Once everyone had finished training and doing runs we had all migrated inside. People dispersed in different directions and I went looking for Stephanie. I wondered into the kitchen but only found Clarisa in there bossing the other ladies around. She was trying to help them prepare dinner. I don't think they really wanted her help but she was going to give it anyway. I smiled and walked back out and up the stairs towards the rooms hoping that Stephanie would be in her room. I wanted to talk to her about a few things. I knocked on her door and waited for answer. After a few seconds with no response I opened it carefully and pocked my head through. The room was completely empty as I looked around. Geez she was messy I laughed to myself. Her bed wasn't made and her dress from the night before was still lying on the floor. I stepped back and closed the door shaking my head. I sighed as I looked up and down the hallway thinking. I randomly decided to try my room but of course she wasn't in there either.
I walked back down the hall and took the stairs that led to the main room. I finally spotted Stephanie just as she was walking out the front doors. "Stephanie!" I called out to her but she didn't hear. So I jumped down the last couple of steps and ran after her. I reached the doors and slowed down to a walk as I stepped outside. I walked away from the doors and looked in both directions. I saw her walking in the direction of the forest. I hope she didn't plan on going out there on her own. I ran over to her and gently grabbed her arm. "Stephanie." She stopped and looked at me. "Serenity. Hey how are you going?" I smiled at her gently. "Please tell me you weren't planning on going out there just then?" She sighed heavily. "No I wasn't, I promise. I just came out here to think, really." She said looking at me seriously before looking back out at the forest. I let go of her arm and stepped up next to her. Ours arms were touching and she leaned her head over on my shoulder.
"Serenity, what happens if tonight doesn't work? What if he doesn't take the bait?" I rested my head against hers and held her hand for comfort. "Then we try again, and we keep trying until we get him. I'm tired of running and hiding from problems Stephanie and I won't let that happen to you. It sucks. We will stop him even if I have to personally hunt him to the ends of the earth." She laughed lightly at that. "I don't think your mate will be too happy if you had to do that." I smiled. "Well too bad, he can suck it up and help." She lifted her head up and laughed harder. I felt good to hear her laugh again. I started laughing with her which felt even better. That's how Blake found us, laughing like two crazy ladies in the middle of nowhere.
"Did I miss something funny?" He asked as he stepped up next to Stephanie and took her other hand. "Serenity plans on dragging her mate to the ends of the earth protecting my innocent." Stephanie stated to him with a straight face. Blake looked absolutely stunned. Stephanie and I burst out laughing at his face. "Wait...What?" he asked confused. "It's ok Blake your completely safe I promise." I said to him while still laughing hysterically with Stephanie. "Right... Well when you two have finished earning a one way ticket to the pack doctor, everyone is being gathered in the council chambers." That sobered us both up quickly. We nodded and I let go of Stephanie's hand as Blake led her back towards the house. I watched them walk away slightly and looked back at the forest. I was deadly serious with what I said. I was done. No more running, no more hiding from now on I would actually stand up and save myself...And the ones I had come to love.
We walked inside and I saw people heading up stairs to the council chambers. I walked faster to catch up to Stephanie and Blake so I wouldn't get lost. I still hadn't got used to where every room was so it was easier to follow others. I had managed to work out where the rooms but that was still mostly a fluke, and I had also worked out how to find my way from the rooms to the front area. My theory was walk in the direction I wanted and hope for the best. So far it had worked most of the time but I was sure at some point it would fail me. I followed them up the stairs and down a hall where I could see others entering a room. We walked in and I spotted Clarisa but couldn't see Keith. I walked over to her and she smiled at me. This room wasn't as large as some of the others and I assumed that it wasn't really meant for holding this many people but the older Alphas needed to sit down and I noticed a map on the table that covered the house and surrounding grounds up to the edge of the forest.
