Wife Sent From Heaven !


Anantha Sarma aka Major Sangram Singh came out of his reminisces and looked fondly at his daughter. “Yes, dear?”

“How did you meet mom?” a smile crept onto his haggard face transforming it instantly to a charming one making him look 20ish. Let’s go back with him thirty years into the past.


Recall the traditional house of the Vedantham family with the fortress like security wing, the servants’ quarters, the hospital wings – human and veterinary etc. This house today wore a festive look as the entrance was decorated with colourful Rangoli. The two banana shoots stood guard on both sides of the main door while the threshold of the door had been decorated with turmeric and kumkum. Mango leaves had been strung up and tied to the main door.

“Kumar! Where are you?”

“I am almost home father. Just a few minutes more.”

“Have you got everything?”

“Yes father. I have everything you wanted.”