleansed with all his sin. He saw a sinner but he is a sinner that is willing to do whatever it takes to be forgiven and be accepted again.

"I don't understand. What is he trying to do?" Elena is confused and can not seem to phantom what he is saying. Who in the right mind wants to be punish? Maybe he is really out of his mind.

"Do you know the words that is coming from your mouth? A hundred times of punishment will crush you." Lucy said on the other end.

"Stop. Do not utter any more word. I need you all to be silent and hear my words. I will take charge of this." Miguel said in attempt to control the situation. He face the man and slowly approach him.

"We will find the gate in Viranna I will help you ....." He wasn't able to finish his sentence when a gunshot is heard again and the madman drop to his knee. The shot is coming from the police that is watching them. It was a movement from a man's hand that calls the shot as it seems like he is reaching out a knife on his back when Miguel is approaching him.

"Help me." He shout trying to run near him but that signaled the police to shot him again.

Elena screamed as the madman drops again but this time with no sign of life.

"No! Don't hurt him" He shouted and tried to come near the body but the authority drag him away from the scene. His eyes becomes blurry with tears and the last thing he remembers was the face of Lucy smiling in victory in front of the poor dead body of his used to be faithful servant of the Kindom.

To be continued...