"Alright everyone, quieten it down...Now!" Noah boomed from the head of the table. "You're all aware of what we are trying to accomplish tonight so let's run through the plan. Keith and Marcus have come up with designated areas for everyone to be and remember to keep your scent down we need to stay in human form right up to the last minute. Keith, Marcus." He said and gestured to them as he stepped back. They stood up together and I gasped quietly. So he was Alpha Marcus! The mountain of a man that had appeared at all the right times was Alpha Marcus. I watched him as he slid the map closer to him and Keith. "Right, Blood moon will hold the outer most limit here and here. Crystal moon will be holding down the next line over here and here.' Keith nodded at then pointed at the next area. "River rush will hold down here as they have the next largest number of wolves with them currently. Black rock will hold the line opposite over here." They nodded in unison. "The council and there guards will be holding down the entrance to the house here and here so the girls have a place to run straight to as we close in behind the rogues. The aim is to trap them between the house and the forest. We can't let them slip back through or all this will be pointless. The women will be just inside the doors with Clarisa. Clarisa will be placing chants on the door so that only pack members will be able to enter but we still need to try and stop any of them from reaching there understood?" Marcus said looking at each of them in turn. Everyone mumbled responses as they looked at their positions on the map.
Keith looked at Stephanie then over to me. "You girls will head out twenty minutes after we all go and get in potion. We need to hide your scents so it doesn't draw the rogues out early and they see what we are doing. Clarisa took some of your clothing earlier and left it far out behind the house so hopefully if there was any hanging around watching they won't see anything." We nodded and I looked at Stephanie. She was starting to look frightened. I was ready for this though. Keith started to fold up the map. "Let's go." Marcus said to the room and everyone started moving. People started moving out the door and I walked with them towards Stephanie. She was clinging to Blake's arm tightly. I stopped and wrapped my arm through hers for extra comfort. Blake looked at me and nodded. He needed to go as well as much as he didn't want to leave Stephanie. "Honey I have to go." He said gently and she let go of him. She turned more towards me and I guided her out of the room. "Come on lets head to my room." I said leading her down the hall.
We reached my room and I walked her inside. I used my heel to kick the door closed as we walked in. I led her to my bed and we sat down with her finally letting go of my arm. "What if he gets hurt?" Stephanie asked staring at the ground. I was confused for a second then realised she was talking about Blake. "He won't. Blake is strong and fast so he will be fine. I'd be more worried for any of the rogues if they try to get to close because he is going to tear them apart like they are nothing." I said smiling trying to lighten the mood. A smile flicked across her face for a second. "I'm serious though, he will be fine. He's an Alpha Stephanie so they don't stand a chance against him or any of the others." She smiled at me sadly. "I can't help but worry. He's my everything and he's been looking after me since everything started. If he was to get hurt because of me I don't know what I would do." I lifted her chin and looked in her eyes. "You would do what you had too. You would destroy who ever hurt him and you would make sure that he healed so well that you could spend the rest of your life protecting him too." She smiled and I saw tears start forming in her eyes. "Thanks Serenity." She said chocking up and wrapped her arms around me as she started crying.
We sat back on the bed talking for a little until Stephanie's eyes glassed over a little and she went quiet. "They're ready. Mum just linked me to let us know." I nodded. "Umm...Do we shift up here or outside?" Stephanie smiled at me. "You're not allowed to shift inside the council house Serenity so we have to go outside. Don't worry mum has spare clothes for us for when we get back." That made me feel a little more relieved but I was definitely going to tear my clothes because I wasn't taking it off to shift. We walked out of the room and closed the door. We headed downstairs again with knots in our stomachs. We knew what the plan was and we knew that there were more than enough men out there to protect us but then there was also that small amount of doubt that made our stomachs turn. What if we weren't fast enough? What if the rogues themselves had set a trap? What if there were more than we could handle? All the questions had silently gone through our heads and I'm sure they had also gone through men's heads outside.
