Chapter Eight

Serenity's POV

I started to stir and winced slightly as I felt the tightness in my leg. I was Dry and lying in a bed with someone's arms wrapped around me. I tried to open my eyes to see who it was but eyes were so heavy they didn't cooperate with me. "Just rest, you need it." A deep voice said gently into my ear. That did it. My eyes flew open and I looked in to the face of Alpha Marcus. He still had his eyes closed and I just stared at him. Why was he here? "I thought I said to rest?" He said as he opened one eye to look at me. I opened my mouth to speak but a squeak came out instead. A smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. "Cat got your tongue huh?" I frowned slightly and cleared my throat. "No...I just need water." I said croakily. He opened both eyes and looked at me lifting his head from the pillow slightly. "I'll get it for you." He said and gently pulled himself free from me. I instantly wanted him back and I felt colder without him there.

He came back from the bathroom with a glass in his hand. He sat down on the bed next to me and held the glass out to me. I sat up slightly and took the glass from his hand. I put it to my mouth and took sip. The water felt so good going down my throat soothing the mild soreness that had been there. I passed the glass back to him. "Thank you." He nodded as he put the glass down on the bedside table. He walked back around the bed as I watched him. He sat back down and turned to me watching my reaction. "What happened last night?" I asked. I didn't remember much after making it to the toilet. "You passed out in the shower." He stated. I thought back and tried to remember my movements after going to the toilet. I remember having going to have a shower...I also remembered my leg... "Wait my leg!?" I said and went to move the blanket back to look at it. Marcus reached out and grabbed my hand. "It's ok for now. Clarisa stopped the blood flow and it's started to heal finally." He looked worried.

I decided to address the one thing that had been making me frustrated for the last few days. "Why are you here? Not to say I'm not grateful, but you just seem to always appear at the right moment... But then you usually disappear just as quick..." I said the last part quieter. I didn't know why but it made me feel a little empty every time he was gone. "You really don't know? You haven't worked it out yet?" He smiled kind of sadly but amused at the same time. "You were smart enough to work out how to use your wolf's size to your advantage, you were even smart enough to watch and wait for your enemy to make the first move so you could judge how to respond, but not this?" Now he definitely seemed amused at my expense. I crossed my arms and huffed a little. "Well I have been kind of distracted with trying to wrap my head around...All this." I said waving my arms around in exasperation. He was teasing me a little now.

He laughed adding to my frustration. I crossed my arms and frowned at him. Looking at me he sobered up a little. "I'm your mate Serenity. So I'm supposed to be there for you when you need me. That's why I've always shown up at the 'right time' as you put it." My eyes flew open in shock. I hadn't even thought of that. I mean Blake and Stephanie were inseparable and constantly touching. Clarisa and Keith were different but they had also been together longer but I still saw Keith bending to whatever Clarisa wanted or needed. I looked at Marcus and he was just staring at me giving me time to process what he had said. "Does that explain the sparks?" I slipped out. I blushed the second I realised I had said it out loud. Marcus smiled. "Yes and the comfort you felt at my touch." I nodded still blushing. "Is that also why I slept so well when I stayed in your room after I fainted at the dance?" He smirked. "Yes and why you slept so well after I brought you back to bed last night." I blushed brighter which made him smile more.

I had sat there thinking when I realised I had one more question. "Why didn't you tell me sooner that we were mates?" He got serious and his eyes darkened slightly at the thought. "I promised your grandfather and Keith that I would give you time to adjust to everything you were going through, but then things changed and...Well...To hell with them both."He said looking at me. I stared at him intently watching his face. I reached out and slid my hand gently down his cheek. He closed his eyes and turned his face into my hand placing his over mine. He held my hand there breathing gently into my palm. He let go and opened his eyes looking back at me. He grabbed my hips gently and lifted me up slightly onto his lap and held me against his chest. I closed my eyes and rubbed my face against his shirt snuggling in against him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me in place laying his cheek against the top of my head.

