So i apologize for being away for so long tbh i just feel like this story is a flop and I don't know if I should continue it! But here's a chapter anyway


Kim Namjoon pov

Few weeks later~

So what the actual fuck. These few weeks have been THE absolute worse I don't know what is going on and I don't understand why but Jin is ignoring me. What did i do.... well yeah i shouted at him and probably made him cry but an apology is enough for him to talk to me again ..... right?

Don't get me wrong I totally understand that this is probably my fault but i mean did i give him permission to ignore me hell no I didn't. And you might be thinking that i am whipped for him.... No absolutely not there's no way I'm in love with him it's just lust.

I was strolling through the corridors being bored without my jinnie but also Jackson had completely disappeared whats up with that? It's probably nothing. Until i pumped into a familiar looking gorgeous man that had been ignoring me for the past few weeks. Jin? Namjoon? We were both staring at each other like we were ere waiting for this moment to happen forever the despair we both holded in our eyes not to hug each other. But sadly the moment was quick to pass when Jin just shrugged and walked past me like nothing happened.

Did i really hurt him that bad. I looked at his back while he was walking further and further away from me. "Namjoon cmon man you were never a whimp go and do something about this" I tried to convince my mind.

JIN!!!  I shouted while running after him.

JIN!! LISTEN WHATEVER I DID IM SORRY!! Jin seemed not to listen to me and continued walking like nothing happened. Oh cmon Jin I know you can hear me!! Stop being scared and say something to me!! WHAT! he shouted at me what could you possibly want now Kim Namjoon he said with pure sarcasm. Answer me why are you ignoring me if it's about what I said that one day you know i didn't mean it i was just angry. Your not weak or useless your absolute stunning and the power you hold by just walking through the corridors make me weak!!

Jin stared at me for a while before saying something . That gives you no and i mean no reason to shout at me you understand. And oh and just a reminder the things that happened between us never happened Kim Namjoon don't talk to me ever again unless it's actually something I want to hear and not you're pity.

Namjoon was absolutely shocked never in a million years would he have thought that jin would just leave him like this. He never thought he would feel so heartbroken about something like this they were never together and I guess they never will.

I am a god damn murderer i shouldn't feel emotions about a random guy at my prison but... Jin was different he didn't care about who i was he loved me for who i am. Guilt was building inside of Namjoon's head the things he said and did and to end up like this ..... alone~

All alone with no one just like he was before jin came to his life. I hate that I caught feelings this is the worse feeling i have ever felt. I guess Jin went through the same pain that I'm going through now I wish i could just turn back time and tell him that he changed me and that I'm heavenly whipped for him and that .... i love him

But I guess he already changed his mind about me and I'm going to respect his decision. Hah who am i to tell him what to do I never even owned him we were never together and now i lost him. I started walking the opposite way Jin went to avoid contact between us.

I guess everything between us is over ....


But little did Namjoon know that a certain someone was holding his tear and pain after walking away with a rude comment that effected the person he loved.

Namjoonie i hope you understand I'm doing this for us you did nothing wrong I'm not sad about being weak or useless cause.... i know it's true just like now i just walk away from you burying all this burden in my mind... I'm sorry but please forget about me.


So ahahaha this happened 🙃