We reached the front door and Clarisa was standing there waiting. "Ok girls, when you get back you will have to give me a moment to drop the spell otherwise Serenity won't be able to enter, also don't worry about shifting back before you enter. Your clothes will be over there behind that screen so shift there. And lastly...Be safe please? I want to see both of you back here in one piece alright?" We nodded at her and she hugged us both tightly. We walked out the door and on to the grass. "You ready?" I said looking at Stephanie. "Yep, let's do it." And we both shifted. Shifting was getting easier and easier each time. This time round I just thought how I wanted to be in my wolf form and it flowed straight out. We walked away from the house and started into a jog towards the forest. We cleared ground rather quickly and as we neared the forest I looked around for any signs of danger. We slowed to walk as we entered the forest.
The forest was quiet like it had been expecting us which made me a little uncomfortable. We walked further into the forest towards the river listening out for any signs of other wolves. We reached the river and I looked towards Stephanie. "Maybe we shouldn't drink just in case this time?" She blinked at me. "Agreed, maybe just lie on the ground and wait a little?" I thought about it for a moment. If we lay down it would make us slower to react when it came time to run. "Maybe we could just walk along the river a little?" Stephanie thought about it for a second then looked in both directions. She nodded in the direction that would lead us towards the back of the council house. We didn't want to walk too far out of line with the front of the house though so we only walked really slowly. "What if they don't show up?" Stephanie asked. "Then I guess we go back." Stephanie huffed at the idea. We were now level with the back of the house so we turned around and started to head back.
We had almost reached our original spot when I heard a growl just behind us. I glanced back to see yellow eyes moving towards us. I stopped and looked quickly to see if there were anymore eyes. There wasn't but that wasn't to say they weren't far behind. "Stephanie."She stopped and looked passed me at the eyes approaching us. As the eyes got closer its body came into view with them. Stephanie took a couple of steps back to me so we were closer together. More low growls started coming from around us. I looked at Stephanie. "Get ready." She stepped to my other side so that she would be closer to the house. The rogue in front of us snapped and Stephanie stopped moving. The longer we stood still though the closer they got. I looked around us then looked at Stephanie. We had to do something and quick. I braced my front legs and looked at the wolf in front of me. "Stephanie, run...Now!" She looked at me then turned and ran as fast as she could towards the house. The wolf in front of me snarled and launched himself at me. I swung my body sideways to avoid the hit and spun around as he stopped and turned to face me again. Snarling at me still he looked off to his sides and then back at me. The heard the other wolves moving quickly as some took off after Stephanie but the others came straight at me. Surprised for a second I got hit by two wolves at the same time and rolled across the ground. I rolled myself back up onto my feet and jumped up in the air just as another wolf ran at me.
Yellow eyes snarled at me and charged himself as the other wolves turned back lining me up again. I needed to move fast to avoid all three attacks. I moved my body sideways to the three of them and got ready to duck and run under yellow eye's attack. He was coming at me to high for my size which left his under area open. I waited until he was close enough then bolted. As I went under I lowered myself as close to the ground as I could. He must have thought I was going to jump again because he jumped slightly off the ground giving me more room. I felt a snap on my tail just as I cleared from under him but it wasn't high enough up to actually hold me. I ran for the house with them hot on my tail. Now I just needed them to start catching up to Stephanie and the rogues chasing her. I pushed my paws over the ground and felt the same warmth creep up my body getting ready to open my muscles to running faster the only problem was that would leave them too far behind. I had to hold back but we were gaining on the others in front of us.
I got close enough to the back wolf to snap at his heel as I passed him. Stumbled but got back up quickly. The fall drew the attention of the next though as I went to pass between them. They moved closer together to try and trap me in but I just slowed my pace slightly and went off to one side of them. One snapped at my heel but I put a bust of speed on to pass them safely. I neared the next one and got the chance to snap at his heel too but he dodged it easily and snarled back at me. It took a snap at my shoulder and I felt his teeth gently graze me. That would hurt later. I just pushed forward and reached Stephanie's side. I slowed to her pace so that I was running with her. "Come on Stephanie, we're almost there, just a little further." She was breathing heavily but pushed herself just that little more which helped us give a bit more space between us and the rogues. We passed what I knew would be the Blood moon pack's line and seconds later the Crystal pack. We just needed to make sure the last of the rogues had cleared the first line before the others would attack. I chanced a look back and just as I did the closest wolf launched at me. I yipped and rolled off to one side narrowly missing the teeth that snapped. "Serenity!" I saw her go to slow. "Keep running Stephanie, I'm fine!" She faced forwards and pushed herself forward. I had rolled back onto my feet so I rushed forward following Stephanie. Suddenly we heard yelping followed by snarls and loud growling. The last wolf had passed the Blood moon pack.