We sat like that for a few minutes while I enjoyed his warmth. There was a knock at my door and I pulled away slightly looking at it. "It's Stephanie." He said as he slid me off his lap and back onto the bed. "I promised to let her know when you woke up so I linked her while I was getting your water." I smiled at him as he got off the bed and walked to the door. He opened the door and a very tired looking Stephanie walked in with Blake close behind her. "Serenity!" She rushed to the bed and hopped on it right next to me watching out for my leg as she did. She pulled me into a tight hug. "Why didn't you wake me!? I could have helped you and gotten mum." She said worriedly. "You were so exhausted last night Stephanie that I just wanted to let you sleep, and I thought I would be alright on my own..." I said hugging her back. "Well you know what you thought right? You thought wrong." She said leaning back and scowling at me. I smiled at her. "I promise I won't do it again ok." She sat back. "Good because I would hate to have to kick your butt while you're vulnerable." She said shaking her hair out.

I looked over at Marcus how was talking to Blake quietly while watching me still. I looked back and Stephanie and her head was tilted with a big grin on it. "So you worked it out finally huh?" I smiled at her as I blushed. "Technically no. I had help." I laughed. Her grin got bigger and she crushed me in another big hug. "Congratulations Serenity. I'm happy for you...And well... Having one of the toughest Alphas is certainly going to be a bonus for you." She laughed. "I hadn't even thought of that..." My eyes had gone as wide as sauces. Stephanie's face fell a little. "What's wrong?" I shook my head. "I'll talk to you about later." I said as both men approached us. "We have to go talk with the rogues, are you two girls going to be alright?" Blake asked. I nodded and Stephanie bounced of the bed into his arms. I couldn't help but smile for them. Marcus came around the bed and wrapped his arms around me from behind whispering in my ear. "You are on strict orders to rest. No leaving this room until I get back ok?" His voice sent shivers down my body and he kissed the back of my neck gently sending sparks off all over my body. I felt him smile before pulling away.

I opened my eyes as he walked away not realising I had even closed them. Stephanie was smirking at me brightly. "Feels good doesn't it." She stated. I blushed. The guys walked out the door and pulled it closed. "Damn..." She laughed and jumped back on the bed. "I didn't know it felt that good Stephanie. I swear he could make me melt if he wanted to." She threw her head back and laughed. "Once both are aware of the bond and neither rejects it the bond just grows stronger until it results in mating." My eyes bulged at that. "Wait I thought you just got marked?" Stephanie fell back on the bed laughing hysterically. I slapped her leg. "Hey I'm serious here! Help me woman! Explain please?" She sat back up and composed herself. "It does but doesn't. When you first...well you know...Then he will mark you and that seals the bond completely. Once the bond is sealed it's like you feel whole finally." Her eyes glassed over as she remembered the feeling herself. I smiled at her face. "Ok, now what were you freaking out over just before?" She asked.

I sighed and dropped my head in my hands before looking back up at Stephanie. "If I'm Marcus's mate and... Well... Doesn't that make me the future Luna of his pack?" Stephanie's face eased as she realised."Yes it does. It's ok though Serenity you will make an awesome Luna, but for now just focus on you and Marcus and everything else will just fall into place like it's supposed too." She smiled comfortingly at me. I sighed and nodded. It didn't stop me from worrying but she was right. I needed to get used to idea of having someone in my life that wasn't going anywhere. I already felt like I was depending on him too much. I want some of my own strength back again. I didn't like relying on others, but maybe he could help me grow stronger. Strong enough to stand on my own two feet again without having to hide or run all the time.

Marcus' POV

I didn't want to leave Serenity now that I had told her, although I was surprise she hadn't worked it out herself. Blake and I walked down to the council chambers where Keith and a couple of the other Alphas were waiting. Apparently one of the surviving rogues had revealed something that left everyone on edge. We walked into the room through the open door and Keith was standing next to Noah talking quickly. "What's happening?" I asked as we approached them. Noah had a frown on his face and looked extremely stressed. Keith turned to me. "One of the rogues has started talking. Turns out he doesn't like shutting up really, but he mentioned something about the attack on your pack as you arrived here." That got my attention and I growled. "What about it?"Keith looked at Noah and he nodded. "The pack that attacked you and your mean enlisted the help of the rogues. Turns out the pack didn't want you reaching here. They had mentioned how they needed to weaken the council in order to wage a war on us. Apparently that meant trying to take you out of action so that it would be easier, but the attacked failed because they didn't account for the strength of your members...Or you."

