So before yall attack me for not writing I truly apologize I definitely had a breakdown and my mind was blank.... also I was lazy so!

Oh and btw I'm sorry for this chapter I just felt like I needed to write this somewhere in my story so this is the time. And like I have zero clue if it actually works like this in real life probably not.

Ignore mistakes!

Enjoy :)


Bottoms pov

After everything that had been through Jin finally told his fellow besties what had happened between him and Namjoon. I mean it's not like wanted to HE HAD TO after all the commotion he and Namjoon caused that day in the cafeteria he definitely had some explaining to do.

I am so disappointed.. I thought we were besties Taehyung said looking at Jin with those adorable puppy eyes. God damn Tae stop looking at me like that it'll make me feel even worse then I already feel. But I'm happy me and Namjoon are talking again.... I mean it's not like that guys... I just have a tiny crush on him... well maybe it's a little bit more then tiny... or love maybe? Speaking of which were are the guys? Jin your ranting again the two other males responded at the same time.

Hehe my bad Jin said while scratching his neck.

But answering your question I heard the guys were outside working out or something Yoongi responded. Working out? We have a gym somewhere inside here? Oh no no the prison doesn't have money for that it's outside actually. Never been there but I heard it's quite a popular area here Yoongi said muttering. No wonder all these guys here have been getting buffer and buffer. But isn't it like +30 out there right now the guys must be in pain. Maybe we should bring them some water I'm sure their going to appreciate it. Uh that's a great idea Jin Taehyung said.

Time skip

We were currently carrying three bottles of fresh water down the corridor. Yoongi where was it again I think we got lost i said looking at the map that was pinned in the wall. It should be right here Yoongi said pushing two giant doors open reveal a outdoor gym.

Wow it's great guys..... guys? I turned around seeing Yoongi and Taehyung staring at something. Guys are you okey? what's going on over there why are you guys just standing there like some statues. I pushed them both to the side.... and boiii was I right these men were looking like snacks. Those tight ass crop tops make me honestly feel some type of way. How their biceps flex when their lifting the weights, the sweat that's forming on their foreheads from the hot sun that's radiating from the sky. Jin can you just shut up your inner gay is showing. Om.. guys we came here to give the water to them and not thirst... I mean I would gladly stay here to thirst over those god damn thighs-. Jin your ranting again. Sorryyy~

(Pictures will be on Wattpad if you're interested )

Tops pov

Yo hope you see who'd come see us. Hoseok turned around and saw Yoongi staring at him while his mouth was wide open. Ahh it's my kitten oh and also Jin and Taehyung. I have and idea! Tbh I'm not trying to sound annoying or anything but anything that comes out of your brain can not be a good idea Namjoon.

( -147 IQ Namjoon out here)

Cmon Hope we've been friends for a long time trust me a little bit will you. Just follow my lead.

Namjoon grabbed Hoseok's arm and dragged him to the bench press. Dude you have to be kidding me. Shyy watch and learn my boi. Namjoon laid down on the bench and lifted the weights.

(I have zero knowledge about the gym so excuse me)

He purposely picked the heaviest weights there were just to show how much muscles were flexing. It looked like his biceps were about to explode the sweat was dripping from his head and arms to the ground. And the little grunts he would leave after lifting it few times. He got up from the bench and lifted the rim of his tank top to wipe the sweat of his forehead revealing his tanned abs.

And boi was Jin is euphoria from the sight he saw. Those worked sweaty tanned abs of Namjoon's were quite a sight to take in.

Jin your drooling Taehyung said while wiping his cheek. Huhhh really i am Jin said covering his cheeks. That motherfucker did it on purpose didn't he well just you wait Namjoon.

Namjoon and Hoseok walked over to the guys who were standing in the shade so they would not get sunburned.

Hello princess~ it was quite a sight to take in wasn't it? Namjoon said while grabbing my hand and placing it on his abs.

W-what are you doing? Were in public.

So? I don't care princess I want everyone to know that your mine he whispered in my ear making my cheeks hear up.

You did it on purpose didn't you? Kim Namjoon?

What can i say. I like seeing you blush when you see me. It's a huge turn on.

Hello Kitten~ How are you? I see you got me some water awww how sweet of you I knew you cared about me. Hoseok grabbed the water bottle chugging it down. Might i say quite fast the water was spilling from the corner of his mouth to his neck. Making it look too hot to look at. Pleasee Hobi god what are you trying to do to me how hard is it to drink normally. Hehe my bad kitten i like teasing you seeing your cute chubby cheeks and button nose blush pink. God why so cheesy all of the sudden. But you have to pay for the coincidences.

(Dont worry I didn't forget about Jungkook and Taehyung)

Suddenly both Jin and Yoongi pulled their sweaters of revealing something the tops were not waiting for.

(Pictures on Wattpad)

Isn't it quite cute Namjoon Jin said spinning around. Very.. very pretty Namjoon answered grabbing jin's waist hard making it bruise a bit. But you know I don't like other guys staring at you so like a piece of meat Namjoon said whispering in Jin's ear. And~ I know what you're up to princess your going to get into a lot of trouble teasing your Daddy like this.

Who said you are my Daddy Jin said grabbing Namjoon's collar tight.


Two can play its game Hobi~ Wow what a snack you are my Kitten. Too bad everyone's here so I can't do anything. But I absolutely love the confidence keep it up Kitten. Hoseok grabbed Yoongi and placed him on his shoulder. Yahh!! Hobi let me down immediately this is so embarrassing Yoongi said covering his face. The more quiet you are the less people will see us Kitten!


Next chapter imma be continuing it from here and were going to see Taekooks pov also so don't worry.

I like low key exposed how fricking weird i am and what's going inside my head....