We had almost reached the council pack when that one wolf snapped at my back leg grabbing it successfully this time. I howled out at the pain but swung round and snapped back at him. Stephanie had passed the council pack and was almost safely at the door. My teeth hit home on his neck and I bite down hard. He let go of my leg and I pulled myself up into a defensive position. He snarled at me as I readied myself for his attack. He stepped closer lowering his head and opening his mouth into a wider snarl. I mimicked his steps watching every movement he made. I wouldn't defeat him on my own but I would hold my ground long enough. He was more than twice my size but there were wolves her still bigger than that. He lunged at me finally as he bared his teeth. I stepped around and lunged my teeth at his shoulder this time. I missed and so did he but his teeth still managed to get in a bite to my left flank. I spun snarling at him and lunged again this time using my height to my advantage and aiming lower. I hit home on his front leg and snapped my jaws closed. I felt it snap under the pressure of my teeth and he howled. I pulled back quickly readying myself again.
He stopped and watched me for a moment but in his anger and pain he lashed out at me again. This time I lowered my body to the ground and let him stumble over me and I grabbed at his back leg. I bit down hard like I did before feeling for the same snap in his leg as the front one. He twisted himself to try and get a bite at me and narrowly missed my ear. I let go of his leg and jumped back quickly waiting for his next move. He completely lost control and just flew at me madly with his teeth and paws. I managed to dodge a couple of the attacks when his teeth sunk into my other unwounded shoulder. I howled in agony as his teeth hit bone and then he was gone. I looked around getting ready for him to come back at me when I noticed him howling in the jaws of the black wolf. The wolf's teeth where sunk deep in the back of his neck just above his shoulders. I locked eyes with the black wolf and watched as he slowly crushed his jaws closed on the rogue's neck. I heard the snap in the bone as the rogue's spin broke and he went limp in black wolfs jaws. He dropped the rogue to the ground and approached me slowly almost like he was stalking prey. I didn't move a muscle, I didn't fear him. He stopped as other wolves approached us some dragging rogues in the mouths others just huffing and puffing from the exertion. I took a step towards the black wolf and his head went up looking at me.
Stephanie was suddenly standing next to me. "Serenity! Oh my goddess are you alright?" She sounded frantic and I looked away from the black wolf at her. "I'm ok Stephanie. Or at least I think I am." She knelt down by my side and gently touched at my shoulder. "You should come and let mum check your wounds just in case." He bowed my head at her and watched as she stood up. I looked back at the black wolf and he just stood there watching me. I turned away and followed Stephanie limping. My shoulders and flank were starting to hurt the more I moved but I wasn't going to let anyone see just how much.
We reached Clarisa and she looked at me shocked. "Go and shift back immediately miss so I can look those wounds over properly." She said pointing to where our clothes had been placed. "Stephanie go with her please while I check some of the others over, but bring her back to me the minute she's ready." Stephanie nodded and we walked over to my clothes. I stepped behind a screen and focused on shifting back. With the wounds it was harder than I thought. When my skin stretched it pulled parts of the wounds open again where they had started to heal. I slowly stood up straight and looked down at my legs. I had a couple of bite marks but they didn't look deep even though they hurt. I pulled a pair of pants on and grimaced as they slid up over the wounds. I tried to put a bra on but the straps would have sat straight across my shoulder wounds so I just slipped my shirt over my head with Stephanie's help.
