Hi... here's the Taekook special I promised ☺️


Taekook pov

Taehyung was walking down the corridors while his tummy was grumbling

"Grrr Grrmmbb" shyyy Taehyung said while blushing a little out of embarrassment. I'm so Hungry he whined buttt Kookie said there's lunch currently so imma head there right now maybe even Yoongi and Jin hyung are there I haven't talked to them in a while. Hmmm I wonder what they have been up to lately well i mean Yoongi hyung has probably been with Hoseokie hyung obviously Taehyung said rolling his eyes they are so attached and Jin hyung... well he's a mystery I mean something is definitely going on with his prisoner?!

I hope they trust me enough to tell me about their problems. Am i not reliable... I promise i won't tell anyone. Huhh well maybe it's not me they are just shy... YEAH that's it! Taehyung was humming while walking towards the cafeteria. He opened the doors and immediately saw Yoongi hyung sitting in the corner being the introvert he is. Actually a lot of people think he is an outstanding person but.. I would say he's more of that shy kind. Aww he's so cutee!! But my first priority was food so Yoongi hyung has to wait.

Helloo!! Taehyung greeted the lunch lady with a smile. "Hello Taehyung dear!" She smiled back. Anything you would like? "I actually have something special for you here I took it just for you my dear" she said pinching Taehyung's cheek. Since you are my favorite. She handed Taehyung a piece of apple pie that had been served earlier but Taehyung didn't have the time to come eat back then.

FOR ME! Taehyung smiled. Thank you so much I was just craving for something sweet. Taehyung got his food and apple pie that the nice lunch lady had got him. Taehyung was walking towards Yoongi but got attacked by a pair of hands. Hi Kookie! Hi Bear he answered back. How did you know it was me bear? "

Oh Kookie I know exactly how your hands feel like" Taehyung laughed. "Well.. umm i was just about to sit with Yoongi hyun- OH LOOK WHAT THE LUNCH LADY GOT ME!! It's a piece of apple pie" Taehyung smiled at Jungkook. I can see that Jungkook said pinching Taehyung's cheek while admiring the beautiful boy in front of him. What's up with everyone pinching my cheeks Taehyung pouted. Soon I won't be able to feel my cheeks anymore! Sit with me please Jungkook asked. But Yoongi hyun-. Hoseok suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Don't worry Taehyung he's coming with us too that kitten is just a little introverted. KITTEN!! Hoseok shouted while going towards yoongi.

So? You sitting with us Bear. Um well if Yoongi hyung is coming I guess I could. Jungkook dragged Taehyung to their table where Namjoon was sitting alone.

Where is Jin hyung? Umm don't know I haven't seen him around Jungkook answered.

"But he's always with Namjoon hyung"

Oh that's weird Taehyung thought while he was being lifted onto Jungkook's lap. Kookie there are other people here! Shyy Bear nothing will happen if you don't attract it he winked.

Aish what am I going to do with you Taehyung said while smacking Jungkook's head.

Ouch that hurt bear. Sorry Kookie~

You must be hungry here take this Jungkook said while taking a scoop out of the soup they served today. "Open your mouth bear".

K-Kookie this is embarrassing Namjoon hyung is right there. But bear i have to keep sure you get your everyday proteins. B-but..

"No buts bear open your mouth" Taehyung slowly opened his mouth while Jungkook stuffed his mouth with delicious soup. Taehyung was on the verge of exploding the embarrassment he felt at that very moment was too much for him.

Are you embarrassed bear? A l-little...

I didn't hear you mind repeating that again Jungkook smirked.

"You heard me Kookie your just teasing meee!"Taehyung whined. I know I know sorry Bear you're just so cute! Am not! Yes you are don't deny it. Hmpp Taehyung turned his head away from Jungkook's teasing smirk. "Oh cmon it's just a little embarrassment it won't kill you" Jungkook continued to tease Taehyung.

Well it sure does feel like it could Taehyung said back. Omlll your so cute bear how did you even end up in a place like this you should be at a castle right now. How so? Taehyung said turning his head back towards Jungkook.

Cause you look like royalty~ Aishhh Taehyung said turning red again while smacking Jungkook's chest.

Now let's continue my bear has to get strong and powerful right! YES Taehyung shouted.

"My" The word that was stuck in Taehyung's mind. He really does love me a lot it makes me so happy Taehyung smiled in his mind. I just wish he would say something about it..

Bear? You okey your spacing out.

Oh I'm fine Kookie just thought of something. Mind sharing it with me Jungkook asked.

Oh it was nothing important Taehyung smiled.

"Well whatever you say Bear"Jungkook said while grabbing Taehyung's hand. But I hope if you have any worries or problems you need to tell anyone I'm here for you. You do trust me right bear?

"I wish I could tell you about my stupid little worries i have in my life but your just going to think I'm stupid"

Ofc i do Kookie! Your lying to me. W-what..? I know you're lying to me your not looking straight in my eyes. W-what no i do trust you! Not about that bear I know you have worries in your life but your too afraid to talk about them. Please don't be afraid I know I'm a criminal but i- I really do care for you and I hope you know that. I-...

You don't have to force yourself to say it to me bear i'll just wait until you're ready to tell me. Taehyung suddenly jumped onto Jungkook on hugged him tight. Kookie! Taehyung whined while tears were forming in his eyes. I do i do i have so many worries in my life and sometimes their eating me alive b-but I thought your just going to laugh at me for worrying about these stupid little things. Jungkook looked at Taehyung with empathy and wiped his tears with his thumb. Bear anything that is in your mind is important even the little things.

Ommm... you guys do realize I'm still here? Both boys turn their heads towards the voice.

Oh.. Hi Namjoon hyung!


Ngl I'm freaking proud of myself🥲

So next chapter were just going to continue through the story normally but i have absolutely zero idea what to write 😔