11 (SOPE)

So meanwhile when the Namjin drama is on let's get some sope shit up in here!

Next chapter will be a Taekook special!


Hobi!! Hobi!! Yoongi said while opening the sells door. The receptionist said that there's a package for you! "Hoseok what did you order?"Yoongi said clinging to Hoseok's arm! Cmoonnn~ Yoongi whined while jumping up and down. Kitten stop whining but trust me the package has something you will definitely like~

What could it be Yoongi though while walking Hoseok to the receptionist. Yoongi turned back and watched Hoseok talk to the receptionist before he got handed a big box.

Why is it so big? What could've he possibly bought? And why is a good thing for me?

Kitten? Are you there your spacing of Hoseok said while smirking at Yoongi. You know the faster you walk the faster you'll see what i got for you. But um Hoseok why would you buy me anything you know you should use your benefits for something more valuable! Kitten you do realize your the most valuable thing  I own in my life. You don't own me Hoseok I'm just your guard.... and a toy you can play with Yoongi said looking down. Yoongi really liked Hoseok well maybe more then friends he liked liked Hoseok more simply said he loved him but deep down Yoongi knew that this relationship would never work.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi who was deep in his thoughts.

"Oh Yoongi I know you love me and I love you too I actually love you funny isn't it but a real relationship would never work between a guard and a prisoner but that' doesn't stop me from having a great time with you, before they take me away from you"

Cmon Yoongi Hoseok said grabbing Yoongi's soft hand while dragging him to his sell. Don't think too much Kitten and you know your not my toy so stop saying it. Yoongi looked up at Hoseok who looked so excited while smiling like and idiot.

"Pffft how did i fall for someone like you" Yoongi thought while showing his gummy smile. When they entered Hoseok's sell Hoseok sat Yoongi on the bed and locked the door so no one would come in. Meanwhile Yoongi just stared at him wondering what was going to happen.

Aren't you excited Kitten we finally get to open the box i got for you. Hoseok sat the box on the floor and slowly cut it open with a knife Yoongi gave him earlier.

Wow they look exactly the same as the picture i saw. Kitten your going to look so cute~

Yoongi was cutely staring at Hoseok who was beaming with happiness. Are you ready Kitten to see what i got for you? Yoongi nodded his head while staring at the box.

Hoseok put his hands in the box and lifted something Yoongi would've never guessed there was. I-i...HOSEOK!! Yoongi shouted while covering his face with his hands.

"W-why did you buy that" Yoongi muttered in his hand still covering his face. Cause I know my Kitten will look so cute in it.

B-but it's so p-pink and.... i-i love it Yoongi said shoving his face into Hoseok's pillow. Awww your so cute kitten cmon please change into it i promise I won't look Hoseok said smiling.

It's not like we haven't seen each other naked already Yoongi muttered. Yoongi got up from the bed and picked the clothes from the box that Hoseok had got and started to undress himself while Hoseok didn't look as promised.... well maybe he just peeked but that's not dangerous.

I-I'm ready Yoongi said shyly while covering his cheeks. Hoseok turned around and was absolutely stunned what he saw the beautiful male with milky skin and skinny thighs was definitely turning him on.

You like it? Yoongi asked. I love it!

It was a cute light pink oversized sweater which made Yoongi have cute little sweater paws. It had matching stockings that had little prints of sunflowers on them.

I-i didn't think you like these type of things Yoongi said while looking at Hoseok. Well I knew you would look absolutely stunning in feminine clothes so i had to prove my questions right. I mean just look at yourself Kitten you are so beautiful I wonder how other guys didn't like you? I- i I don't know Hobi I guess when I told them I liked dressing in feminine clothes they all found it disgusting and said that guys shouldn't wear girls clothes.

How could they!! "Kitten remember this always even if one day will never see each other again just remember that be yourself dress how you want clothes don't have a genders don't let anyone get that into you. Just be confident and I'm sure you'll achieve great things in life" Hoseok said sincerely from the bottom of his heart while smiling. Yoongi on the other hand was a sobbing mess " Y-you are so nice Hobi how are you even a criminal i-i hope you achieve great things in life too"

B-but don't say things like if were ever going to see each other again i-i promise you I will never leave you even if it meant risking my own life Yoongi muttered while sobbing into Hoseok's chest. Awww Kitten Hoseok said patting Yoongi's back while he sobbed into his chest. But Kitten you have to promise me that you're never going to risk your own life for me ok Never. B-but why?

Just say it Yoongi!! Yoongi had never heard Hoseok call him by his first name this must be serious. I-i promise Hobi. Good Hoseok said while laying Yoongi on the bed

"You must be tired... cuddles?" Hoseok asked. Yoongi nodded his head and made space for Hoseok to lay next to him. Cuddles! Yoongi said while making grabby hands towards Hoseok. Hoseok laughing and said yes Kitten cuddles.

The whole day went by the two cuddling and sweet talking to each other until Yoongi fell asleep in Hoseok's arms while Hoseok grabbed his thighs protectively.

I promise Yoongi no one will hurt you on my watch~


Should i do a pt 2??

This was probably the longest chapter I have yet to wrote. Tbh I loved this chapter!! <3