We walked back out from behind the screen and looked around. There were a few people hurt but most of the wounds seemed to be only minor and were already healing. There were some men holding a couple of the rogues down on the knees. The rogues had been made to shift back and they looked extremely uncomfortable in their human forms. Stephanie was looking around and I assumed she was looking for Blake. I looked as well and spotted him standing with Keith. "Stephanie, over there." I said pointing him out. She looked at me and I nodded. "Go, I'll be ok I promise. I'll head straight to your mum." I said and she sighed relieved. I watched her walk away then started looking for Clarisa. I saw Brandon walking towards me with a massive grin plastered on his face. "Well done little lion." He said when he stopped in front of me. I laughed at him lightly while he looked at me with pride. "Thanks Brandon, but I'm pretty sure I was close to losing that battle until the black wolf showed up." His smile faltered for just a second but I caught it. "Hey you were still holding your own rather well considering you haven't been trained in anyway." I smiled. "And you do realise who 'the black wolf' is don't you?" he asked looking serious for a second. "No not yet, but I need to so I can thank him."I said. "You're welcome." A deep voice said from behind me.
"Alpha." Brandon nodded. I turned around and Alpha Marcus was standing in front of me. My eyes widened when I looked up at him and made eye contact. He stared back at me blankly. "I need to find Clarisa...So I'm just going to..." Brandon mumbled awkwardly behind me and I heard him walk away. "Alpha." I said and he took a step closer to me. "Yes." He said taking another step slowly closing the distance between us. I started to feel a little nervous. "I...I...Wanted to thank you..." He took one last step and we were almost touching. "You need to have your wounds looked at before they possibly get infected." He looked up past me then stepped back slightly before turning and walking away. Oh damn I wanted to die. I wasn't afraid of him but he certainly had a way of making me go to mush. I sighed and turned back around looking for Clarisa. I spotted her standing with Keith checking a couple of wounds on his arm.
I walked over to her and waited as she rubbed an ointment into Keith's wounds. I smiled when I saw him squint against the sting of the ointment. "Don't you even think about laughing miss. I'll deny any implication that I am a sook." He said with a smile on his face. Clarisa rolled her eyes as she turned to look at me. "Your turn sweet heart."She smiled brightly. My eyes went wide and I looked at Keith. "Yeah she enjoys this side of battle a little too much." He said as he winked at me. Clarisa snorted and swung around slapping his arm. "I do not. I just enjoy feeling helpful." She said as she turned back beaming at me. She turned me around and lifted the back of my shirt checking the wounds on my shoulders intently. "You did well tonight Serenity. I think we should try and get you a personal instructor to help build your fighting skills and you did well using your size against them. That was impressive." Keith said proudly to me. "Thanks and I would like that. It did kind of feel good being able to fight for a change instead of just running." Keith nodded in understanding.
Stephanie approached us with Blake. "Where did you two disappear to?" Keith asked. "I went with Blake to get some spare clothes for some of the wolves that hadn't shifted back yet." Stephanie said. "How are you feeling Serenity?" She asked me. "To be honest I'm starting to really ache." I grimaced. "Ok, I've done what I can for you sweet heart but some wounds just need time and a mate." Keith looked at Clarisa quickly. I caught the look and wondered what was going on there. "Thank you Clarisa." I smiled to her. "I'll take Serenity back to her room so she can rest mum." Clarisa nodded at her then looked back at her husband. I sighed as I turned around and walked with Stephanie upstairs to our rooms. I didn't have enough energy to push at people at the moment. I would ask Clarisa tomorrow what that had all been about.
We reached my room first and walked in. "Hey Stephanie, can you stay for a bit please." I said as I climbed onto my bed tiredly. "Sure, everything ok?" I smiled at her as I lay down and put my head on the pillow. "Yeah, I'm just...I don't know...Maybe I'm just tired." I said closing my eyes. She climbed on the bed and lay down next to me. "I know what you mean. I'm so exhausted I think I could sleep for a week!" I smiled at her with my eyes closed. "You could sleep for a week without being exhausted." I laughed lightly. I opened my eyes and she started laughing too. We laughed together enjoying the peaceful moment. "You're probably right Serenity. Hey? Thank you...Thank you for everything tonight." I looked at her softly. "You're welcome Stephanie. I'll always be there for you if I can." I reached over and hugged her tightly grimacing slightly as her arms brushed my shoulders. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" She gasped and pulled back. I smiled widely at her. "It's alright. Really. Reminds me that we are both still alive." I said and lay back on the pillow again.
