Part 8

The sound of siren and the busy steps of reporters and media crew dominate the noise of the busy crowd in front of the shopping mall where the mass shooting happen earlier. There were 19 injured from the gunshot and stampede . There are 3 reported dead including the gunman that was identified as Lemuel Escuedero, a former military man that suffers from trauma as he was deployed in different mission and have encounter multiple cross fire when he was in service.

In this busy crowd, there was Miguel sitting in the corner. He just finished giving statement to the police. He answered questions based on the facts of the Earth as Elena warn him not to give details about Viranna at this point. He was tempted to tell that Lemuel is not crazy. He wanted to say the truth that the gunman is a former servant that his memory awaken because of the trauma, that is why he acted mad and crazy.

"Oh! There you are!"

He looked at Lucy and he instantly got angry as he recall her cunning smile. He doesn't have any basis or evidence to connect her from this tragedy but he cannot contain his burst of emotion. He grab her and with his furry eyes shouted. "How dare you! Tell me what have you done!" His eyes ignite flame as his anger continue to boil.

"What do you mean? I just got a coffee." Her voice sounded very confused as she tried to get away from his hand.

"You know what I mean." His voice has now become more like a growling tiger that is ready to take his prey.

"Miguel! Calm down!" Elena runs toward them and tried to break them to cool down a bit. Her touch made the two feel weak and that made them both feel dizzy.

He went to a bench nearby and sit while Lucy tried her best to maintain her balance.

"You two what are you doing?" She just done giving her statement to the police and was surprised to see that the two almost killing each other.

"Well I don't know. I just went to offer you a coffee. But if you don't like coffee then fine! What so grumpy about it? I'm off now." She walk out of the scene with the starbucks coffee in her hand.

Elena and Miguel was left in the bench side. He is not speaking nor moving. His eyes is wandering around, an indication that he is on his thoughts.

"I don't know what is going on but I'm here for you." She said.

Her words made him feel warm and he felt the sincerity on her. He loosen up a bit and gave her a gentle smile. "Thank you, Esther. Also, I'm sorry that my emotion got the best in me. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. I understand." she smiled back.

There was silence in a moment before he speak up again.

"How did you do that?" He asked her. His eyes is looking at her as if he is trying to find the answer to his question in her eyes alone.

"What do you mean?"

"How did you manage to come back just fine after you saw your past."

She looks away in a second and he saw her lips form a happy smile before she said, "Well, I don't know. I guess because not all things in the past are bad. There are also happy memories that I cherish and that I'm glad I remember the all."

"But you have cried a lot." He sound amused and confused at the same time.

"Yes. That is because I experienced a lot of things here with no barrier and no clue of whatsoever. So I won my battle with tears." She shrugged her shoulder.

He nod his head in acknowledgement. He may not understand her way but he acknowledge that her way of battle is also commendable. He admire her heart and he always appreciate her.

"Now I understand. I'm always curious what happen to all of you here on Earth. Tell me, is my thought correct?"

Elena looked at him and she assured him with a lovely smile.

"Yes. Unlike humans that live only once, we live and rebirth each time the energy and balance is created. I have lived multiple times and each time is different. I experienced war and catastrophe but I also experience valuable human connection and my faith in humanity remains every single time that I rebirth."

"How you build connection if they will eventually die?"

"That's the magic." Her eyes glitter in excitement. "That is the magic of human race. And maybe that is the reason why King loves them so much"

Human connection. What is that for?


In a luxurious brand store in Makati. Two strange man wandering around. They look royalty as they dressed differently from everyone else but no one dare to stare of look at them.

"Master, what are we doing here? And why did you unleash the beast?" said the servant of Theus, as accompany his master by carrying his things.

"What do you mean of why did I do that? Did I already said that we are here to have fun, right?" He giggle before he continues with full of excitement in his eyes. "and maybe cause a little trouble on the side too," He laughed like a lunatic and picked another limited shoe and pass it to Lucas.

"Master, do you have any possession with you in exchange of this valuables? It seems that we need what they call money to get this things." He said doubtful and worried at the same time.

"Oh! Great! You are quiet smart, Lucas. I'm impressed."

The servant smiled. This is the first time he was called smart by his master. In fact, this is the fist time he ever get compliment from Theus.

"So, do you have money?"

"No. I will sold you in exchange of this." Theus said with a huge grin in his face.

"What? No! Master"

Theus laughed hard as his servant sweat in fear. He love to see fear and most especially the fear of innocent eyes.

"Master, Lord! I will give you my life. Just don't sold me to anyone." He said kneeling down.

"But you life is already mine, right? That is why you become my servant. Do you have anything else to offer?"

Lucas thought for a while and answered "I will do everything that you asked."

"Is that so?"

"Yes" He firmly said and stood up in front of his Master.

"Alright then. Can you bring this for me, please." He showed a picture to him.

Lucas become hesitant at first but he accepted the command as it is because of fear of his life.

"I shall find her and and come to you as fast as I can, my Lord."

"That's great!" He grin again and reach the luxurious clothes and shoes in Lucas hand. "Then go ahead before I sold you here." He whisper and just like a lightning his servant disappear.

He laughed again and slowly approach the cashier counter and take some cold hard cash in his pocket.

"Hello my lady. I love this brand. All chick and classic." He smiled boyishly.

"Thank you sir. You have always been the highest paying costumer in our store."

"Am I? That's good to hear. That's when you know how much I love fancy and beautiful things. Do you have anything in mind tonight? Do a sound of five star Hotel dinner good to you?" He said clearly hitting on the lady.

The lady smiled and said yes as if she's been mesmerized with Theus.

To be continued..