I pulled out a seat and sat down thinking. "Why would they want to start a war that they weren't likely to win anyway, even if they had succeeded in eliminating my pack from the equation?" Keith shook his head. "We don't know. That's where we were hoping you could help. The rogues aren't completely stupid they know if you show up that you and your pack would be the biggest obstacle for them to overcome, so maybe the pack were under the same assumption. So do you think you can interrogate him to see if you can get more information out of him?" I nodded. "Alright let's do it." I got up from the chair ready to go down. "One more thing." Noah spoke. "They mentioned Serenity..." I looked at Noah and my eyes darkened. "What about her?" I noticed my beta move closer and a couple of the other Alphas guardedly. "They were supposed to take her along with Stephanie." My blood boiled and a low rumble started in my chest and built slowly in to a growl. Brandon stepped up to my side placing his hand against my shoulder.

I looked at him coldly. "Don't do it Marcus. Hold it for the rogue..." He stated smartly. "I want him. Now." I growled out between my teeth. Brandon looked over at Noah and stepped aside. Smart move. Noah turned and walked towards the end of the council room to a door that I knew led straight down to cellars. I followed closely wanting to taste blood. We reached the darkened room and I could smell them. The stench hit you the minute you stepped in to the cellar. Noah led me forward along the corridor to a door at the end. He opened the door and I caught a quick glance over Noah's shoulder of the rogue smiling cockily at him. I stepped out from behind Noah and his ace dropped.

The rogue stood up and backed up against the wall watching me move smoothly around the old man and closer to him. I stepped up right in front of him so that our noses were almost touching and I could smell the fear rolling off of him. "Why." I ground out at him and I could have swore they guy nearly went in his shorts. "I...I...Don't know." He stammered. I punched the wall right next to his head and some of the stone crumbled onto his shoulder. He glanced at it horrified quickly then back at me. "W...H...Y." I dropped the tone in my voice and he started to shake. "All I know is they wanted her! I swear I don't know why! They said if we could grab both do it and they would reimburse us for the girl!" My claws elongated out and I dug them into the wall so I didn't just grab his neck and break it. "Who?" He was visibly trembling all over now. "The woman! Blonde hair, sexy as hell but snotty attitude like she owns everything!" I blinked. "What about the Alpha?" He pushed back further into the wall. "No Alpha, just her and some goons!" I pulled my hand back and took a step back. He seemed almost relieved. I looked back at Noah and he simply nodded and walked out. "No! Wait..." He screamed as I turned around a slashed my claws deep across his neck cutting him off.

I pulled the door behind me and Noah passed me a rag for my hands. I took it and wiped them clean. "So no Alpha hey?" Noah looked at me. "Then who would be running the pack? A Luna can't do it alone." I stated. "She wouldn't be able to maintain enough control over all the male wolves." Noah nodded in agreement. "Unless she had enough loyal that could maintain a reasonable level of fear throughout the pack." I raised my eyebrows and nodded in agreement. "That would definitely be one way to do it. We need to find out more about this pack though." Noah sighed tiredly. "Let's go back upstairs and I'll give you what I know." I looked at him a little surprised. He turned around and walked away with me following him.

We reached the council chambers and he took a seat at the table. Keith and the others rejoined us waiting patiently. "The pack we are looking for used to be known as the Sentry pack. Their pack was built and formed on the peak of a cliff overlooking the ocean. The pack house was built tall looking almost like a Sentry tower...Hence the name. The last Alpha that I knew from Sentry pack was Alpha Dan...Serenity's father..." He said looking at me pointedly. A murmur ran through the men while I just looked back at the old man. "His wife...Well let's just say she was never going to willingly give up her position even when Dan's true mate came along. They already had a son so it was always assumed that he would have taken over the pack after Dan passed and I would be waging a guess that she is also the one behind the men chasing Serenity." I tilted my head thinking for a minute. "What about her son? Do you think he is aware of what she is doing at the moment?" Noah looked shook his head. "Be honest, I don't know. The one time I had met him, he seemed to be more like his father than his mother. The boy was close with his father and Dan absolutely doted on the boy. I would like to think he has no idea but who's to say what his mother has managed to turn him into since his father passed away." Noah said looking sad.