We both drifted off to a deep sleep holding each other's hand. It was a comfort to both of us knowing that the other was there. I started to stir sometime in the early morning hours as my body realised that it needed to go to the toilet. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Stephanie still fast asleep next to me. We had let go of each other at some point which made it that little bit easier to slid off the bed without disturbing her. Standing up quietly I glanced back at her to make sure she was still asleep. I turned around and took a couple of steps towards the bathroom and cringed trying to hold in a cry of pain. One of the wounds on my legs screamed at my movements. I stopped and took a deep breath and forced myself to take another couple of steps. Each step I took felt like my leg was about to just tear right open. I placed my hand down carefully next to the wound and felt a dampness seeping through my pants to my hand. Shit. The wound had either not healed enough yet or opened back up with my movements. I stuck there for a moment having a debate with myself. Did I push forward or did I wake Stephanie for help? I decided to push forward because there wouldn't be a lot that Stephanie could do anyway.
I carefully supported my leg as I took each step closer to the bathroom which felt like it was taking forever. Finally I reached the doorway to the bathroom and stopped. I placed my free hand against the door frame and breathed as the burning from my wound radiated up and down my leg. I pushed of the door frame and took another step into the bathroom. I quietly closed the door before switching on the light so that it wouldn't disturb Stephanie. I looked down at my leg and saw the blood seeping out my pants. I was going to have to change them and throw the pants away afterwards. I used the bathroom amenities to help me make my way to the toilet. Once I reached it I sighed in relief. I slowly pulled my pants down watching my leg closely. I had t carefully peel my pants away from the wound on my leg. It looked horrid.
The area around the wound was bright red and inflamed. The wound it's self was open and blood was oozing from it. The skin was torn and looked like it was trying to peel back further as I moved my leg to see it better. I groaned in agony as I placed my hand next. What the hell was I going to do? I let go of my leg and went to the toilet first. After I finished I stood up carefully and pulled my underwear back up. I gingerly stepped out of my pants, whimpering at the pain as I did. I made my way slowly over to the basin and opened the cupboards around it looking for anything I could use to clean the wound and place over it. I found gauze and tap but nothing to clean the wound with. I looked around the room wondering if there was something in a different spot. I looked at the shower. That would hurt like a bitch but it would at least clean the wound.
I placed the gauze and tape on the basin and carefully stepped over to the shower. I turned the water on and made it a little cooler than I would normally have had it. I checked the temperature one more time before I started taking my clothes off. I looked back at the mirror to see if the wounds on my shoulders had started to heal. They had completely closed up which was a pleasant surprise but you could still see where the wounds had been and the skin was still red and agitated looking around it. I stepped into the shower carefully making sure to put my leg that wasn't wounded in first. The water ran soothingly down the one side of my body and I stepped further into the shower. The water started to run down my wound and I cried at with my hand over my wound. It burned as the water hit it. The stinging continued to build and I started to lower myself to the floor of the shower as tears run down my face faster. The pain was excruciating.
I sat on the floor trying to breathe as I cried in pain. The pain only worsened as the water continued to run over the wound cleaning it. I leaned my head back against the wall and closed my eyes crying still. I just needed to get through a couple more minutes then I could get back out. Tears kept coming and so did the pain. It had started to radiate up to my hip. I placed my hand against my hip and applied pressure trying to help ease it. It didn't help at all and I was starting to feel light headed from the pain. I tried to reach up and turn the water off but I couldn't reach the taps. That made me cry even more. I took a deep breath and pushed myself up off the floor so I could reach. My head rolled back slightly as I cried out in pain when I was finally on my feet. I braced myself against the wall and turned the taps off. I whimpered again and just gave up. I slid back down the wall slowly to the floor breathing rapidly. I straightened my leg out on the floor and put my back against the wall leaning my head back. Tears now ran silently and freely down my face. I couldn't move yet the pain was just too much. My head swam and I sighed as I felt myself slipping unconscious.
