- A lot of cursing just saying!

Namjoon pov

I hate it.. i hate it so much. I have had enough I can't accept that the things between me and Jin are over and I know he can't ether so why... why can't he just talk to me and let me explain what happened. Why is he so afraid to tell me what happened i can still see the love in his eyes when he turns his head away from mine when our eyes meet. This is getting on my nerves. The more I think about it the more insane i go.  Also Jackson he's umm... acting weird I guess he's just been glaring at me but hasn't said anything. And I mean it pissing me of like man up and say something.

But back to Jin I know he didn't meant it. Yes I probably hurt his feelings but isn't breaking up a little bit too much. Oh wait we were never together... ahahah i see the problem now.


What am I going to do.

"Well shit Sherlock you guys don't even talk anymore you can't do anything." My mind said but my inner feelings just wanted to get this out of my mind.

As always i was walking to the cafeteria more pissed then ever and the first thing i lay my eyes on was Jackson sitting next to Jin. I see how this is now that he knows me and jin are arguing he decides to shoot his shot. Oh boy you don't.

"Namjoon calm down you can't do anything the things between you two are over"

Shut up stupid head I know that already you don't have to remind me. I walked towards our table where i see Hoseok and Jungkook already talking about some shit. I plopped down on the chair and left a huge sight.

What's up with you man you've been so depressed lately where's the Namjoon we know Hoseok asked with concern. Ahh I'm fine just some personal problems I guess. Sure doesn't look like it i haven't seen you eat something since last week Jungkook said. Well... it's um I guess me and Jin had a tiny tiny argument. Both of the boys look at their leader with a "what the fuck face" so your saying all of this for that boy?. It's not that boy Jungkook it's Jin!

So what your trying to say is that you love him.

"Love the word I thought i would never hear but here i am"

No no just a crush.

ARE FUCKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW NAMJOON YOU.. Hoseok grabbed my collar and pulled me closer. Your seriously saying you don't love him after you literally ditched your food your life for him.. I can't believe you.

Chill man Jungkook said and took Hoseok's hands of my collar. Well whatever you gona decide Namjoon you better do it fast cause someone else has the same idea. I looked to my right and boy trust me my anger was growing.

How dare he put his hands on what is mine. Jin looked so uncomfortable sitting there while Jackson was touching him. NO JUST NO! I don't allow this! "Sorry boys but I have to teach this jerk some manners" i said while leaving two confused boys behind me.

JACKSON! And what the hell do you think your doing? Touching something that's mine like that can't you see how uncomfortable he is. Well well well isn't it the one and only Kim Namjoon and what did I hear that he's yours last time I checked you two were never together. The tension between us two was rising and the whimpering Jin didn't help the situation at all. Leave him right now! I said dead serious. And why the hell should i? He said back. Oh it's so on!

Come at me like a real man don't be a fucking whimp. I'm going to beat your ass like the last time and get you straight to the hospital you dirty motherfucker.  Oh Trust me Kim I have gotten a lot better then last time that was just the beginning.  I would like to see you try.

We both launched at each other with full speed I could hear people screaming and calling security in the back but that was not my first priority it was beating this fucker.  I launched a huge ass kick in his stomach and he fell hard on his back. I could hear coughing from him but trust me this was just the start.

Better you say it looks to me that you've gotten worse. Before i could react a punch was thrown to my face. Shit I cursed and saw him standing in front of me. Shut you fucking mouth Kim the fight just begun. He went on top of me and started launching punches at my face. At this point i was bleeding bad but that didn't concern me it was the beauty next to us who was crying his eyes out. I grabbed Jackson's leg and pushed his legs of me while getting on top of him. You fucker I grabbed my fist and landed a punch in his nose.

STOOPP~ p-please stop

I looked to my side and saw Jin on his knees crying. P-please don't fight because of me!

P-please Namjoon don't he cried. I got up from Jackson and walked towards Jin. D-don't come closer he said. Jin?. No p-please don't come closer Namjoon. Jin please I won't hurt you.

I-I'm scared he said crying even more. It broke my heart it really did seeing him so scared of me. I bend down to his level and hug him tight. Jin it's ok Look I'm fine and Jackson well.. he fainted but he's fine. N-no Namjoon your not fine your bleeding. He said touching my cheek. It's just a little scratch Princess it won't kill me. Jin started crying again. Wait wait why are you crying I asked panicking.

YOU DONT UNDERSTAND HOW AFRAID I WAS... i-i thought he was going to kill you. Princess I grabbed his face you see that man right there he could never hurt me he's still weak. Jin suddenly jumped in my arms while crying his eyes out.

I missed you

I missed you too~


So I'm back with a new chap I'm sorry for the amount of cursing I guess i got into the role too much my bad 😂