I sat there thinking about everything. If we sat here doing nothing Serenity would be in danger, if we took back to Keith's pack she would also be in danger. If I took her back to my pack I had a feeling my pack would temporarily grow larger. Then again maybe that wasn't such a bad idea... Maybe combining two packs and confronting the individuals as a united front could just get enough through to stop them. Then again it could also start a war I know for a fact my pack would tear apart anything that threatened the Luna...Hell I was going to tear apart anything that threatened her. We just needed more information on the pack first...Maybe someone scorned could get the information in exchange for a climb in rank...

I needed to put this forward to the council for support first and that needed to be done silently. "Noah." He looked away from Keith who had been speaking with him. "Can I have a word with you? In private?" Noah looked a little surprised but nodded in agreement. "Gentleman! Could you please give us the room for a few minutes please?" The other Alphas nodded politely and got up from the table turning to leave the room. "Keith could you please stay. I would also value your input." He looked amazed but agreed and sat back down while the others filed out of the room. Once the door was closed I turned and looked at them both. "No matter where we take Serenity she is going to be at risk and whoever is trying to protect her is going to be at risk too." They both nodded listening. "I also have a slight feeling that we could be solving your problem in the process to. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are working closely with the rogues considering we didn't find the leader amongst the group we got earlier." Keith frowned slightly. "So you think he could be hiding out with the pack? That wouldn't be a good combination for the pack members though. Rogues are unpredictable and don't follow orders."I nodded in agreement. "Yes, but they would certainly help with holding the pack members in line. They would behave simply out of fear of the rogues."

Noah had been sitting there just listening up until that point. "So what exactly are you proposing? Joining two packs together aren't really going to make a large difference against a pack that is also housing rogues." He stated finally. "I'm proposing sending a spy into their midst to find out as much information as they can. Numbers, positions, what the pack conditions are and Where the Alpha is or what's happened to him. From there, once the information is obtained we would confront them in full force which would force their hand into either submitting or...Simply war. The choice would be theirs really." Noah sat up straighter. "So you want permission to send someone into another pack without notice essentially?" I looked at him and blinked. "Exactly." Noah sighed heavily. "Normally this would be something that the council would discuss extensively...But given the circumstance I think it would be best to keep as little known by everyone else as possible. I give consent to doing so...But...The person going would have to be made fully aware of what they may be walking into and they would need to be adequately compensated once the task was accomplished." I nodded at him. "Agreed." Keith nodded as well. "I will also play a part in paying the compensation if it turns out that Stephanie's threat is in league with the pack."

Noah rose from the table. "Good then prepare your person and send them off Marcus." I nodded and Noah left the room leaving me seated at the table with Keith. "You are aware that this plan of yours could backfire, aren't you?" I nodded. "I am well aware. I need to have a chat with a lost Alpha." I said as I got up from the table and headed to the door. I needed to find him and see if he would be willing to help me. If he did that may just help him in the process as well as rid me of an issue that was beginning to get on my last nerve really fast. I walked out the door and pulled it shut behind me. I looked down the hallway in both directions and decided to try my luck in the front entrance. I walked down the halls and reached the flight of stairs leading down. "Brandon?" I linked as I started to descend the stairs. "Yes Alpha?" He replied quickly. "Have you seen Alpha Brody?" He was my only hope to securing inside intel. "Yes, he's just outside the main entrance talking with one of the council members." I smiled. "Good. Thank you." I closed the link and picked up speed. I wanted to catch him before he went too much further.

I bounced down of the last step and made my way to the doors. They were still open thankfully and I passed through them quickly. I stopped on the top step and looked around for Brody. I spotted him turning and walking back from a garden bed where the council member had been sitting. Brody looked like a storm had just lit up his face. Whatever the conversation had been about it obviously didn't end the way he had wanted it to. "Brody!" I called out as I walked toward him. "Marcus." He said nodding at me. "How can I help you?" I stepped up closer and we both stopped moving. "I was wondering if I could have a chat with you and get your advice about a few things." He looked a little taken aback. "Of course." I turned and gestured towards the doors. "In private if that's ok with you?" He nodded and we walked towards the doors to head inside so we could find somewhere a little more private.