Marcus' POV
I woke to pain shooting through my leg and frowned. I didn't get injured. Then my eyes flew open quickly in realisation and I sat bolt upright in bed. Serenity. I flung the covers back on the bed and stormed over to the door yanking it open. I looked out into the hall and down towards Serenity's room. Keith, Blake and Clarisa were running towards the door. I stormed down the hall. "What's going on?" Keith looked at me worriedly. "It's Serenity. Stephanie woke to her crying out in the bathroom and now she can't get a response from her." I pushed passed him and into the room. Stephanie was knocking on the door calling her name. She looked at me. "The door is locked!" She stated as she stepped back. Blake grabbed Stephanie's arm gently and moved her further away. Others entered Serenity's room as I shoved my shoulder into the door and it flew open easily. I walked inside the room and looked around.
There was a pair of bloody pants on the floor and gauze sitting on the basin. I looked at the open shower and saw Serenity sitting on the floor leaning up against the wall. I could smell blood and walked closer to her kneeling down on the ground just outside the shower. Blood was running down the drain from an open wound in her leg. How the hell did she make it into the shower without help? "Clarisa!" I yelled and she stepped in looking concerned. "I need a towel quickly." I stated. She handed me a dry towel and I reached in wrapping it around Serenity. I lifted her up from the floor and into my arms. I pulled her close to my chest and held her firmly as I turned and walked back out of the bathroom. I stopped when I saw the number of men standing inside of Serenity's room and growled deeply. "Out!" Most of them ducked back out of the room fast only Keith. Black and Noah remained. I glared at Black and he just stared back at me. "I'm not leaving Stephanie so don't even say it." My eyes darkened with anger but I understood it. Stephanie was his mate and she was currently almost hysterical over Serenity. I walked past them to her bed and gently placed her down making sure to keep the towel wrapped around her completely.
I gently moved her leg so I could see the wound better. She gasped in her unconscious state so knew it must have been hurting pretty bad. "Clarisa is there anything you can do to steam the blood flow? If we don't stop it..." I didn't finish the sentence. Clarisa was at my side instantly. She placed her hands either side of the wound and closed her eyes concentrating. Slowly the blood ceased flowing and Clarisa opened her eyes looking at the wound intently. "I had to say it, but she has lost a lot of blood. I don't know how long she was out for or how long she will stay out of it now." She said looking back at me. "She needs you to help her heal." Keith said flatly from the doorway. "I know." I said looking at him coldly. If he hadn't wanted me to stay quiet about being her mate I could have already been here. A rumble escaped my chest. "It's too late now. What's done is done. Now we have to focus on giving Serenity what she needs to heal and that's you Marcus." Clarisa said looking at me sternly then to Keith and Noah.
Noah stepped forward looking at his granddaughter then looked to me. "You keep her safe Marcus because if anything happens to her I swear to the goddess I will find a way to kill you." He looked at me seriously. I nodded in understanding. I wanted to yell at him that she was mine to watch and protect not his, but truth was...She was his too. He had lost his daughter and now his granddaughter was here in front of him. All he wanted was to do for her what he couldn't do for his daughter. I sat down on the edge of the bed next Serenity as the others left the room. Stephanie walked over and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Please can you let me know when she's awake?" I looked at her. She had tears running down her face and stress lines showing on her forehead. She looked tired. "Of course. Go with Blake and rest."I said gently. I looked back at Serenity and sighed. What had she done to me? I was getting soft. I grabbed her hand and watched her for moment. I stood up and let go of her hand gently so I could walk around to the other side of the bed. I climbed onto the bed carefully and lay down next to her. I pulled her small form closer to me to help with the healing but also for warmth. I pulled the blanket around her for extra warmth. I stared at her as she sighed in her rest and rolled closer to my chest. I smiled slightly. She felt so right lying against my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and just held her.